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00:00:00 - Background

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Partial Transcript: RS: This is Regan Siler with the Bristow Historical Society in Bristow, Oklahoma. This interview is part of the historical society’s ongoing oral history project. The date is July 12, 2024 and I’m sitting here with Principal Chief David Hill and his wife, Monica Hill, at the Bristow Library Annex. They are going to tell us a little bit about their life and their history living in the Bristow area. Can you each state your full name, please?

DH: David Walter Hill.

MH: Monica Lynn Hill.

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica talk about their early life. They give their full names and the names of their parents and siblings. They were both born in Oklahoma.

Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Connie Lavon Deese Watson Baker; David Walter Hill; George Hill; Janet Hill; Jeanette Martin; JoAnn Hicks Hill Powell; John Robert Watson; Lucinda Thomas; Monica Lynn Hill; Principal Chief; Sammy Hill; Solomon Hill; Stroud (Okla.); Talihina (Okla.); Bristow Historical Society

Subjects: Family; Life

00:02:32 - Parents

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Partial Transcript: RS: Lucinda Thomas. Okay. So, what type of work did your parents do?

DH: Best I can remember of my dad, I was only 11-1/2 when he passed away. He did kind of like the tree line service, where they cut the tree limbs, trees down, whatever. Then he went to Prescor in Sapulpa, and he was kind of like a maintenance person, I believe.

RS: And then your mom, did she just work in the home?

DH: More of a seamstress. She used to work at the garment factory here in Bristow. Then she went to Okemah [Oklahoma].

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica discuss their parents and the work they did. David's father worked doing tree line service, and then later as a maintenance person in Sapulpa at Prescor. His mother worked at the garment factory. Monica's father was a quarter horse jockey. Monica and her family were in California part of the year because of her father's job.

Keywords: Bay Meadows (Calif.); Bristow (Okla.); California; Chandler (Okla.); Depew (Okla.); Los Alamitos (Calif.); Okemah (Okla.); Okemah Hospital; Prague (Okla.); Raton and Colorado Centennial Park; San Mateo (Calif.); Sapulpa (Okla.); Wrangler Jeans (Firm); Prescor

Subjects: Parents

00:05:24 - Early Life

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Partial Transcript: RS: Exactly. Well, Chief Hill, I heard a birth story about you that I wanted you to share. Actually, ShaLae [ShaLae Hill Shaw] and Jason [Salsman], both, told me about it, about you being born early and with the doctor and everything. Can you tell us about that?

DH: Yeah, my youngest daughter, ShaVon [Shavon Britt Hill Agee], is always posting it during my birthday. Seven months, and I was four and a half pounds. And I didn’t notice ShaVon had talked to my mom about it. And I guess the doctor was wanting to know if he could adopt me. I guess she told him no. Said my mom’s going to take care of him, which I already had two brothers and two sisters, so, he thought it was going to be too much for mom. When ShaVon asked, well, did you ask grandma? She said, no. She said, but he didn’t know that. My name David comes, I guess they more or less the doctor picked the name for me. Picked David out of the Bible.

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica talk about their early lives. David was born early and named after the doctor. David talks about growing up in Gypsy, Oklahoma. Monica lived in a home in Depew, Oklahoma.

Keywords: Bible; Bristow (Okla.); Depew (Okla.); Gypsy (Okla.); Jason Salsman; Shavon Britt Hill Agee; Wetumka (Okla.); ShaLae Hill Shaw

Subjects: Family; Life

00:08:14 - Childhood

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Partial Transcript: RS: Alright. Well, let’s talk a little bit about your early childhood and home life. These are just kind of some fun questions to get to know you. So, Chief, do you remember having any favorite toys or games that you played when you were young?

DH: Not really. We, basically, played outside. We lived out in the country, and you know, Christmastime, me and my brother may get a basketball, football, and just whatever, and that was about it. Otherwise, we got in the woods running, fishing, hunting.

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica talk about their childhood. David was a country boy and loved playing in the woods. He spent lots of time with his cousins riding bikes and playing ball. Monica had a toy record player with plastic records that she played with frequently. She wrote letters to her friend, Tracy when she was away in California.

Keywords: California; Danny Hill; Diana Jackson; Felix Hill; Franklin Hill; Howard Webb; Randy Webb; Richard Graham; Tracy Haskins; The Beatles

Subjects: Childhood

00:12:24 - Hobbies

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Partial Transcript: RS: I’d imagine. Did you have any favorite activities or hobbies as a child?

DH: Probably just playing basketball.

RS: Basketball. Always basketball? Was that your sport.

DH: Yes.

RS: What about you, Monica?

MH: I played basketball, but I wasn’t good like him. In California, it was like a park and recreation thing, and so they played full court. And then I came back home and they’re doing six on six.

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica both enjoyed playing basketball when they were young. David says he doesn't have much time for hobbies now but enjoys mowing the yard. He also really enjoys history and learning about the past.

Keywords: History; Basketball

Subjects: Hobby

00:13:24 - Family History

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Partial Transcript: RS: I agree with you. I feel like since I’ve been involved with the historical society, I have gotten more involved in history and learning about Bristow’s history, and it made me wish I would have paid attention, more probably, in school than what I did. But I find history super fascinating, too, and I’m sure with what you’re doing it’s really.

DH: Well, since we got married at a young age, we was a sophomore, I probably would have taken those classes in school, but I guess, it was ’91 ’92 when my grandmother passed away, me and my brother, Solomon, would always go visit with her. Mom [JoAnn Hicks Hill Powell 12/26/1935-4/26/2024] had mentioned that she had, there’s 412 pages of old paper ledgers of Charley Coker. If you read the history, he was with Crazy Snake [Chitto Harjo 1846-1911] at the time.

Segment Synopsis: David talks about visiting his grandmother when she was alive. She told David about a 412-page ledger that Charley Coker had written. David had it translated during Covid from the old Creek language. They now have it safely stored in a safety deposit box.

Keywords: Andrew Jackson; Charley Coker; Checotah (Okla.); Cherokee; Chitto Harjo; Covid; Creek; English; Eufala (Okla.); Franklin D. Roosevelt; JoAnn Hicks Hill Powell; Margaret McKane Mauldin; Mel Hallin Bolster; Pierce (Okla.); Robert J. Conley; Smoke Meat Rebellion; University of Oklahoma; Washington D.C.; William McKinley; Solomon Hill

Subjects: History

00:24:26 - School

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Partial Transcript: RS: Incorporate some of that into there, potentially? Well, that’s SO interesting. Okay, well, let’s see. Let’s talk about your school life. You, I know, were between Depew [Oklahoma] and California with your school, and then did you, Chief Hill, go to just Gypsy [Oklahoma]?

DH: Gyspy.

RS: And that just, was it the same as it is now? It just went to eighth grade?

DH: Eighth grade.

Segment Synopsis: David attended Gypsy School through the eighth grade. Then he transferred over to Depew for high school. Monica attended Depew School. Monica says her favorite teacher was her kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Rigney. Molly Reeder taught Monica in third grade and also taught Monica's grandpa and mother and later Monica's daughter. Channel 2 did an interview about Mrs. Reeder teaching four generations. David is still in contact with his high school basketball coach, Roger Carter.

Keywords: California; Gypsy (Okla.); Jimmy Jay Donaldson; Linda Harrington; Mason (Okla.); Molly M. Ailey Reeder; Roger Carter; Depew (Okla.)

Subjects: School

00:28:29 - Favorite Subject

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Partial Transcript: RS: That’s awesome! So, were you guys involved in any clubs or organizations in school? I mean, obviously, you both really liked sports, but were you involved in any other activities in school.

MH: I don’t think Depew had.

RS: Didn’t have too much.

MH: Anything like that.

RS: Okay. Did you have a favorite subject? And basketball doesn’t count.

MH: I liked math. I didn’t know that much about history then, so, now I do. Now everything is about history. It’s all I want to do is read books, but back then it was probably, I like math. I still like math and chemistry.

DH: I really can’t even remember. I only took algebra because of her.

RS: Was she in the algebra class and that’s what you liked. We know where you priorities were.

DH: And I got a spanking on her behalf, you know.

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica weren't involved in many activities in school besides sports. They both loved basketball. Monica says she enjoyed Math and Chemistry. David says he only took algebra because of Monica.

Keywords: Algebra; Basketball; Chemistry; Depew (Okla.)

Subjects: School; subject

00:29:02 - Family Homes

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Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, that’s funny. Okay, well, let’s talk a little bit about the houses you grew up in. What was your, what was your home like that you grew up in as a, as a kid.

DH: Mine was, more less, what they call a shotgun house. Dad had bought one from, I think it was Jimmy Talent, years ago, well, back in’64 or ’65. Moved there, and you know, it was just, just a square house.

Segment Synopsis: David grew up in a small shotgun house in Gypsy. Originally there was no bathroom, just an outhouse. Monica's family had a brick home in Depew. She remembers being referred to as the "rich girl" by other children. Monica's family also had an apartment in California to live in when they were there for her father's work.

Keywords: All-American Futurity; California; Gypsy School; Jan Donaldson; Oklahoma; Creek Nation

Subjects: Home

00:33:47 - Mealtimes

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Partial Transcript: RS: What were meal times like with your family? Did everyone sit down and eat dinner? Tell me about a typical meal time.

DH: Ours, the elders would eat first. Kids were always last. When I think now, just breakfast, it was the same thing, eggs, bacon. But during dinner time it was, you know, like baked beans, potatoes. Because now it’s a four-course meal.

Segment Synopsis: David remembers mealtimes as a child. He says that the elders always ate first, then the children ate last. He recalls some of the traditional foods his mother fixed. He enjoyed cvtv hakv and sofke, which is like hominy corn. Monica recalls her father making chocolate fudge. She really enjoyed visiting Jack in the Box when they were in California.

Keywords: Jack in the Box; California

Subjects: Meal

00:38:13 - Community Activities-Stomp Dances

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Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, wow! Interesting, okay. So, thinking back to growing up, probably more teenager time, were there any favorite community activities that you guys did. I don’t know, did you ever come here for Western Heritage Days or was there day camps, parades, county fairs, was there anything like that community related that either one of you were involved in as youngsters?

MH: As youngsters or, I mean like, once we met, we went to the stomp dances. So that’s probably what he did most all the time.

Segment Synopsis: David talks about the main community activity he was involved with was the stomp dances. He says many people think a stomp dance is similar to a pow-wow, but he says it is different. It is a sacred gathering. David says his ceremonial ground is Okfuskee and they dance four times a year.

Keywords: Alabama; Castle (Okla.); Creek Nation; Euchee (Okla.); Georgia; Green Corn; Highway 48; IXL (Okla.); Iron Post (Okla.); Kellyville (Okla.); Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Oklahoma; Okemah (Okla.); Okfuskee County (Okla.); Rick Shaw; Sammy Hill; Sand Creek (Okla.); ShaLae Hill Shaw; Trail of Tears; Western Heritage Days

Subjects: Stomp dance

00:46:35 - Church

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Partial Transcript: MH: Huh-uh, no. I mean my grandpa was Creek and he would, he had been, but he was more of a church and went to the [indecipherable] the Creek churches also. And, back then, it was more like, if you got to church, you don’t go to stomp dances, and his grandma had really embedded that in him a lot. Because she used to dance with them when she got to church, and so it was really a big division, so it was kind of, especially after we got saved, I wasn’t real sure about that division, about what exactly it was. So, when we went to the stomp dance all night and we got home at 8:00 in the morning, we took a shower and then we went to church. So, we did both. But now, there’s a lot of people that go to church and do the stomp dances, and it’s not that, it’s one, it’s not that they are worshiping the fire or anything like that. It’s the creator. We call our creator God or Jesus, and they call their creator, Creator. But it’s the same person. It’s just how they

RS: So, do you feel there’s less of that division now? Is that what you’re saying?

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica attended church growing up. Monica went to the Depew Church of God. David attended a church in IXL called Buckeye Church. Also, his uncle pastored Nuyaka Church. Monica says there used to be a division among people about church and attending the stomp dances. She believes it is a part of their culture and she doesn't believe a Christian is worshipping the fire. She says they call the creator, Creator and as a Christian she calls her creator God.

Keywords: Buckeye Church; Depew Church of God; God; Greenleaf; IXL (Okla.); Jesus; Nuyaka Church; Creek

Subjects: Church

00:49:24 - Favorite Businesses

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Depew Church of God, okay. And that’s still there, isn’t it? Yeah, okay. So, whenever you were growing up, do you remember any particular, I guess, popular or favorite businesses that you frequented around town, whether it was here or in Depew?

DH: After we got married or younger?

RS: Well, I mean, I guess you were married young, so that’s kind of both ways.

DH: I guess, in between, it’s kind of funny, but my brothers, back then, everyone drug main. You drag main.

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica both drug main when they were younger. David would hang out with his older brother, Solomon, when he was young (probably seventh or eighth grade.) Monica hung out with her cousins, Eric and LaTonya Mayberry, and her friend Tracy. They would park at the 7-Eleven and watch everyone else go by because they weren't old enough to drive yet. David also mentions that the drive-in movies was also popular when they were younger.

Keywords: 7-Eleven, Inc.; Bristow (Okla.); Eric Mayberry; LaTonya Mayberry; Solomon Hill; Depew (Okla.)

Subjects: Business

00:51:33 - Automobiles

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Partial Transcript: RS: But not big on skating? Do you remember your family’s first car? What was your first car?

DH: 1969 Dodge Super Bee.

RS: A Dodge Super Bee, cool!

DH: I got that in eighth grade.

Segment Synopsis: David's first car was a 1969 Dodge Super Bee. Monica didn't have her license until after her and David were married. She did drive her mom's T-Bird around Depew when she was younger. David recalls a time that a highway patrol brought him home because he was driving before he received his license.

Keywords: Depew (Okla.); Gremlin automobile; highway patrol; Dodge

Subjects: Automobile

00:53:34 - Entertainment

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Partial Transcript: RS: Well, so, growing up, what sort of entertainment did you guys enjoy? Did you get to watch TV or anything like that? I know you, obviously, liked music because you had your little records and your cassette player.

MH: When I was in California, I went to Disneyland a lot and Knott’s Berry Farm.

RS: She didn’t have any idea what kind of life she was living, did she?

Segment Synopsis: Monica visited Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm when she was in California as a child. She also would go to the movie theater. Monica would drive the golf cart while her father golfed in Los Alamitos. She loved watching "I Love Lucy" as a child. David spent much of his childhood outdoors. He would play baseball and go hunting and fishing with his brother and cousins.

Keywords: Benji (Motion picture); Bewitched (Television program); Brady bunch (Television program); Disneyland (Calif.); I love Lucy (Television program); Knott's Berry Farm (Buena Park, Calif. : Amusement park); Los Alamitos (Calif.); Partridge family (Television program); California

Subjects: Entertainment

00:56:50 - Historical Moments

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Partial Transcript: RS: While he was swimming with the snakes. Okay, so, do you recall any, and I say it’s kind of related to TV, any pivotal historical moments as a kid? I guess, I’m thinking for some people that I’ve talked to, like they remember watching, you know, the astronauts land on the moon or whatever on TV. Was there anything like that for you guys that you remember that really stuck out to you on TV that you witnessed, a historical something-or-other?

DH: No.

RS: Because you were outside.

DH: I was outside.

MH: I remember being at my Grandpa Watson’s and there was something going on about the moon and the people, but I didn’t, at the time, realize what it was.

Segment Synopsis: David doesn't remember witnessing any historical events on television as a child. He was busy playing outside. Monica remembers being at her grandpa's house and hearing about something going on with the moon. She didn't realize then what was happening. Monica does remember when Nixon left and seeing him wave and get on a plane. She also remembers when Ronald Reagan got shot.

Keywords: Ronald Reagan; Sonny and Cher; Richard Nixon

Subjects: History

00:58:50 - Medical Care

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, so, what was medical care like for you growing up? Did you have a family doctor or was it more, did your mom or grandma have remedies or whatever that

DH: Just grandma.

RS: Just grandma.

DH: As far as if I had a tooth ache or anything, I remember just dad taking me to Okmulgee or mom just pull it out, you know. That was it. But I never, as far as sickness, I don’t remember going to the doctor. Any broken bones or cuts or anything.

Segment Synopsis: David said his grandmother had home remedies for illnesses. One remedy that his mother continued using was making grease from the fat of a skunk and using that as oil for treating earaches. Monica remembers seeing Dr. Krug here in Oklahoma at least once for medical care.

Keywords: Dr. Krug; Okmulgee (Okla.)

Subjects: Medical Care

01:01:51 - Career Dreams

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Alright, and then, so do you remember as a child what you wanted to be when you grew up?

DH: Not really. Not until I started going to seventh, eighth grade, ninth grade, I wanted to be the first Creek to play in the NBA.

RS: Really?! Well, that’s cool!

DH: My idol was Spud Webb.

Segment Synopsis: David dreamed of being the first Creek to play basketball in the NBA. His idol was Spud Webb. Monica doesn't remember having a dream job as a child. She decided she would like to become a nurse after the birth of her first daughter.

Keywords: National Basketball Association; Spud Webb; Creek

Subjects: Career

01:02:46 - Early Married Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Right. Well, so, I know that you had an interesting start in life, and I would like for you to tell us about that. I know you got together young and you were, had a baby young, can you tell us about that and your start together in life? So, you met him in eighth grade.

MH: And we got married, we were in the tenth grade.

RS: Got married in the tenth grade.

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica married when they were in the tenth grade. They were pregnant with their first daughter, ShaRee. They dropped out of school. Monica's mother wouldn't let Monica move out with David until he could get afford a place for them to live. They moved in together a few months after marriage and got an apartment that was part of the Creek Nation housing. Monica did not like being so far from her family and friends. They ended up moving into an apartment in Stroud. They did not have a lot of money but made the best of their life together.

Keywords: Anchor; Atari; Cheeze-Its; John Cassady; Kool-Aid; Little Debbie; Okemah (Okla.); Creek Nation

Subjects: Marriage; Life

01:09:38 - Children

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, I bet! Okay, so tell me the names of your children, their names and their birthdates.

MH: ShaRee Brooke Hill, June 20, 1981.

RS: Okay.

MH: ShaLae Bree Hill [Shaw], July 21, 1982. ShaVon Britt Hill [Agee], March 14, 1986.

RS: And how many grandchildren do you guys have?

MH & DH: Seven.

MH: But we have two great niece and great nephew that ShaRee is raising.

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica have three daughters- ShaRee, ShaLae and ShaVon. They have seven grandchildren.

Keywords: ShaLae Bree Hill Shaw; ShaVon Britt Hill Agee; ShaRee Brooke Hill

Subjects: Children

01:10:04 - Further Education

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, all right. I know we talked a little bit before because of the way your life started out, you guys had dropped out of school, but you both went and got your GED later. You got yours first, was that right?

DH: Mm-hmm.

RS: And then you went into

DH: No!

MH: Yes, you got yours first.

RS: The aerospace industry and you told me you went.

MH: It’s kind of that competition thing. Oh, he got a GED. Well, I’m going to go get my GED. And I only missed on problem on my math, and that’s the thing they said no one’s never done that before.

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica both went and got their GEDs later after they had dropped out of high school. David went into the aerospace industry. He had a 30-year career in the industry. Monica attended Tulsa Community College for nursing. She attended with her mother.

Keywords: Registered Nurse; ShaRee Brooke Hill; Tulsa (Okla.); Tulsa Community College; Aerospace

Subjects: Education

01:12:57 - David's Career

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MH: So, I’ll do that. So, when I went to school to become a nurse, I wasn’t really going to go to work then. It don’t really work like that because you need to work after became a nurse, so that’s how all that happened. Now, David, he got his GED just to have it, because they were offering it. And, then, later, because he worked at John Cassady (ph) and then he went to work for Clyde McGuire to operate the pulling unit. Clyde was really very good to him. He was like a dad to David. He went to church with us, and ended up being our pastor. But when the oil field went bad, he still kept David working welding and making stuff, you know, to make sure he had forty hours. David wanted to do something different. He was interested in the aeronautics and stuff, and so, he started going to school. Was that at Tulsa Air Park? Was that what it was called at the time?

RS: Is that called something different now? Or is it dissolved?

DH & MH: I don’t know.

Segment Synopsis: David worked at John Cassady. Later he went to work for Clyde McGuire. Clyde was like a father to David. When the oil field went bad Clyde kept David working doing welding and other things. Then David became interested in aeronautics and started going to school for that. He started working at Nordam. He started at the bottom and kept working his way up.

Keywords: John Cassady; Nordam; Tulsa Air Park; Tulsa Community College; Tulsa Junior College; Tulsa Technology Center; Clyde McGuire

Subjects: Career

01:14:59 - Creek Nation Council

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: And, was it during that time, that you decided to run for the council? Were you at Nordam?

DH: Yeah, yes, I was at Nordam, and also, before that, I got on the school board at Depew.

RS: Oh, okay.

DH: So, I was doing that.

MH: And the business board at Bristow Community Center, because it was like nineteen years before he from the time he started, he started at Nordam in ’89 and didn’t get on the council until 2008.

Segment Synopsis: David decided to run for council when he was 43. Before that he had been on the school board at Depew. He also was involved in the Bristow Indian Community Center. He became interested when talking to former representatives and they convinced David to run. He decided to run for council because he wanted to help the citizens.

Keywords: Bill Fife; Bristow Community Center; Bristow Indian Community Center; Creek Nation; Depew (Okla.); George Tiger; Jason Salsman; Nordam; Roger Barnett; Council

Subjects: Creek Nation Council

01:17:50 - Chief of Muscogee (Creek) Nation

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. Was it just then, maybe, like a natural evolution for you to decide to run for Chief? Or what was the deciding factor to push you to want to run for Chief?

DH: I was, actually, asked to run four years before I did.

RS: Really?

DH: But, you know, I just felt like I wasn’t ready. You always get that feeling and, plus, we just prayed a lot. Is this the right thing to do? So, I just decided to wait four years and see how it goes.

Segment Synopsis: David was asked to run for Chief four years before he finally did. He felt like he wasn't ready and during that time he became the Second Speaker. David and Monica prayed a lot before his decision to run for chief. His first year in office was rough because of Covid. One big accomplishment during David's time in office has been the new complex. David is known to tell his team to just do it and get in there and get the job done.

Keywords: A.D. Ellis; Covid; George Phillip Tiger; Greg Anderson; James R. Floyd; Jason Salsman; Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Oklahoma; Nike (Firm); Nordam; Ray Siegfried; Chief

Subjects: Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Oklahoma; Chief

01:27:56 - Accolades

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Well, I know one thing that Jason [Salsman] kept kind of saying over and over is your compassion, caring about the people, that sometimes it’s what can the position do for me versus what can I do for the people, and that you’re not like that. You’re there to help the people. And I think it’s pretty evident by your leadership and how everyone speaks of you that I’ve talked to. And Jason just thinks you’re wonderful, and so from that, we’ll transition into some of your accolades. I saw where you were Time Magazine’s one of 2020’s most 100 Most Influential People. Can you tell me about that?

DH: That was, didn’t know what to think. I received that email, and I forwarded it to Jason [Salsman], and I said look at this. Is this legit? I said, I don’t know, why? Why me?

Segment Synopsis: One of David's biggest accolades is being named one of 2020's 100 Most Influential People in Time Magazine. Because of Covid they didn't have the ceremony that year, it just aired on television. David did go to New York with Jason Salsman eventually. The television crew did an episode on David and even came and talked to his family. His mother talked to them about The Trail of Tears in original Creek. It was recorded for the National Geographic.

Keywords: Charley Coker; Cherokee Tribe; Chickasaw Tribe; Choctaw Tribe; Covid; Kansas; National geographic; Nightline (Television program); Oklahoma City (Okla.); River Spirit Casino; Sammy Hill; Seminole Tribe; Sharice Davids; Time Magazine; Trail of Tears; Jason Salsman

01:34:12 - Casino

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DH: That’s what I thought. Even our hotel at the casino, when me and Monica, they had to have a room, the top floor is just designated for me.

MH: Not the whole top floor, but

DH: Well, it is almost.

MH: It’s like a 2000 square foot.

DH: It’s the very end. The king suite. I don’t know why, oh, it’s the Chief’s Suite.

RS: The Chief’s Suite. Well, that makes sense.

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica have a designated suite at the hotel at the casino. It's a large section of the top floor and it's the Chief's Suite. David said it sometimes takes them 30 minutes to make it all of the way back up to their room because so many people stop and want to talk to them.

Keywords: University of Oklahoma; Casino

Subjects: Casino

01:35:24 - Conferences

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DH: That’s even going out of state. Some different conferences that Monica goes with me. I get approached by other tribal leaders from other tribes. I mean, they just, what’s happened with the supreme court ruling really, like I said, the spotlight. It’s just not me.

RS: Have you gotten more comfortable with in that position of being in the spotlight? Because being a low-key kind of quiet, seems to me, individual that would be, I guess it just goes with the territory?

MH: I think he’s more comfortable.

Segment Synopsis: David attends many different events and conferences as the Chief. He was the first tribal leader to attend a conference in D.C. with the Supreme Court judges. David and Monica have even attended a Red-Carpet event in Hollywood. It was for the show Reservation Dogs.

Keywords: California; D'Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai; Gypsy (Okla.); Hollywood; Nightline (Television program); Republican; Reservation Dogs; Sterlin Harjo; Supreme Court; Washington D.C.

Subjects: conferences

01:39:45 - Mo Brings Plenty

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: So, on that same line, because I personally want to know, how did you meet Mo [Mo Brings Plenty] from Yellowstone? Because I’ve actually seen him at the basketball games, which is, you know, an odd, it’s cool, but I love him on Yellowstone, and then I know he’s hung around here some with you. So, how did you end up meeting him?

DH: It was

MH: Rez at Las Vegas.

DH: Well, I didn’t personally know him then.

MH: Well, that’s the first time

Segment Synopsis: David has become good friends with the actor Mo Brings Plenty. He played on the show Yellowstone. David and his brother, Solomon had small roles in the show "Lawman Bass Reeves" because of Mo. Mo has attended some of David's grandchildren's basketball and softball games. Mo has even visited David and Monica's home.

Keywords: Cole Brings Plenty; Kansas; Las Vegas (Nev.); Lawman: Bass Reeves; Paramount; Rick Shaw; River Spirit Casino; Sarah Ann Haney-Brings Plenty; Solomon Hill; South Dakota; Yellowstone; Mo Brings Plenty

Subjects: Mo Brings Plenty

01:44:05 - John Shepherd

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MH: Who they are or anything, so we were at festival and this guy comes up and he was doing movie, he’s a producer, I guess. We didn’t know, he was with another friend of ours that helped with our campaign that’s a model and actor. He’s been wanting to meet David and everyone said, he won’t meet you. He’s too busy. He don’t have time, you know. He came up to meet and greet, and so, we talked for an hour, and then

RS: And who was this?

DH: Shep

MH: Yeah, John Shepherd (ph).

DH: The one that’s doing the movie now that’s down here.

Segment Synopsis: David has also become acquainted with the movie producer John Shepherd. He filmed a movie recently here in Bristow. He came over to David and Monica's home for dinner and to visit. John then attended church with the Hills and even ate lunch with them after the service.

Keywords: Billy Graham; California; Los Arcos; Mo Brings Plenty; Rick Shaw; John Shepherd

Subjects: John Shepherd

01:47:53 - Harvard

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DH: The other exciting thing I got to do was go to Harvard.

MH: Oh, I forgot about that.

RS: You went to Harvard?

DH: Yeah, me and Jason [Salsman]. They interviewed us, speak to the classroom, so we get through, and we say we want you to sign a book. So, I went in and this actual book when the visitors come. What’s that prince’s wife? What’s her name?

MH: Oh, um. Who’s the prince?

RS: Kate? Kate Middleton?

MH: Was it Kate Middleton?

DH: Kate, yeah.

RS: Kate Middleton?

DH: Yeah, I signed right behind her.

RS: Oh, my goodness!

DH: And I thought, what am I doing signing, you know at Harvard.

RS: Oh, my goodness!

DH: It was just things like that.

RS: Blows your mind. Yeah, that’s crazy.

Segment Synopsis: David was also able to visit Harvard. David was interviewed and spoke to a class. They also wanted David to sign books. He ended up signing right behind Kate Middleton.

Keywords: Jason Salsman; Kate Middleton; Harvard

Subjects: Harvard

01:48:31 - Documentary

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MH: Oh, and they did a documentary. I don’t know if you’ve heard about that.

RS: I haven’t.

MH: Bad Press.

RS: The what?

MH: Bad Press. So, when he was running for Chief, they wanted to know if they could follow us. They were following several of the candidates, you know. And I thought, I understood that it was about

DH: Elections.

Segment Synopsis: David was also in a documentary. It is called Bad Press. They followed David around when he was running for Chief. The documentary ended up winning many awards and even made it to the Sundance Festival.

Keywords: Bad Press; Chief; Sundance Film Festival; Documentary

Subjects: documentary

01:51:23 - Wisdom

Play segment

Partial Transcript: RS: Well, I think right now that probably is the case, because you are SO busy all the time. Well, as we wrap up this interview, I’m wondering do each of you, do you have any wisdom that you would like to share for future generations to draw from whether it be, you know, from a married perspective or a work perspective…do you have any general advice or wisdom that you would like to share for future generations? I want both of you to answer.

MH: I’d have to think a while. I could really come up with something good if I thought a while. Number one is the Lord first. The Lord first and He will take of everything.

Segment Synopsis: David and Monica finish the interview with some words of wisdom. Monica says to put the Lord first and He will take care of everything. David agrees with Monica that you have to keep the Lord first. He also talks about how he would not go back and change things in his early life. He says that would change everything and where he is today.

Keywords: Bristow Historical Society; Charley Coker; Chief of Muscogee (Creek) Nation; Columbus; Mekko; ShaLae Bree Hill Shaw; ShaRee Brooke Hill; ShaVon Britt Hill Agee; Wisdom

Subjects: Wisdom