Paula Atwell

Bristow Historical Society, Inc.
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00:00:05 - Early Life and Family

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: This is Regan Siler with the Bristow Historical Society in Bristow, Oklahoma. This interview is part of the historical society’s ongoing oral history project. The date is May 1, 2024 and I’m sitting here with Paula Atwell at the Bristow Library Annex. She is going to tell me a little bit about her life and her history living in the Bristow area. Okay, can you please state your full name?

PA: Paula Kay McGuire Atwell.

RS: Okay. And do I have permission to record this interview?

PA: Yes.

RS: Okay. Where and when were you born?

PA: I was born in Bristow, Oklahoma, October 22, 1959.

Segment Synopsis: Paula states her full name and where she was born. She tells about her parents and siblings. Paula also talks about where she lived.

Keywords: Aerojet; Bristow (Okla.); Bristow Hospital; Eva Lynn White; Marlo Deane Goodroad; Michael Allen McGuire; Paul Eugene McGuire; Phyllis Kay Beistle Goodroad; Sacramento (Calif.); Paula Kay McGuire Atwell

Subjects: Family; Life

00:02:41 - Grandparents

Play segment

Partial Transcript: PA: Yes. My paternal grandparents lived in Depew [Oklahoma]. They were farmers. They came to Oklahoma, my grandfather came to Oklahoma as a 10-year-old child, as share-croppers. My great-grandfather was an auctioneer.

RS: Oh, cool. And, then, did your grandmother work?

PA: No, just in the home.

RS: Just in the home. Okay. And I know you spent a lot of time with your grandparents growing up, can you tell me about each set of them and the things you liked to do when you were with them?

PA: My paternal grandparents, which are Ace [4/2/1906-9/22/1999] and Lydia McGuire [8/13/1908-2/25/1994] that lived at Depew [Oklahoma], they were farmers.

Segment Synopsis: Paula talks about her grandparents. Her paternal grandparents were farmers and lived in Depew. Paula's maternal grandparents lived in California for a bit and then later moved to Bristow. They owned the Bristow Skating Rink.

Keywords: Ace McGuire; Bristow (Okla.); Bristow Skating Rink; Evelyn Beistle; Farmers; Lydia McGuire; North Dakota; Robert Beistle; Sacramento (Calif.); Tulsa (Okla.); Tulsa Tribune; Tulsa World; Yale (Okla.); polio; Depew (Okla.)

Subjects: Grandparents

00:05:49 - Memories with Grandparents

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, well, that’s an iconic place in Bristow. So, do you remember having a lot of fun times there?

PA: Oh, yes.

RS: Did you spend a lot of time there?

PA: We were there a lot, yes, yes.

RS: So, you and your siblings?

PA: Yes.

RS: Did you have cousins on that side?

PA: Yep.

RS: Okay. So, what that, so say, did you go during the week? Did you go on the weekends? Like?

PA: All of the above.

Segment Synopsis: Paula recalls her childhood memories of her grandparents. She talks about spending time at her grandparent's skating rink. Paula also talks about her grandmother sewing clothes for her.

Keywords: Cousins; Grandparents; Seamstress; Skating Rink; Siblings

Subjects: Grandparents; Memories

00:07:35 - Ancestry

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: So, what can you tell me about your ancestry? Like where did your family, do you know where your family came from?

PA: Mm-hmm. My dad’s side of the family, my paternal family, I mean as way far back, was Ireland and England and Scotland.

RS: Okay.

PA: They came over in the 1600s.

Segment Synopsis: Paula talks of her family ancestry. She says her paternal family came from Ireland, England and Scotland. They were sharecroppers and eventually moved to Oklahoma.

Keywords: Ace McGuire; England; Kentucky; Missouri; Oklahoma; Scotland; Tennessee; United States; Virginia; Ireland

Subjects: Ancestry

00:09:16 - Early Childhood

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Some at that time. Okay. So, let’s talk a little bit about your early childhood and home life. Do you remember any of your favorite toys or games that you played?

PA: Well, when I got my first bike, that was heavenly.

RS: And at that time when you had your bike, where were, did you live in Bristow at that time?

PA: Yes.

Segment Synopsis: Paula recalls her favorite toys and games as a child. She enjoyed riding her bike and playing croquet and badminton. Paula talks about her chores as a child washing and drying the dishes.

Keywords: Badminton (Game); Chores; Croquet; Bristow (Okla.)

Subjects: Childhood

00:11:30 - Hobbies and Activities as a Child

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. So, did you have any favorite activities or hobbies as a child? I think I have a feeling I know what one of your hobbies probably was.

PA: You’ll have to tell me.

RS: Probably reading.

PA: Oh, yes!

RS: Reading and researching.

PA: Yes, I did a lot of reading. Going to the library was really a main event of the week. I was just always upset that we were only allowed four books at a time.

RS: Are you serious? That’s amazing. So, you were mainly a reader. Did you, so you didn’t have any other types of hobbies that you liked to do when you were a kid.

PA: Not really hobbies. My grandmother Beistle, tried to teach me to crochet and knit. Bless her heart, she tried. But I was left handed and she was right handed so we tried every position.

Segment Synopsis: Paula talks about her hobbies as a child. She loved to read. Her grandmother also tried to teach her to crochet and knit. She did make a drawstring purse before deciding that crocheting was not for her.

Keywords: Crochet; Grandmother; Knit; Library; Researching; Reading

Subjects: Activities; Hobbies

00:14:48 - Schooling

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Right, okay. Alright, well, let’s talk a little bit about your school life. Where did you first attend school?

PA: Well, I went to kindergarten in Bristow. I went to first grade at Depew. Second grade at Bristow. Third grade at Kellyville, and back to Bristow until I graduated.

RS: Wow. And that’s just because your parents moved around a lot? Was that because of jobs?

PA: Yeah, uh-huh.

RS: Is the reason they moved.

PA: Yes.

Segment Synopsis: Paula discusses her schooling growing up. She attended Bristow, Depew and Kellyville Schools. One of her favorite classes was Geography. She attributes her love for Genealogy to her Senior English teacher, Carolyn Foster. Mrs. Foster assigned her class to build a family tree. That assignment sparked Paula's interest in researching family history.

Keywords: Depew Public Schools (Depew, Okla.); English; Genealogy; Geography; Kellyville Public Schools (Kellyville, Okla.); Nancy Carolyn Foster; Bristow Public Schools (Bristow, Okla.)

Subjects: Schooling

00:17:16 - Choir

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Were you a member of any clubs or organizations throughout your school time?

PA: Well, in school, there was chorus, you know that kind of thing. Never did play in the band. I was in chorus.

RS: Did you enjoy that?

PA: Yes.

RS: Were you good at it?

PA: Mmmmm…yeah. Well, it was a group. I never solo’d, never solo’d.

RS: Okay. And was that more so in high school?

PA: Yes. Yeah.

RS: Okay, okay. But no other, so you were in choir, and that was pretty much?

PA: Yeah, pretty much.

Segment Synopsis: Paula recalls being involved in choir in high school. She was not involved in many other organizations.

Keywords: Choir; High school; Chorus

Subjects: Choir

00:17:56 - Reading

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. I was going to ask if you enjoyed reading. I know that’s funny, because I already know that answer, but go ahead and tell us like what types of books you enjoyed as a young person or growing up. Like what were your favorites?

PA: Well, really, fiction, mostly. I read westerns. Biographies. History. There was really nothing I didn’t like.

Segment Synopsis: Paula loved reading as a child. She enjoyed mostly fiction. She said she also read westerns, biographies and history.

Keywords: Biographies; History; Westerns; Fiction

Subjects: Reading

00:18:28 - Food at School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Right, right. Yeah, for me that’s a funny question to ask you because I know the answer to that. Do you remember if you packed a lunch or ate in the cafeteria growing up?

PA: Both.

RS: Both. Which did you prefer?

PA: I don’t know if I, I don’t know.

RS: You don’t remember?

PA: No.

RS: You don’t remember?

PA: It’s just according to what was in the cafeteria that day if I took my lunch or not.

RS: Right. Okay. I can remember some of the cafeteria food, and I always usually had to eat in the cafeteria, and I was always jealous of the kids that got to bring their lunch, because it seemed like they had better stuff.

PA: Yeah.

Segment Synopsis: Paula said she ate both from the cafeteria and from home. If she did not like what they were serving in the cafeteria then she would pack her lunch.

Keywords: Lunch; Cafeteria

Subjects: Cafeteria; Food

00:19:03 - Favorite Subject

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: So, I know you enjoyed school and pretty much all aspects of it. Did you have a particular favorite subject?

PA: History.

RS: History.

PA: Yeah.

RS: I know that answer, too. Do you remember any of your history teachers, aside from, I know that Mrs. Foster was your English teacher and got you involved in the genealogy, but did you have any history teachers that were influential for you?

PA: Not particularly. I just enjoyed the subject itself. And I learned from all of them.

Segment Synopsis: Paula's favorite subject in school was history.

Keywords: English; Genealogy; Nancy Carolyn Foster; History

Subjects: School; Subject

00:19:37 - Childhood Homes

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: That was good enough for you, huh? Okay, well let’s talk a little bit about the house or houses that you grew up in. I know, early on, you kind of moved around a little bit, and you might not have a real huge memory because you were pretty young. But, can you tell me about like your earliest house you remember living in?

PA: The earliest house, that I don’t really remember, but it still stands, was a shotgun house. A little tiny house. In fact, that was the house we lived in when I was born. We only lived there a few months because we went to California, so I could take you to that house, but it was little bitty.

Segment Synopsis: Paula recalls the homes she lived in growing up. The first one she remembers was a shotgun house. She lived in a farmhouse in Depew. She loved the home they lived at in Kellyville. It had a barn with a hay loft. She loved to climb up in the hay loft and jump off.

Keywords: Depew (Okla.); Eva Lynn White; Kellyville (Okla.); California

Subjects: Home; Childhood

00:21:29 - Pirate Inn Drive-In

Play segment

Partial Transcript: PA: No, we lived on 7th Street for a while. And then my mom and dad bought the Pirate Inn Drive-In on Roland. And they bought a mobile home to put beside it. And we lived in that mobile home for a couple of years, I think, there. And then my two uncles, my dad’s brothers had a construction company. Anyway, they built mobile home parks. And they built Evergreen Mobile Home Park west of town, and my dad and mom and my mom’s parents, bought that and we moved our mobile home out there, and we lived there in the mobile home park.

RS: Well, that’s news to me, that’s a new one for me. I didn’t know that. That your family built that mobile home park. I guess it’s not in your family now?

PA: No, no, they sold it probably in 1980 or around there.

RS: Okay, so, before we move off this, can you tell me about the Pirate Drive Inn? I don’t really have any history on that.

PA: Okay, that was a hamburger place.

Segment Synopsis: Paula's parents bought a hamburger place called the Pirate Inn Drive-In. It was located on Roland. Paula was the official dish washer. Her parents later sold the restaurant when Paula was in high school.

Keywords: Evergreen Mobile Home Park; Fogle Car Lot; Pirate Inn Drive-In; RCS Electric; Roland; Windmill Steakhouse; 7th Street

Subjects: Pirate Inn Drive-In

00:24:23 - Fun in the Woods

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Well, that’s interesting. I didn’t know, I didn’t have any history of the Pirate Drive Inn. Okay, well let’s circle back to your home life. Do you remember as a youngster where you spent most of your time? Like was it in the house? In your room? Outside? Maybe probably in the red barn in Kellyville?

PA: We could have been in the barn, yeah. Well, when we were like with family or cousins or, especially in the summer times, we were with grandparents and relatives a lot. But most of them were country folks. We spent a lot of time out in the woods, that kind of thing. Just walking around getting lost.

RS: That was always my favorite thing to do when I was a kid. Me and my cousins would go out in the woods, and we would be gone all day long and come back to eat occasionally and.

PA: Yes, yes. Yeah, we wouldn’t come back until it was dark. You know, we would build forts and.

Segment Synopsis: Paula loved playing in the woods as a child. Paula and her siblings and cousins would walk around getting lost and building forts. They would play outside until dark.

Keywords: Kellyville (Okla.); Pirate Inn Drive-In

Subjects: Fun; Woods

00:25:49 - Mealtimes as a Family

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Everybody. Well, that sounds like fun. Okay, so, tell me a little bit about what meal times were like in your family. Were you a sit down at the table together every night kind of family?

PA: Yes.

RS: Did you eat at certain…tell me about that a little bit.

PA: Well, we would just eat when daddy would come home. We just had dinner around 5:00, 5:30, 6:00 something like that. But, yes, it was a sit-down family meal every night.

RS: Every night. I like that, too. And you already told me that you and Eva had to

PA: Wash the dishes.

RS: Wash the dishes and clean up. Do you remember having, like, a favorite meal that your mom cooked?

PA: She was a good cook, so not really a favorite, but what we really called our special treat was when she would fry chicken.

Segment Synopsis: Paula's family sat down for dinner together every night. They typically ate around 5 or 6 every night. Paula and her sister helped with the clean-up and dishes. It was a special treat when Paula's mom made fried chicken.

Keywords: Eva Lynn White; Dinner

Subjects: Family; Mealtimes

00:26:55 - Community Activities

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Well, that’s the kind of mom to have, huh? Okay, well thinking about to your life growing up, what were some of your favorite, like, community activities? For instance, maybe, like Western Heritage Days, day camp, parade, county fair, etc. Can you tell me anything about your life growing up in the Bristow area and the things that you enjoyed to do community-wise?

PA: We did go to all the Western Heritage parades. Sometimes, there was a few years when I was younger that we would, actually, dress up in the long dresses and try to look like

RS: A pioneer.

PA: Yeah, a pioneer. My cousins, some of my cousins were in the different round up clubs, so they would be IN the parade, so we’d get to see them.

RS: What was your favorite thing about the Western Heritage Day parade?

PA: Oh, probably just all of it. There were so many different round-up clubs from all over and lots of participation. It was just exciting.

Segment Synopsis: Paula attended the Western Heritage parades growing up. When she was younger, she would dress up as a pioneer. Paula also was a part of the Bristow Day Camp during the summers. She recalls the county fairs during her childhood. She also really enjoyed the Carnival as a child.

Keywords: Bristow Day Camp; Carnival; County Fair; Lydia McGuire; Quonset huts; Rodeo; Western Heritage Day; Bristow (Okla.)

Subjects: Activities; Community

00:31:50 - Swimming at the Bristow Pool

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, alright. And can you think of any other community activities in Bristow that you participated in throughout your young life?

PA: We always had season tickets for the swimming pool.

RS: Okay.

Segment Synopsis: Paula always had season tickets for the swimming pool. She learned to swim there. In the summer her mom would drop Paula and her siblings off at the pool and let them stay for a few hours.

Keywords: Bristow Swimming Pool; Bristow (Okla.)

Subjects: Bristow Swimming Pool; Swimming

00:33:16 - Spending Allowance at Ben Franklin

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. Well, let’s talk about, what were some of the biggest or most popular businesses around town growing up. Do you remember?

PA: Probably, for me, was Ben Franklin.

RS: And tell me what Ben Franklin is.

PA: That was like a little five and dime store. We were given an allowance, and we could, mom usually went once every week or once every two weeks or something, and we could spend our allowance there. And it was usually a quarter. We’d get a quarter allowance. I would not spend my quarters for a few weeks, and so I could buy something bigger and better than my brother and sister.

Segment Synopsis: Bristow had a five and dime store called the Ben Franklin. Paula and her siblings loved to spend their allowance there. Paula would sometimes save her money until she could buy a 45 record.

Keywords: 45 Record; Ben Franklin

Subjects: Ben Franklin; Allowance

00:35:08 - Shamas Dry Goods

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, so, you’re biggest and best memory is the Ben Franklin. What about any other businesses that were, I guess, notable back at that time in Bristow, whether it be a restaurant or maybe a clothing store or something like that? Do you have any?

PA: I know going with my grandparents, we went to Shamas a lot with them, Shamas Dry Goods.

RS: Shamas Dry Goods. Okay. And, so, what was there?

PA: Clothes.

Segment Synopsis: Paula enjoyed going to Shamas Dry Goods growing up. Her grandfather purchased his clothing (mainly overalls) there. They sold cowboy boots and western wear. It was located by Community Bank.

Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Community Bank; Los Arcos; Shamas Dry Goods; Ben Franklin

Subjects: Shamas Dry Goods

00:36:22 - Favorite Food in Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: That’s cool. Okay. Did you have a favorite place to eat in town? I guess maybe your

PA: The Pirate Inn!

RS: Your Pirate Inn was probably one of them, wasn’t it? Was there any other places that were special? I know back when I was growing up, we didn’t get to eat out that often, so, I mean it was a special treat whenever we did.

PA: We went to Tastee Freeze, Frosty Freeze.

Segment Synopsis: Paula talks about the different restaurants she enjoyed in Bristow as a child. Of course she enjoyed her own family's restaurant, The Pirate Inn. She also enjoyed visiting the Tastee Freeze and the Frosty Freeze.

Keywords: Frosty Freeze; Tastee Freeze; Pirate Inn

Subjects: Bristow (Okla.); Food

00:37:27 - Dragging Main

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, that sounds good! Did you have, once you became a teenager, where was, you know growing up for us dragging was the cool and fun thing. What did you

PA: That was it.

RS: So, you drug main, too?

PA: Right!

Segment Synopsis: Paula talks about dragging Main as a teenager. Paula and her friends would drive down to Frosty Freeze. If they parked, they would park at the Safeway parking lot.

Keywords: Community Bank; Dollar General; Frosty Freeze; Pizza Hut; Stop-n-Shop

Subjects: Main Street

00:38:24 - Drive-In Movies

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: And, was there any other, at the time you grew up, were there any, I mean, I know back in the day there was like a movie theater. Was there anything like that at that time?

PA: Yes, oh yeah, the drive-in. Drive-in movies. Yes.

Segment Synopsis: Paula enjoyed attending the drive-in movies growing up. The theater was located out west on 66 in Bristow.

Keywords: Evergreen Mobile Home Park; Timber Trail Housing; Wal-Mart (Firm)

Subjects: Drive-In Movies

00:39:14 - Clothing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. Cool. So, where did you buy your clothes or did your grandmother make your clothes growing up?

PA: Well, yeah, and mom made our clothes, too, when we were smaller. We bought at JC Penney’s here in town.

Segment Synopsis: Paula shopped for clothing at JCPenney when she was young. Also, her mother and grandmother sewed some of her clothing.

Keywords: JCPenney

Subjects: Clothing

00:40:27 - Family Automobiles

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Right. Okay, well, let’s talk about how your family got around. Do you remember, what is your memory of the first car, what car do you have the first memory of? Do you remember?

PA: Oh, I couldn’t tell you what it was. I couldn’t tell what color it was. I want to say it was like a baby blue.

RS: A baby blue something.

Segment Synopsis: Paula believes her family had a baby blue car when she was young. She recalls her family owning a Buick and learning how to drive in that car.

Keywords: Driver's Education; Buick automobile

Subjects: Automobiles; Family

00:41:52 - Vacations

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Parents. Okay. Did you go on vacations in your car?

PA: We did. Most of the time it was back and forth to California to visit family. But there were stops along the way in the Grand Canyon and different places.

RS: Are there any of those types of memories that really stick out to you, like any place that you stopped? I can imagine the Grand Canyon would had to have been one of them.

Segment Synopsis: Paula and her family would sometimes visit family in California. They would sometimes stop at popular vacation spots such as the Grand Canyon. Paula recalls struggling with car sickness on these trips.

Keywords: Grand Canyon; Route 66; San Francisco (Calif.); California

Subjects: Vacations

00:43:32 - First Car

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, that would be terrible. And you said that driver’s ed taught you how to drive. Do you remember what your first car was?

PA: 1966 red Mustang.

Segment Synopsis: Paula recalls her first car, a 1966 red Mustang. When she was sixteen years old, Paula's father surprised her with this Mustang.

Keywords: McAlester (Okla.); Ford Mustang

Subjects: Car

00:45:03 - Television

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, I love it. Okay, well what kind of entertainment did you guys enjoy growing up? Did you get to watch TV? If you did, what were, do you remember some of your favorite programs?

PA: We did watch some TV. It really wasn’t like a big deal at our house. But on Sunday evenings, I believe, Walt Disney was on, so we would get ready for school, you know, take our baths and put our pajamas on and that kind of thing, and then we would get to watch Walt Disney. Once it was over, then it was bedtime.

Segment Synopsis: Paula recalls watching television as a child. Paula and her siblings would typically watch Walt Disney on Sunday evenings. Paula also remembers staying up late to watch the landing on the moon when she was around 9.

Keywords: Walt Disney; Television

Subjects: Television

00:47:09 - Family Doctor

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Stood out to you the most. What was your medical like growing up? Did you have a family doctor?

PA: Yes.

RS: And who was your doctor?

PA: Dr. Jones.

RS: And was he a Bristow doctor?

PA: Yeah.

Segment Synopsis: Paula and her family went to Dr. Jones as their family doctor. His office was located on 4th Street in Bristow.

Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Doctor; Health Department; W.E. Jones

Subjects: Doctor; Family

00:48:07 - Childhood Illnesses

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, okay. Do you recall any serious illnesses or epidemics growing up that either that you or your family experienced?

PA: Well, I had the measles five times.

RS: Five times?!

PA: Five times.

RS: Did they not have the vaccine then?

PA: No, not then.

Segment Synopsis: Paula recalls having the measles five times in her childhood. She also mentions she had the chicken pox. Paula also had mumps one Christmas and missed all of the festivities.

Keywords: Chicken pox; Christmas; Covid-19; Mumps; Vaccines; epidemic; Measles

Subjects: Illness; Childhood

00:49:50 - Church

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Did you attend a church growing up?

PA: Off and on with friends.

RS: And did you

PA: And family. I went to church with family, too.

Segment Synopsis: Paula attended church occasionally with friends and family growing up. She recalls visiting Trinity Baptist with friends when she was in grade school. Paula also visited Bristow Holiness Church with family members. She also went to Falls Creek in the summer with the Baptist church.

Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Bristow Holiness Church; Cushing (Okla.); Falls Creek (Okla.); Trinity Baptist Church

Subjects: Church

00:53:30 - Holidays

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. So, let’s talk about how your family celebrated holidays. Can you give me a for instance of how you celebrated Christmas in your home in regards to gifts or food, decorations? So, tell me about a family Christmas at your house.

PA: Well, Santa Claus came.

Segment Synopsis: Paula recalls the holidays as a child. At Christmas Santa would fill their stockings and bring them big, unwrapped gifts. Her family decorated a live tree with tinsel. Paula and her family went to her grandparents' house for the Thanksgiving dinner. Paula also recalls shooting fireworks off for the 4th of July. She remembers celebrating Halloween also; she went trick-or-treating around town.

Keywords: 4th of July; Bristow (Okla.); Christmas; Halloween; Santa Claus; Thanksgiving; Holidays

Subjects: Holidays

00:57:09 - First Jobs

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Those plastic masks that make you sweat and yeah, that you can’t see out of. Okay, well, as a child, do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up?

PA: Mmmm. No, well, no. There was just a gamut of things. Sometimes I would do, I would think, I want to be a teacher. Or I’m going to be a nurse. Then I’d realize, oh no, they have to give shots. I don’t want to be a nurse. No, nothing that I actually followed through with.

Segment Synopsis: Paula talks about some of the first jobs she ever held. She of course helped in the restaurant her family owned. She also babysat in the summer and in the evenings for neighbors.

Keywords: Nurse; Teacher

Subjects: Job

00:58:19 - Work at the Hospital

Play segment

Partial Transcript: PA: And my first official job, you know, real paying job was I worked at the hospital in the office.

RS: And that’s when you were in high school, wasn’t it?

PA: Yeah, junior and senior year.

Segment Synopsis: Paula's first official job was working in the office at the hospital. She would admit patients and work on the paperwork. She also worked the switchboard. She was about sixteen or seventeen years old. She worked at the hospital after school and on the weekends.

Keywords: American National Bank; High school; Mustang (automobile); Hospital

Subjects: Hospital; Work

01:01:26 - Work at the Bank

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Yes. That’s good. So, tell me about some of the other jobs you held throughout your life. I know you mentioned you went from the hospital to the bank. And then.

PA: I was there 12 years.

RS: Twelve years at the bank.

PA: I started out as a teller.

Segment Synopsis: Paula worked at the American National Bank in Bristow for 12 years. She worked as a teller and then later in the loan department.

Keywords: American National Bank; Loan Department; Teller; Bristow Hospital

Subjects: Bank; Work

01:02:09 - Work at Rainbow Healthcare

Play segment

Partial Transcript: PA: To Rainbow Healthcare Center.

RS: Okay.

PA: In the office there, bookkeeper.

RS: And you were there how long?

PA: I was there nine years.

Segment Synopsis: Paula later worked at Rainbow Healthcare for 9 years. She worked in the office as a bookkeeper.

Keywords: Genealogy; History; bookkeeper; Rainbow Healthcare Center

Subjects: Rainbow Healthcare Center; Work

01:02:51 - Work at the Doctor's Office

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Oh no, you went to the doc

PA: Doctor’s office.

RS: That’s right.

PA: Went to work for Dr. Krug.

RS: Krug.

PA: David Krug.

RS: And then Smith [Carl Smith] and Sarah [Sarah Pinson].

Segment Synopsis: After working at Rainbow Healthcare, Paula went to a doctor's office to work. It was originally Dr. Krug's office, then later Carl Smith and Sarah Pinson's office. Paula worked there for 19 years until she retired.

Keywords: Carl Smith; Sarah Pinson; David Krug

Subjects: Doctor's office; Work

01:03:08 - Bristow Historical Society

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: And then I also wanted to ask you about when you came on with the Bristow Historical Society and how that has affected your life.

PA: Well, I was always, as far as I can remember, I was always a member from back in the 80’s.

RS: Okay.

PA: But then after retirement, I started volunteering.

Segment Synopsis: Paula has been volunteering at the Bristow Historical Society for about 4 or 5 years. She is a great asset to their research department. She is excited for Bristow's 125th birthday this year.

Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Genealogy; Bristow Historical Society

Subjects: Bristow Historical Society

01:05:15 - College Classes

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Yeah. Okay. Did you attend college? And if you did, did you enjoy that experience?

PA: I did. It’s while I worked at American National Bank. They paid for any college we wanted to pursue.

RS: Oh wow!

PA: And I did take 15 hours at Tulsa Junior College [Tulsa Community College], of course, that was evenings.

Segment Synopsis: Paula attended Tulsa Community College. She took classes in the evenings while she worked at American National Bank. They paid for employees to further their education. She took 15 hours of classes in History and Sociology.

Keywords: History; Sociology; Tracy Kelly; Tulsa Community College; American National Bank

Subjects: College

01:06:04 - Marriage

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Yeah, for real. Okay. Well, let’s circle back to your family, and let’s talk about your spouse. What is his name and when did you meet?

PA: His name is Gary Wayne Atwell [3/8/1958]. He moved to Bristow when he was a junior and I was a sophomore. Through a friend, he was bashful kind of like I was, and so he asked a mutual friend if I would go out with him. And, so, the mutual friend asked me and I said, okay. So, we went and the rest is history.

Segment Synopsis: Paula is married to Gary Atwell. They met when he moved to Bristow when Paula was a sophomore, and he was a junior. They began dating shortly after. They were married in April of 1978.

Keywords: New Year's Eve; Gary Wayne Atwell

Subjects: Marriage

01:09:00 - Wedding and Early Married Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: April of ’78 is when you were married. April 7, 1978. Okay. Can you tell us a little bit about your wedding, what it was like? Like when and where?

PA: We got married in at the Assembly of God Church that is no longer standing. It was on Chestnut Street. We were married by Gene, I mean, sorry, Joe Jackson.

Segment Synopsis: Paula and Gary married April 7 of 1978. They had the ceremony at the Assembly of God Church in Bristow. Joe Jackson officiated the ceremony. It was a typical church wedding with many family members and friends in attendance. They lived in a mobile home park in Bristow and then later moved to a little house in Depew.

Keywords: Depew (Okla.); Joe Jackson; Assembly of God Church

Subjects: Marriage; Wedding

01:10:36 - Children

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Right, so, speaking of your children, tell me their names and their dates of birth.

PA: Okay. My first son was Clinton Wayne Atwell. He was born October 19, 1981. My other son, Curtis Paul Atwell, and he was born May 4, 1984.

Segment Synopsis: Paula has two sons, Clinton and Curtis. She worked most of their childhood.

Keywords: Curtis Paul Atwell; Clinton Wayne Atwell

Subjects: Children

01:11:18 - Sons and Their Activities

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: The one year you took off with them. What do you feel were the challenges of being a mom during that time period and trying to work and do all the things?

PA: Well, Gary worked at Kwikset, and he worked second shift, so the boys or I didn’t really get to see him until the weekend. You know, because he worked evenings, and of course, we were gone to school and work during the day, so we crossed paths. So, that would be probably the most challenging.

Segment Synopsis: Paula stayed busy keeping up with her sons' activities as a young mother. They were involved in cub scouts and baseball. She stayed involved in the scouts also as a den mother.

Keywords: Baseball; Bristow (Okla.); Cub Scouts; Den Mother; Depew (Okla.); Kwikset; Gary Wayne Atwell

Subjects: activities; Sons

01:12:37 - Grandchildren

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Well, good. It was probably a good thing because it sounds like you had your hands full. Then do you have any grandchildren, and if so, names and ages?

PA: I have one granddaughter. She’s Savanna Grace [10/24/2019].

RS: I love that name, Savanna Grace. And how old is she?

PA: She’s four and a half.

Segment Synopsis: Paula has one grandchild, a granddaughter named Savanna Grace. She is 4 years old. She is a farm girl and loves to collect eggs from the chickens. She attends a daycare in Okmulgee and has learned the Creek language. Savanna loves to swing when she visits her grandparents' home.

Keywords: Creek language; Okmulgee (Okla.); Savanna Grace Atwell

Subjects: Grandchildren

01:13:52 - Bristow Genealogy Group

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: That’s the best. Well, that sounds like fun. Okay, so we’ve talked some about your love of history, and I know you said that Mrs. Foster was the one that kind of sparked that with your genealogy assignment. I know you had also told me that you were part of the Bristow group and the Bristow group that did genealogy and then you ended up teaching there. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

PA: That started, like, in the 80’s, early 80’s. Which I was a member back then.

Segment Synopsis: Paula was a part of the Bristow Genealogy Group. It began in the early 1980's. She taught with the group for many years. It recently dissolved in January of this year (2024).

Keywords: Bristow Genealogy Group; Nancy Carolyn Foster

Subjects: Bristow Genealogy Group

01:15:12 - Family History

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: In January. And then we’ve already talked about you started volunteering at the depot probably in the last 4ish years, 4-5 years. Do you have any wisdom to share about seeking out a person’s family history and the importance of it?

PA: Well, you don’t know until you look for anything.

Segment Synopsis: Paula enjoys family history and believes learning your own family history is very important. In researching, she has learned that she has family ties to some involved in the Salem witch hunts. She also has connections to Abraham Lincoln.

Keywords: Abraham Lincoln; Indiana; Kentucky; Lincoln Law Office; Revolutionary War; Salem Witch Hunts

Subjects: History; Family

01:18:35 - Red Shoes

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Yes, absolutely. Well, I definitely, just with my experience with doing the oral histories and working with the historical society, it’s really sparked my interest and made me wish I would have done some of the same things, you know, before my dad passed away or before my mom had her stroke, and you know, was unable to talk now. So, I think it’s a really neat thing to leave to your family. You’ve done all the leg work, you know. And it’s just all right there for them to be able to read about. Okay, so, I spoke with your siblings to see if they had any interesting things to add about you, and Michael told me to ask you about the red shoes.

Segment Synopsis: Paula's brother told Regan to ask Paula about the red shoes. Apparently, their mother frequently had them wearing red tennis shoes. They look back on old photos and always notice the res shoes.

Keywords: Michael Allen McGuire; Historical Society

Subjects: Shoes

01:19:50 - Breaking Bones

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: And the Eva wanted me to ask you about learning to drive a stick shift and what happened with that.

PA: Ohhhh! Oh, well, okay, I’ll confess. I’ve broken two bones and neither one were mine.

RS: Oh, my goodness! You have to, you have to spill what happened.

Segment Synopsis: Paula's sister, Eva told Regan to ask Paula about learning to drive a stick shift. Apparently, Paula was attempting to start the car and her friend got out to look under the hood. Paula gave the car gas when she started it, and it rolled and pinned her friend against the carport. Her friend broke her femur. As children, Paula was pushing her little sister, Eva on the swings, Eva fell off and broke her arm. Paula jokes that she has broken two bones, and neither were hers.

Keywords: Femur; Stick-shift; Eva Lynn White

Subjects: Bones

01:23:32 - The Computer

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, I bet. Okay, so what would, this is one you’re probably gonna have to think about. What would you consider to be the most important invention during your lifetime?

PA: Computer.

RS: The computer.

PA: Yeah, how could I do my research without my computer.

Segment Synopsis: Regan asks Paula what she thinks the most important invention was during her lifetime. Paula says the computer, without the computer she could not do her research.

Keywords: Research; computer

Subjects: computer

01:23:50 - A Simple Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: This is true. You know, I would probably agree with that. How do you feel the world is different now than when you were a child?

PA: It’s much busier, I think. Not as friendly. I hope it turns back that way, but life was so much more simple.

Segment Synopsis: Paula talks about how the world is different now than when she was a child. She believes it is much busier and definitely not as friendly. She states that life was much simpler back then.

Keywords: simple; World

Subjects: Life

01:24:54 - Nation's Biggest Problem

Play segment

Partial Transcript: PA: Our biggest problem?

RS: What’s our nation’s biggest problem right now? I’m challenging you, Paula.

PA: I think it’s probably, well, I don’t know. I think now people think everything should be handed to them. And I think everyone needs to get to work.

Segment Synopsis: Regan asks Paula what she believes is the nation's biggest problem. Paula believes that the current generation needs to learn to get to work and that everything is not handed to them.

Keywords: Philosophy; self-worth; Nation

Subjects: problem

01:25:38 - Oklahoma City Bombing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: I would agree with you. How have historic events such as, say like the Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11, natural disasters, world wars, covid, etc…how has that affected you? You can pick one or several. Do you have any memories of, you know, how you felt during those times?

PA: Well, sad and devastated a lot. But as far as the Oklahoma City Bombing, my older son, Clinton was with an FFA group in Oklahoma City when that happened.

Segment Synopsis: Paula recalls when the Oklahoma City Bombing occurred. She was working at Rainbow Healthcare when news came of the bombing. It dawned on her that her son, Clinton, was in Oklahoma City with his FFA group. Thankfully Clinton and his group were safe in their motel room.

Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); FFA; Oklahoma City (Okla.); Oklahoma City Bombing; Clinton Wayne Atwell

Subjects: Oklahoma City Bombing

01:28:04 - Wisdom for Future Generations

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, wow. I would have been like, it’s time for you to come home. Oh, my goodness. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about or any wisdom you would like to share for future generations?

PA: Find out where you come from. You know, as far as

RS: You have to know where you came from to know where you’re going.

Segment Synopsis: Paula leaves us with a bit of wisdom. She believes that people need to find out where they came from.

Keywords: Museum; Oral History Archives; Wisdom

Subjects: Wisdom