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00:00:00 - Pluggin Oil Wells

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HK: It was some kind of a fishing job. He could make a tool to fish it out.

HC: To fish it out, and he could tell you how to run it, and you could go out there and run it like he told you, and you could get your job done.

HK: Yeah.

HC: Now Chester (Chester Cushing), his son came along. Chester was equally as well with building the tool and telling him how to run it. Chester could take the tool out, and he couldn’t run it. He just couldn’t get ‘er done. But he could tell you how to run it.

HK: But he could tell you how to do it.

HC: He could build it and tell you how to run it, but he couldn’t go out and do it. And he, I plugged a well for Chester right south of Bristow there that he and his wife drilled.

HK: Did you plug that hole for him?

HC: I plugged that hole for him.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt talks in detail about the process of plugging wells and how many he had plugged while in business.

Keywords: Bartlesville (Okla.); Oklahoma Corporation Commission; cable rig; oil well; steam kettle tool rig

Subjects: plugging oil wells; oil wells

00:10:10 - Bristow's First Gas Well

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HC: And that’s what made the thing bad. But getting back to the oil and gas wells at Bristow on my dad’s place was the first gas well that was ever drilled around Bristow anywhere.

HK: And it supplied gas?

HC: It supplied gas to the City of Bristow.

HK: To the City of Bristow.

HC: And the cotton gins in Bristow burned gas from this well. And it, they finally, when a fellow named Wolfe and Freeland one or two others formed the Bristow Gas Company. And they used this gas from this well. Then Oklahoma Natural came in and they gave the franchise to Oklahoma Natural, then they didn’t use this little well anymore. But it was the first gas well in that part of the country.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt tells about the first gas well in Bristow being located on his grandfather's property east of Bristow.

Keywords: Bristow Gas Company; Oklahoma Natural Gas; Sand Creek; gas well

Subjects: gas well

00:12:21 - Life During the Depression

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HK: Well with the price gas is now, it makes it a worthwhile venture. Okay, then you went through high school and graduated from high school and worked with your father then between high school and WWII.

HC: Well, now, my father, I worked for him until the Depression. When the Depression came, why he had men with families that was on starvation.

HK: Right.

HC: And I had something to eat, and they didn’t, so, I didn’t work for my dad from then on. He kept the family men working so that they could feed their families.

HK: Right.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt remembers hard times and what it was like trying to live during The Great Depression.

Keywords: Oklahoma City (Okla.); Texas A & M College; oil boom; The Great Depression

Subjects: The Great Depression

00:15:22 - Car Prices

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HK: How’d you travel back to Bristow? Were you able to afford a car?

HC: I had an old junker. An old clunker.

HK: Your own automobile.

HC: Yeah, but then, you could go and buy a real good car for $300.

HK: Yeah. Right.

HC: Brand new Ford would cost you about six, six and a quarter.

HK: I have a receipt in the office where my father bought a Model-T Ford in Okemah, brand new, for $295.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt talks about car prices and his first car.

Keywords: Ford Model-A; Okemah (Okla.); Ford Model-T

Subjects: car prices; first car

00:17:09 - Influential Bristow Citizens

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HK: Well, do you remember as you were growing up, anybody else outstanding that you thought was an outstanding person at that time? With community spirit and all that sort of stuff. And certainly, Mr. Senter had community spirit or he wouldn’t have done anything like that.

HC: Oh yeah. He devoted his time, but at this time, he was like 70-years-old at the time he was doing this.

HK: Oh! He was that old?

HC: Yeah, he was 68 or 70-years-old.

HK: Yeah.

HC: Because, see, his sons is all dead, and I’m sure…I think he had one daughter. She’s pretty well dead. But getting back to the early day, Jim Jackson and Jim Fogle, they were merchants there. Farhas (Ellis L. Farha, William E. [Bill] Farha) were merchants. And they uh, fella named Grimes (Stimpson R. Grimes) had the furniture store there, Ford. Not the Ford Hardware there now. It’s his father. And they were all pretty good people. List, Old Man List (Lester M. List), his boys all come along about my age.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt recalls some of the most influential Bristow citizens back in the early days.

Keywords: Albert W. McMurtry; Earl Dwyer; Ellis L. Farha; Jim Fogle; LeeRoy McMurtry; Lester M. List; Mike Foreman; Stanley Henson; Stimpson R. Grimes; William E. (Bill) Farha; Jim Jackson

Subjects: influential Bristow citizens

00:19:40 - Father's First Truck

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HK: Do you remember, do you remember the year your dad bought his first truck?

HC: Yes, 1927.

HK: 1927.

HC: Yes sir. And it was…

HK: What kind of truck was it?

HC: It was a Chevrolet. And he bought that Chevrolet in 1927 and he hired, now here’s the switch. 1927 he bought the truck and he drove the team himself. Now he had a team that he drove and nobody touched those lines, don’t nobody touch that team. Nobody went up and got on that wagon.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt talks about his father's first truck.

Keywords: Dodge; Chevrolet

Subjects: first truck

00:21:23 - Team Horses

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HC: His team. And 1928 when he bought the second truck, he decided he would retire the team. And he drove the horses into the yard, unharnessed them, put them in the barn, and every day he cut one bushel of oats down. He’d feed them a bushel of oats of a morning and a bushel of oats at night and two bales of hay. And he retired them. And this was in 1928.

HK: I’ll be darn.

HC: He sold the rest of the horses, but…
HK: Kept that team.

HC: He kept that team. And that team from 1928, when I went over seas, one horse was still alive.

HK: Is that right?

HC: He was 34-years-old.

HK: Holy cow!

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt talks in depth about his father's team horses.

Keywords: Carney (Okla.); Ford T-Model; team horses

Subjects: team horses

00:24:45 - Brick Streets

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HK: Do you remember the old dirt streets, about where…

HC: Yeah, I remember the dirt, mud streets.

HK: About what year did they put those bricks down? Seemed to me like I asked Arthur (Arthur Foster) and Arthur wasn’t sure.

HC: I would say it was in, they started putting them down before WWII, I mean one, WWI. Before WWI. Now I can’t say exactly, but I would say there are some in there, some of those streets was in there in 1915 or ’16.

HK: Yeah.

HC: Because I was about four or five-years-old, and my grandad was hauling that sand in there, and there was a contractor, cement man in there by the name of Fielder. And if you look around the streets, you’ll see many…

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt remembers the dirt streets and when they bricked the streets.

Keywords: A. Fielder; Arthur Foster; brick streets

Subjects: brick streets

00:26:56 - Cotton Gins

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HK: Yeah. I have heard, and I don’t know how true this is, that at one time, and I don’t know what year this was, there were actually eight cotton gins in Bristow at one time. But that was before my time.

HC: Excuse me, it was…excuse me, now it might have been, I might have missed one or two, but to my recollection, I can count for sure…well, Abrahams had two, Kellys had one, and there was some other people had one. And then the one over there by your place.

HK: Yeah there was one across the street from my office, and one where John Bishop…

HC: Oh, Friersons, Friersons. Friersons had one.

HK: Friersons had one, right.

HC: They had the cotton seed mill there.

HK: I can remember five myself.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt and Harlan discuss all the different cotton gins they remember back in the early days.

Keywords: Anderson's Mill; John Andrew Anderson; cotton gins

Subjects: cotton gins

00:28:45 - Oil Supply Companies

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HK: Yeah. Do you remember how many oil field supply houses there were in Bristow? I remember National Supply Company was where Martin Pound Drilling Company is now. Oil Well Supply was immediately east of them across the railroad tracks.

HC: Okay, just north of the Oil Well was Republic and just, let’s see, across the railroad tracks from where your office is, the light company’s got a building there. Right across there was the old Frick Reid (ph) building.

HK: Oh Frick-Reid, now Jones and Loughlin (ph).

HC: Jones and Loughlin, Frick-Reid. Then down on first, there was three or four. I say there was possibly eleven or twelve.

HK: Oil field supply stores.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt discusses the different oil supply companies that were important to Bristow's oil history.

Keywords: Frick-Reid; Martin Pound Drilling; National Supply Company

Subjects: oil supply companies

00:30:02 - Railroads

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HK: Down where it started up there at Bristow. Started off of the Frisco.

HC: Frisco track at Bristow.

HK: Frisco track at Bristow, and there were supply houses along that railroad at the beginning of that then.

HC: Yeah, yeah, that’s right. And where old Sinclair place is there, Arco (ph) yard is there now, used to be an oil field supply store.

HK: It did. It was also.

HC: Yeah, it was also. Then along the railroad track there, there was pipe yards and supply stores, and I say there was eleven or twelve.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt remembers the different railroads and how they affected Bristow history.

Keywords: B.B. Jones; Drumright (Okla.); Jesse Allen; Nuyaka (Okla.); R.L. Jones; Sinclair Oil; Slick (Okla.); Tom Slick; Frisco Railroad

Subjects: railroads

00:33:49 - Tough Bristow Characters

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HC: That’s right. And on this, getting back to early day Bristow, there used to be a bunch of tough characters around here. Boy, I mean they was rough, rough individuals. And there wasn’t hardly a week went by that somebody didn’t shoot somebody or kill somebody there.

HK: Yeah.

HC: And back when the banks had to run on the banks right after WWI, my uncle’s father, his name was Inman. He was a rough old character, and he wore an overcoat summer and winter. And in them overcoat pockets, he carried two old thumb-busters. He and his boys, my uncle and his brother and the old man hauled their cotton into Bristow and sold it. And at the gins they took the money up and he did, he did business with the Yakish Brothers’ bank (Robert W. Yakish of Bristow National Bank). I don’t remember what that bank is, where the American National Bank used to be.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt remembers the tough characters that were around Bristow.

Keywords: Bristow National Bank; Robert W. Yakish

00:35:07 - Bristow Banks

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HK: Yeah, on the corner of 7th. Oh it was across the street from…

HC: Across the street from American National Bank.

HK: Right.

HC: There used to be four banks there.

HK: Right.

HC: On each corner had a bank. Now the First National Bank was here and, I don’t remember what American National Bank, it wasn’t American National Bank back then.

HK: Wasn’t American then, no.

HC: And the Yakish Brothers, I don’t remember what their bank was, and the other bank, I don’t remember it. But the Groom’s owned the First National Bank. That was where McMillian’s office is.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt remembers the banks located at 7th and Main Street.

Keywords: A. Fielder; American National Bank; Robert W. Yakish; First National Bank

Subjects: banks

00:39:33 - Judge William H. Herman, Uncle Billy Freshour & John Prince

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HC: His dad was a judge (Judge William H. Herman), there, back in the early day and he was Chief of Police back there. And he was a pretty, he was a great big fat fella. He was a husky guy. And he might have some pictures of the town.

HK: I’ll ask him.

HC: John Price, he may have some. I don’t know. And some of the old buildings down at Bristow, down where the original Church of God is now, it’s on third street.

HK: Right.

HC: And whatever street that is, Uncle Billy Freshour’s old house was a block north there, and it’s on the north side of fourth street there. But it’s about a two-story house. It’s an old house.

Segment Synopsis: Hyatt tells about a few more notable characters from the early days of Bristow.

Keywords: John Prince; U.S. Marshal; Uncle Billy Freshour; William H. Herman

Subjects: Notable Bristow characters