Partial Transcript: This is Regan Siler with the Bristow Historical Society in Bristow, Oklahoma. This interview is part of the historical society’s ongoing oral history project. The date is July 18, 2024 and I’m sitting here with Helen Marie Varner and her daughter-in-law, Cheryl Varner, at the Bristow Library Annex. She’s going to tell us a little bit about her life and her history living in the Bristow area. Can you please state your full name?
HV: Helen Marie Varner.
Segment Synopsis: Helen talks about her early life. She was born in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. Helen is currently 87 years old.
Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Cheryl Varner; Helen Marie Varner; Sapulpa (Okla.); Bristow Historical Society
Subjects: background; Life
Partial Transcript: RS: Can you tell us about the people in your family? Let’s start with your parents. What are your parents’ full names?
HV: My dad’s name was Gilbert Johnston [Gilbert Rossie “Gib” Johnston 10/8/1913-10/30/1982] and mother’s name was Helen Lucille Bristol Johnston [Helen Lucille “Sassy” Bristol Johnston 8/8/1920-8/27/2007].
RS: Okay, and I understand that did your dad go by Gib?
HV: Gib, yeah.
Segment Synopsis: Helen tells Regan the names of her parents. Helen also says that she has one brother, Sam.
Keywords: Farmer's Feed Store; Helen Lucille Bristol Johnston; Sam Everett Johnston; Sapulpa (Okla.); Gilbert Rossie Johnston
Subjects: Family
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. What type of work did your parents do?
HV: My dad was road foreman, a road supervisor, first for, well, he mowed the highway with a team of horses.
RS: Oh, my gosh.
HV: Then he went to work for Buster Hudgins (ph), who was the county commissioner for Creek County, and then he went to work for Mr. Barnhart (ph) who was also a county commissioner. So, he was the road boss for two different people. And then he bought the sale barn in Okmulgee [Oklahoma] in 1964.
Segment Synopsis: Helen's father was a road supervisor, then later went to work for Buster Hudgins. Buster was the county commissioner. Later on, he bought the sale barn in Okmulgee. Helen's mother ran the cafe both in Okmulgee and later here in Bristow.
Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Creek County; Okmulgee (Okla.); Buster Hudgins
Subjects: Occupation
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. Growing up, did you have family that lived nearby you?
HV: Oh, yeah. Both grandparents, my aunts and uncles. It’s always been very close.
RS: Very close. So, grandparents on both sides?
HV: Yes.
Segment Synopsis: Helen lived close to both sets of grandparents when she was growing up. She was always close to family.
Keywords: Aunts; Uncles; Grandparents
Subjects: Grandparents
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, and aunts and uncles. Has your family, well, obviously, you started off in Sapulpa, so how long has your family been in the Bristow area?
HV: We moved here in 1970.
RS: 1970.
HV: Except for Sam and Kay. They still live in Sapulpa.
RS: Okay, so tell me why they moved here.
HV: My dad popped off and sold the sale barn at Okmulgee.
Segment Synopsis: Helen and her family moved from Sapulpa to Bristow in 1970. They moved because her father had sold the Okmulgee sale barn and then ended up buying the sale barn in Bristow.
Keywords: Barlett-Collins; Bristow (Okla.); Doyle Matthews; Leon Devine; Mr. Foster; Okmulgee (Okla.); sale barn; Sapulpa (Okla.)
Subjects: Bristow (Okla.)
Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, okay, gotcha, gotcha, all right. So, let’s talk about your early childhood and your home life. We’re going to dig real deep now.
HV: Okay.
RS: Do you remember any of your favorite toys from your childhood or favorite games that you played?
HV: Well, I was like a tomboy, so we had little holsters and guns and we played cowboys and Indians.
Segment Synopsis: Helen was a tomboy growing up and loved to play cowboys and Indians. She did have one friend that she played dolls with. Helen's chores consisted of helping around the farm doing things like milking the cows and feeding the goats.
Keywords: Chores; Farm; Sapulpa (Okla.); Games
Subjects: Childhood
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. Did you have any favorite activities or hobbies as a child?
HV: Barrel racing.
RS: So, you were a barrel racer?
HV: Not the best, but I was one because my dad, if you had a good horse, and somebody wanted to buy it, he sold it. So, I was put on a lot of different horses, a lot of different times.
RS: So, how long would you say you barrel raced?
HV: Oh, I was probably 15 until, no, I would have been younger than that. Twelve to eighteen.
RS: All right. Did you collect anything as a child?
HV: No.
Segment Synopsis: Helen loved to barrel race when she was young. She rode many different horses because her father sold them often.
Keywords: Barrel racing
Subjects: Hobbies
Partial Transcript: RS: You were always outside playing, weren’t you? So, let’s talk about your school life. Where did you first attend school?
HV: Okay, Lonestar School, two-room, outside toilet. We had one through, let’s see, one through four and then five through eight.
RS: Okay, and then from there where did you go?
HV: Sapulpa High.
RS: To Sapulpa High School. Okay. So, did you, you graduated from Sapulpa, right?
HV: Yes.
Segment Synopsis: Helen first attended school at Lonestar. Later she attended Sapulpa High School. Helen's favorite subject was math.
Keywords: Sapulpa (Okla.); Sapulpa High School; Lonestar School
Subjects: school
Partial Transcript: RS: Yeah, exactly! So, I know you kind of mentioned your house. Can you tell me about the house that you grew up in? Like what it was like.
HV: Well, it was just a four-room house and we had a wood stove, but we also had one gas stove, and we had heavy blankets, and momma used to heat bricks to put at our feet in the winter time.
RS: Wow!
HV: No water. I’ve already told you we had water out of the buckets.
Segment Synopsis: Helen's first home as a child did not have indoor plumbing. Her family had an outhouse and did not get indoor plumbing until Helen was 14 when they bought another home.
Keywords: Plumbing; outhouse; house
Subjects: Home
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, so what were mealtimes like in your family? Did you get together every night and sit down to eat dinner?
HV: Yes.
RS: Okay, so, was your mom a fabulous cook?
HV: Oh, she was a great cook.
RS: Is that where, I mean, obviously, we all know that you’re a heck of a cook, too. Is that where you
HV: Yeah, my mom, and eventually, Jerry’s mom. She was a great cook, too.
Segment Synopsis: Helen and her family always ate dinner together every night. Her mother was a great cook. Helen had many great cooks to teach her-her mother, grandmothers and later her mother-in-law. Her favorite meal was roast beef.
Keywords: Cook; Grandmother; Mother; Mealtime
Subjects: Mealtimes
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, well, thinking about, okay, so when did you, do you remember how old you were when you moved to Bristow.
HV: I don’t remember how old I was but
RS: Roughly, so were you
HV: I was married with three kids
RS: Okay, so you were married with
HV: Well, Sam and Jeff was in the first grade.
Segment Synopsis: Helen does not remember exactly how old she was when she moved to Bristow. She says she was married with three children when they moved.
Keywords: Jeffrey Joe Varner; Sammy Dean Varner; Bristow (Okla.)
Subjects: Bristow (Okla.)
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, so, thinking back to town life around Bristow, do have memories of favorite community activities like Western Heritage Days, county fairs, day camps, stuff like that? Do you have any memories of that? Even if it’s with your kids.
HV: Of course, the kids got into sports immediately. But at the sale barn, we had Ben Camp, T. Reid McCollough’s boys, all these kids worked for us starting out. And, so, there was always people around and all of that was fun. And you got involved with the parents in that way.
Segment Synopsis: Helen says her children immediately got into sports when they moved to Bristow. She also said they had Ben Camp at the sale barn and were involved in the community with that.
Keywords: Ben Camp; T. Reid McCollough; Western Heritage Days
Subjects: Community Activities
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, all right. Do you remember some of the biggest and/or most popular businesses around town?
HV: JC Penneys was in the old Root’s building.
RS: We had a JC Penney?
HV: Oh, you did.
CV: It was a big one.
HV: Yeah, upstairs and downstairs. Really nice.
Segment Synopsis: Helen remembers the different businesses that were in Bristow when she was younger. She remembers the JCPenney and it being really nice and having two stories. Helen also remembers the Strong's shoe store, the dress shop that Mrs. Stanford owned and Montgomery Ward.
Keywords: Harvat's Jewelry; Montgomery Ward; Oklahoma Tire and Supply; Silver's Jewelry; Walmart; JCPenney's
Subjects: Businesses
Partial Transcript: RS: So, as far as growing up and as a teenager, do you remember getting to shop for clothes? Did you family make your clothes?
HV: You really want me to tell you this?
RS: I really want you to tell me. I really do!
HV: Okay, so we were in the country. And, so, my dad would buy feed sacks that were the same. And then my mom would make me clothes out of those feed sacks.
Segment Synopsis: Helen remembers her mom being a great seamstress and sewing her clothes out of feed sacks. She did own jeans and t-shirts but says her dresses were made out of feed sacks. She started buying more of her clothes when she started high school.
Keywords: feed sacks; high school; seamstress; Clothing
Subjects: Clothing
Partial Transcript: RS: That’s unfortunate. Do you remember your first family car? What kind of car it was?
HV: Oh, we didn’t have a car for a long time. We had a two-ton truck or a pick up.
RS: So, always trucks.
Segment Synopsis: Helen's family did not own a car for a long time but always had some sort of truck. Helen learned to drive from her later husband, Jerry when she was sixteen. Her first car was Buick.
Keywords: Buick automobile; Jerry Dean Varner; Car
Subjects: Automobiles
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. What sort of entertainment did you enjoy growing up? Did you get to watch TV, and if you did,
HV: Well, we didn’t have TV.
RS: You didn’t even have a TV.
HV: Well, until we got electricity. And then in the fourteen, of course, we had Ted Mack and the Original Amateur Hour. And we went to my grandmas, Grandma Johnston’s, and that’s where, I think it was on Tuesday nights, and that’s where all the cousins by the dozens and everybody came.
Segment Synopsis: Helen's family obviously did not have television until after they got electricity. Helen loved watching Ted Mack and the Original Amateur Hour. She would go to her grandmother's house on Tuesday nights and watch it with her cousins.
Keywords: Ted Mack and the Original Amateur Hour; Television
Subjects: Entertainment
Partial Transcript: RS: Well, I used to watch a lot of old stuff when I was a kid. Do you recall, I know that it took a while to get electric and all that, but do you recall any pivotal events in history that you saw on TV?
HV: Well, the most outstanding thing that I saw was the day that John F. Kennedy got murdered.
RS: So, you recall actually seeing, watching about that.
HV: We were at my aunt’s and seen that on TV.
Segment Synopsis: Helen remembers seeing John F. Kennedy get shot and seeing it broadcast on television. She felt terrible, she loved Kennedy and thought he was a great president.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy; Television
Subjects: historical moments
Partial Transcript: RS: Right, okay. Did you enjoy listening to music?
HV: Oh, yeah, country!
RS: So, like who were some of your favorite artists?
HV: Oh, Ernest Tubb. I can’t think of them right now. All, whoever sang great songs at the Grand Ol’ Opry.
RS: Okay.
HV: Minnie Pearl.
Segment Synopsis: Helen loved listening to country music. Her favorites were Ernest Tubb and Minnie Pearl.
Keywords: Grand Ol' Opry; Minnie Pearl; Ernest Tubb
Subjects: Music
Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, yeah. Okay. What was medical care like growing up? Did you have a family doctor?
HV: Oh, yeah. Dr. Walter Kale (ph). And he was great. Delivered all my kids. Made house calls. Perfect doctor.
RS: Those were the days, huh?
HV: Yes.
Segment Synopsis: Helen's doctor was Dr. Walter Kale. He delivered all of her children and even made house calls. She had all of the normal illnesses as a child-mumps, chicken pox and the measles.
Keywords: Chicken pox; Dr. Walter Kale; Measles; Mumps; epidemic; Doctor
Subjects: Medical care
Partial Transcript: RS: You didn’t. Okay. So, tell me what celebrating holidays was like in your family. Was it a big deal?
HV: It was a big deal.
RS: Okay, so can you tell me about a typical Christmas growing up whenever you were a kid?
HV: We usually went to my Grandma Johnston’s and my mom picked up pecans to sell so that we could have Christmas.
RS: So, everyone got gifts?
HV: Well, we got gifts from my mom and dad, but I mean, my Grandma Johnston was able to give everybody, might be a pair of panties or not very much, but we all got a present.
Segment Synopsis: Helen says Christmas was a big deal in her family growing up. Her mother would pick up pecans so that they could afford gifts. They would spend Christmas at her Grandma Johnston's house. They always had a large gathering with a big meal. Helen also celebrated Easter as a child with an Easter egg hunt.
Keywords: Christmas; Easter; Fourth of July; Halloween; Holidays
Subjects: Holidays
Partial Transcript: RS: And it was mainly Christmas was your big exciting holiday of the year. As a child, do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up?
HV: Oh heck, probably a cowboy.
Segment Synopsis: Helen says she probably dreamed of being a cowboy when she grew up.
Keywords: Cowboy; Christmas
Subjects: Career
Partial Transcript: RS: A cowboy! With your six-shooter! Okay, well, let’s talk a little bit about the different jobs you’ve had during your life. Tell me
HV: The first thing I did was I worked at a little grocery store.
RS: And this was in Sapulpa [Oklahoma]?
Segment Synopsis: Helen's first job was working at a little grocery store in Sapulpa. She then got a job at Bartlett-Collins. Later, after she had her children, Helen worked in the office at the sale barn in Okmulgee. Helen ended up working at the sale barn in Bristow after her father purchased it.
Keywords: Bartlett-Collins; Frances Carpenter; Jeffrey Joe Varner; John DeWayne Varner; Sammy Dean Varner; Sapulpa (Okla.)
Subjects: Job
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. And then you helped at the stock yards in Okmulgee [Oklahoma].
HV: Yeah, I ran the office.
RS: You ran the office. Okay, and then, I know you told me after this situation with your dad “popping off” and sold the Okmulgee Stock Yards, that he purchased the Mid-America at Bristow.
HV: Yes.
Segment Synopsis: Helen's father purchased Mid America Stock Yards in 1969 and had the first sale in 1970. Helen's father expanded it over the years and had their largest sale in the 70's with over 3,000 head of cattle.
Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Mid-America Stock Yards; Okmulgee (Okla.); Okmulgee Stock Yards; Stock Yards
Subjects: stock yards
Partial Transcript: HV: So, my dad was made Small Businessman of the Year in 1973.
RS: 1973. I knew you had mentioned that but I didn’t have the date.
HV: And, actually, Tracey Kelly was the one that
RS: And that was in Oklahoma, right?
HV: Yes.
RS: Small Businessman of the Year for Oklahoma in 1973. Well, what an honor.
Segment Synopsis: Helen's father was made the Small Businessman of the Year in 1973. Tracey Kelly gave the award.
Keywords: Oklahoma; Tracey Kelly; Small Businessman of the Year
Subjects: Small Businessman of the Year
Partial Transcript: HV: And then in 1975, the British Broadcasting Company done a story on Tom Paxton. Do you know who Tom Paxton was?
RS: I don’t.
HV: Okay, he was a singer that sang, he was so famous in England. And his mother was still living here. And they came and they done a
RS: By here, you mean in the United States or in Bristow?
HV: Right here in Bristow.
Segment Synopsis: The British Broadcasting Company did a story on Tom Paxton in 1975. He was a singer that was famous in England. The Broadcasting Company ended up in Bristow and filmed a lot of Helen and her family.
Keywords: Bill Shattuck; Bristow (Okla.); Bristow Library; Harry McMillan; Jerry Dean Varner; Lois McMillan; Tom Paxton; Tulsa (Okla.); United States; British Broadcasting Company
Subjects: British Broadcasting Company
Partial Transcript: RS: As far as a normal day at the stockyards, what did that look like for you? Like, what were your responsibilities working there?
HV: Basically, we had horse sales on Monday, Monday nights. You were there early. We helped cook. Tuesdays you did the banking. Wednesday and Thursday, not much. Fridays we had lunch. Saturdays I was always there at 6 o’clock in the morning. We didn’t miss work. Nobody missed work.
Segment Synopsis: Helen reminisces on what a typical day was like at the sale barn. She said they always had the horse sales on Mondays. Tuesdays they did the baking. Saturdays were always busy, and she arrived at 6 o'clock in the morning. Helen says you always showed up to work and sick days weren't an option.
Keywords: Stockyards
Subjects: Stockyards
Partial Transcript: RS: Or just get in the truck! So, and this is probably a loaded question, because I know you were there a long time, can you remember any particular funny stories or anything that happened at the stock yards that you would want to share?
HV: Well, one night, at a horse sale, we were having the sale as usual, and the sale had to be stopped. Why was the sale stopped? Because Jerry had to go out in the back and separate his two young men, John and Jeff.
Segment Synopsis: Helen recalls some funny memories at the sale barn. One time her husband, Jerry had to stop a sale so he could stop a fight between two young men. There were also run-ins with skunks at the sale on more than one occasion.
Keywords: Jerry Dean Varner; Mort Durbin; Stockyards
Subjects: Memories; Stockyards
Partial Transcript: RS: I, also, understand that you and Jerry wrote a book together.
HV: Yeah.
RS: Can you tell me about that?
HV: Yeah, this is the Cowtales & Recipes. We wrote it on Sunday mornings, and we argued probably most of the day whether his words or my words were the best.
Segment Synopsis: Helen and her husband wrote a book together. It is called Cowtales & Recipes. They wrote them every Sunday morning and eventually had them compiled into a book.
Keywords: Chandler (Okla.); Cowtales & Recipes; Skye Varner McNeil; Jerry Dean Varner
Subjects: Book
Partial Transcript: HV: Oh, and he was on the radio with them every Sunday. Or maybe it was Mondays.
CV: No, I think it was Sunday at KREK.
HV: Yeah, he was on KREK, and also, they ran them in the newspaper. But I think we had to pay to get them in the newspaper.
Segment Synopsis: Helen's husband was on the radio telling stories from their book. It would play on Sunday mornings on KREK. Their stories also ran in the newspaper.
Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Corporation Commissioner; Historical Society; KREK; Newspaper; Skye Varner McNeil; Speaker of the House; Stockyards; Todd Hiett; Radio
Subjects: Radio; KREK
Partial Transcript: HV: Oh, yeah! And we had great Halloween parties.
RS: See, I asked you about Halloween!
HV: Well, this was here.
RS: Well, let’s hear about it.
HV: Okay, so we had, I don’t know how we became like the center of whatever, because we were just plain old country people. But we had, EVERYBODY came. You know, we had the McMillians. We had the Kellys. We had all the people from downtown that had businesses.
Segment Synopsis: Helen and her family had very large Halloween parties for several years. They would invite many different families from the community like the Kellys, the McMillians and the Mitchells. They had dances and spook houses, and everyone dressed up.
Keywords: Jeffery Joe Varner; Kelly; McMillian; Mitchell; Halloween
Subjects: Halloween
Partial Transcript: HV: I guess it changed or we just got older or something. But it was a, it was a great place for everybody to come and everybody did! Didn’t matter who you were or what you did. Oh! And one time, so we all, on your birthday, you got dumped in the water tank.
CV: You didn’t have a choice. You just went.
RS: You didn’t fight it?
CV: Well, you could fight, but it didn’t matter.
RS: It didn’t matter.
Segment Synopsis: Helen said that if you were at the sale barn and it was your birthday that you would get dunked in the water tank. She said even if it was January and cold that they would break the ice for someone to get dunked.
Keywords: Lavon Lane; Water Tank; Birthday
Subjects: Water Tank
Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, boy! I’d be glad that my birthday was in the summer then! So, you had the sale barn for 51 years?
HV: Yes.
RS: Fifty-one years. And what made you decide to finally to sell?
HV: My kids were ready.
Segment Synopsis: The Sale Barn was in Helen's family for 51 years. Helen said her kids were ready to let it go. Helen does still bake the cakes though.
Keywords: Baking; Cooking; Sale Barn
Subjects: Sale Barn
Partial Transcript: HV: Another funny story. You know Dr. Chapman. Did you know Benny Chapman?
RS: I did not.
HV: Okay, so that was their youngest son, and he worked at the sale barn. So, one morning, Dr. Chapman, so it goes, went out to get his shoes, a pair of shoes, out of the garage, and he didn’t have just a pair of shoes, but almost all of his shoes were in the garage with cow manure on them.
RS: Oh, no!
HV: Benny had worn a different pair all the time, and was Dr. Chapman mad!
Segment Synopsis: Dr. Chapman's son, Benny worked at the sale barn. Apparently, one morning Dr. Chapman went out to the garage to get a pair of shoes and almost all of them were covered in cow manure. Benny had been wearing his dad's shoes to work at the sale barn.
Keywords: Benny Chapman; Sale Barn; Dr. Chapman
Subjects: Benny Chapman
Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, my goodness! Let’s talk about Jerry [Jerry Dean Varner 10/30/1936-1/24/2017]. When and where did you first meet him?
HV: We met at Sapulpa [Oklahoma]. He was there to rope and I was there to run barrels.
RS: So, you didn’t go to school together?
HV: No, he went to Pretty Water.
RS: Okay.
HV: Then, they went to California. Yeah, then we were back in school together, but we hadn’t met yet.
Segment Synopsis: Helen met her husband while attending a roping in Sapulpa. He was there to rope, and she was there for the barrel racing. She thought he was the cutest thing alive on a horse and made the first move by offering to buy him a soda.
Keywords: California; Pretty Water School; Sapulpa (Okla.); Jerry Dean Varner
Subjects: Husband
Partial Transcript: RS: That’s good! Can you tell us about your engagement? Did you get engaged? Did you have an engagement period?
HV: I don’t think we really got engaged.
RS: You just got married.
HV: We just eventually, we dated, he was the only one I ever dated.
Segment Synopsis: Helen said Jerry was the only man she ever dated. They dated for a couple years before they got married. They were married when they were seniors in high school.
Keywords: Marriage; High school
Subjects: Marriage
Partial Transcript: RS: Where did you get married at?
HV: In my mom and dad’s house.
RS: Okay, in Sapulpa? Okay. Can you tell us anything about your wedding, what your wedding was like?
HV: It was just very simple. I wore a suit. Jerry’s, my grandparents were there. Jerry’s grandparents were there. Jerry’s mom and dad, of course. Jerry’s boss, who was Johnny somebody-or-other, was his best man. And my Aunt Lila (ph) was my maid of honor.
Segment Synopsis: Helen and Jerry had their wedding at her parents' home. It was very simple. She wore a suit, and they had a few close family members in attendance.
Keywords: Jerry Dean Varner; Sapulpa (Okla.); Wedding
Subjects: Wedding
Partial Transcript: RS: Oh, okay. What were your, especially since you were young, what were your early years of marriage like?
HV: Not always good.
RS: So, expand on that. What do you mean?
HV: Well, one time, okay, so, we were in a little house, and Jerry, for some reason, got mad at his aftershave, or this squirt stuff, this soap. And, so, he squirts it all in the bathtub, and I ain’t gonna clean it out. And he isn’t either. I think it stayed that way for about three or four days. We finally had to break up and take a bath.
RS: So, you were both stubborn, huh?
HV: We were both stubborn, yeah.
RS: So, how old were you when you, so how long were you married before you had kids?
HV: One year.
RS: One year.
HV: One year and one week.
Segment Synopsis: Helen says the early years of marriage were not always good. She admits that they were both stubborn and that could make things difficult. They were married for a year before the birth of their first child.
Keywords: Jerry Dean Varner; Marriage
Subjects: Marriage
Partial Transcript: RS: So, what was it like for you as a young mother? What were some of your challenges?
HV: I really didn’t have any because I had lots of help. My mom was great help. Jerry’s mom, you know, when I went to work, with Sammy, momma kept him.
RS: So, you had a very supportive family?
HV: Oh yeah, always.
RS: Well, that always helps.
HV: On both sides.
Segment Synopsis: Helen had a very supportive family to help raise her children. Her mother and her mother-in-law helped with the children.
Keywords: Sammy Dean Varner; Jerry Dean Varner
Subjects: Mother
Partial Transcript: RS: So, in the early days was it like financially a struggle?
HV: Oh, yeah! Yeah, we were pretty broke.
RS: Paycheck to paycheck?
HV: Yeah, yeah.
CV: Now when did Jerry go to, was it the navy, army?
HV: Army.
CV: Army.
HV: When Sammy was about two.
Segment Synopsis: Helen says the early days of their marriage were definitely a struggle financially. Her and Jerry basically made it paycheck to paycheck. Jerry joined the army when their son, Sammy was about two.
Keywords: Jerry Dean Varner; army; navy; Sammy Dean Varner
Subjects: Financial Struggles
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, well, let’s talk about your kids since you mentioned, tell me how many kids you have and what their full names are.
HV: Okay. Sammy Dean Varner [1/13/1956-5/6/2020] and he was born in ’56.
RS: Okay, I have January 13, 1956. Is that right?
HV: Yeah.
RS: Okay.
Segment Synopsis: Helen and her husband had three sons. Their names are Sammy, Johnny and Jeffery. Helen thought her middle son would be a girl and had all sorts of girly clothing ready for him. Helen recalls some funny memories of raising a houseful of boys.
Keywords: Jeffery Joe Varner; Johnny DeWayne Varner; Sammy Dean Varner
Subjects: Children
Partial Transcript: RS: Good boys. Hard working boys. So, how many grandchildren do you have?
HV: Seven.
RS: Seven grandchildren. Do you want to name all of them?
HV: Sure.
RS: Okay.
HV: Pokey. His name is Sloan. Skye, Joey, Jenni Jae, Samantha, Moo [Melynadee], Rayne.
Segment Synopsis: Helen has seven grandchildren. Their names are Sloan, Skye, Joey, Jenni Jae, Samantha, Melynadee and Rayne.
Keywords: Grandchildren
Subjects: Grandchildren
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, and then how many great-grandkids do you have?
HV: Fourteen.
RS: Oh, my goodness. That’s a lot.
HV: Yeah.
RS: And you feed everybody, don’t you?
HV: Yeah.
RS: That just blows my mind. But I think that’s why you’re a spry lady. You stay busy all the time, don’t you?
Segment Synopsis: Helen has fourteen great-grandchildren. They are all close and Helen still enjoys cooking for her whole family.
Keywords: Great-Grandchildren
Subjects: Great-Grandchildren
Partial Transcript: HV: Well, I used to. If it wasn’t for my girls, I wouldn’t. I have mentioned our parties. We had Christmas parties for my whole family. Not only did it include my family, my cousins, it took Melody’s family, her cousins, her kids, Cheryl’s mother and dad, friends, like the Beaches. Used to be they were friends for a long time, of course, they’ve passed away. But anyhow, so we’d have it out at the VFW.
RS: So, how many people are we talking, probably, maybe?
HV: Maybe 150?
CV: 150 at least.
Segment Synopsis: Helen and her family threw large Christmas parties. They would have about 150 guests and hold it at the VFW building. Children 12 and under would receive gifts. Joe Sam Vassar was their Santa every year.
Keywords: Beach; Joe Sam Vassar; Santa Clause; Christmas
Subjects: Parties
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. Well, I’ve still got a few more questions, so, and these might make you think a little bit so. So, be ready. What would you consider to be the most important invention during your lifetime?
HV: Invention? Well, it sure as hell wouldn’t be computers.
RS: I didn’t say, I didn’t say your favorite. The most important.
HV: Electricity.
RS: Well, I mean, for you, I bet that was the best thing to have.
HV: Oh! It was!
Segment Synopsis: Helen says the most important invention in her lifetime was definitely electricity. She does not like how computers have become such a regular part of daily life.
Keywords: Computers; Electricity; Invention
Subjects: Inventions
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay. How do you feel the world is different now than whenever you were young, like a kid?
HV: I don’t think people are respectful anymore. I don’t like attitudes with the kids at school. Are you wanting the negative crap that I’m going to say.
Segment Synopsis: Helen feels like people aren't as respectful as they used to be. She does not like the attitudes that children at school have nowadays. Helen feels like we need to get back to basic family togetherness.
Keywords: Family; Respect; World
Subjects: World
Partial Transcript: RS: Yeah. So, along that line, what do you feel is our nation’s biggest problem and how do you think that can be solved?
HV: I think there’s a lot of corruption. I think that we spend, I think our senators, representatives and all those people have been spending way too much time making bills. I think they ought to go up there and whatever problems there are, solve a few and go home and go back to work and do something else and not just make a total living off of being a representative. And I’m talking about, not only state but nationwide. I think that we’ve got a whole bunch of people, especially in Washington that have made boo-koos of money, that they’re rich. How did you get rich on $50,000 a year or sixty or seventy-five? Ain’t no way, honey! So, you know, I’m pretty plain spoken, but that’s the way I feel.
RS: That’s why we appreciate you.
HV: That’s the way I feel.
Segment Synopsis: Helen feels like the government spends too much money. She thinks there is a lot of corruption. She feels like representatives should not expect to make a living off of that but should have other jobs besides government.
Keywords: Corruption; Representatives; Nation
Subjects: Nation; Problem
Partial Transcript: RS: I completely respect your opinion. How have historic events affected you? Say, for example, thinking back to, you know, the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, Covid, maybe any natural disasters. Can you think of any particular historic event that maybe really affected your life?
HV: Well, recently, of course, it was Covid. And I think that is the most disrupted, stupid thing that history has put us through. I don’t believe it. I know there was Covid out there, but I think that a lot of it had to do with the way they were treated. And I think you can’t lay on your back with Covid and everything that you seen, the patients were there, they were on their back.
Segment Synopsis: Helen recalls how Covid affected her life. It made business at the sale barn rough, having to make sure people kept their distance. It also affected her son in his death. He had heart problems and died alone in the hospital because of the restrictions. She also talks about John F. Kennedy's murder and wondering if there was more to it. Helen also talks about Donald Trump being shot recently and how that will be a pivotal point in America's history.
Keywords: Covid; Donald J. Trump; Jerry Dean Varner; John F. Kennedy; Oklahoma City Bombing; Sale Barn; Sammy Dean Varner; September 11; Historic Events
Subjects: Historic Events
Partial Transcript: RS: Okay, so is there anything else you would like to tell us about or any wisdom you would like to share for future generations?
HV: Love your family.
RS: That simple. Love your family. Okay, I like that.
Segment Synopsis: Helen ends the interview with some words of wisdom. She says to love your family. Helen believes families should be close-knit and stay together.
Keywords: Family; Wisdom
Subjects: Wisdom