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00:00:00 - Background

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is Regan Siler with the Bristow Historical Society in Bristow, Oklahoma. This interview is part of the Historical Society's ongoing oral history project. The date is July 23, 2024 and I'm sitting here with LoNetta White and her son, Jimmy White, at the Bristow Library Annex. She's going to tell us a little bit about her life and her history living in the Bristow area. Can you please state your full name?

LoNetta White 00:29
LoNetta Faye Dowdy White.

Regan Siler 00:32
Okay, and do I have permission to do this interview?

LoNetta White 00:32
Yes, you do.

Regan Siler 00:36
Okay, so can you tell us when and where you were born?

LoNetta White 00:41
I was born approximately two miles or so south of Bristow, in a two-room log cabin on August 24, 1940.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta was born in 1940. She was born in a two-room log cabin about 2 miles south of Bristow, Oklahoma.

Keywords: Bristow Historical Society; Bristow Library Annex; James Allen White; log cabin; Bristow (Okla.)

Subjects: background; Birth

00:01:44 - Parents and Siblings

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 01:44
So can you tell us about the people in your family? Let's start with your parents. Can you tell us what your parents full names are?

LoNetta White 01:54
Okay, John, well, JB, and a lot of people called him John, and then they'd say John Buster. And then some of them called him Buck. And so he had several names, but usually Buster is what my mom would call him.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta's parents were John and Ollie Belle Dowdy. LoNetta had two siblings, a brother and a sister. Both of her siblings are deceased.

Keywords: Ollie Belle Dowdy; Roy Dean Dowdy; Shirley Jean Dowdy; John Dowdy

Subjects: Siblings; Parents

00:03:15 - Parents' Occupations

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 03:15
Okay, so what type of work did your parents do?

LoNetta White 03:21
Well, farming was one thing, because they would just at a moment's notice, get up and head for California. And she had two sisters out there. My mom did, and they would go out there and stay maybe during the picking of the lettuce and all that stuff, you know, and then come right around and drive back home.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta and her family frequently traveled to California to work. They helped work in the fields. LoNetta's father also worked in the oil field.

Keywords: Arcadia (Okla.); Bessie Christian; Bristow (Okla.); California; Earl Christian; Oil field; Sharecropping; the Depression; Farming

Subjects: Farming; Oil field; Occupation

00:05:04 - Early Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 05:04
So, do you happen to remember, like, what type of car they drove at the time?

Jimmy White 05:10
They would buy something as cheap as they could, and then when they got back to Oklahoma, they would sell it, because that's what they would live on through the winter, whatever they had made and sell on the car.

LoNetta White 05:10

LoNetta White 05:21
And one winter, I guess everybody was nearly starving, you know, and my dad would go out and kill rabbits, and then he would hang them on the clothesline. And anybody that came by that needed them could takethem.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta recalls one winter when times were tough, her father killed rabbits and would hang them on the clothesline for anyone to take. LoNetta had many cousins around Bristow when she was young. Her grandmothers were both deceased before LoNetta was born. One grandfather lived in Oklahoma and the other in California.

Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); California; Oklahoma; Automobile

Subjects: Family; Life

00:07:21 - Moving to Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 07:21
Okay, so how long has your family lived in the Bristow area? Would you say? Or do you even know?

LoNetta White 07:32
No, I really don't.

Jimmy White 07:37
They moved here from Arkansas when her dad was little, like, he's born in 1907 and so it was around 1914 they've got a family picture.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta's family originally came from Arkansas. Her grandfather moved his family to Oklahoma when LoNetta's father was young (around age 7.) His wife and small children rode on the train. Her grandfather and the older sons came by horseback. They brought their cattle with them.

Keywords: Arkansas; Oil boom; Bristow (Okla.)

Subjects: Bristow (Okla.); Moving

00:09:08 - Childhood

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 09:08
Um, okay, well, let's talk a little bit about your early childhood and home life. Do you remember having any favorite toys or childhood games that you enjoy playing?

LoNetta White 09:22
Yes, around the house. Mainly, we would play house. We would have a spot out in the yard, you know, around close, and we would have our old dishes or whatever, you know, and we would play with all that stuff. And there were, like, right at 10 families, I think, that lived on the lease, the old lease, and gosh, we would get together day or night. You know, at midnight, we may all be out there playing somewhere.

Segment Synopsis: Part of LoNetta's childhood was spent living on an oil lease with other families. Around 10 families lived on the lease, and they spent a lot of time together. LoNetta and the other children played outside together.

Keywords: Oil lease; Tibbens lease; Childhood

Subjects: Childhood

00:10:59 - Chores

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 10:59
Did you have chores that you were expected to do around your place when you were young?

LoNetta White 11:05

Regan Siler 11:06

LoNetta White 11:07
Oh, chores, yes, anything I was told I was supposed to do so as far as just regular chores? No.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta can't name specific chores that she was expected to do. Her family did not farm as much once they were living on the oil lease. Her father did always raise a garden though.

Keywords: Garden; Oil Company; Chores

Subjects: Chores

00:11:52 - Fishing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 11:52
But not really families that weren't related to you, just families in general. Okay, right, okay, um, did you have any favorite activities or hobbies as a child?

LoNetta White 12:07
No, not well, fishing.

Regan Siler 12:10

LoNetta White 12:11
My brother and I went fishing every day, and it was across the road from where we lived and go up just up a hill, and there was a farm or a pasture, I should say, up there, and we would come in from school and get our fishing pole up the hill, we'd go.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta spent much of her childhood fishing. LoNetta and her brother would go fishing every day after school. They fished across the road from where they lived on a farm.

Keywords: Hobbies; Iron Post School; Fishing

Subjects: Fishing

00:12:49 - School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 12:49
Not that you remember, okay, um, well, let's talk a little bit about your school life. Where did you first attend school?

LoNetta White 12:58
Iron Post.

Regan Siler 12:58
Iron Post, and so, I wonder how long that school was there, because it's not there now, right?

LoNetta White 13:05
No, the school isn't, but the old cellar is still out there, where they used to stick all of us. And it was a big cellar. It would hold 20-30 people, maybe, and it's still there, but they've taken the school down, but there's a house that sits there now.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta attended school at Iron Post through the 6th grade. The school closed down and she continued her education at Bristow School. She recalls there being a pie supper once a year at Iron Post. The proceeds from that supper were used to buy apples and oranges and candy for the children. LoNetta also recalls an influential teacher that she had named Mrs. Dykes.

Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Bristow School; Iron Post School; School

Subjects: School

00:15:44 - GED

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 15:44
Okay, but now you told me something interesting about when we talked on the phone, because I understand you didn't graduate. Is that correct? But, but tell me about, tell me about your GED. That was an interesting story.

LoNetta White 16:02
I heard, I quit school.

Regan Siler 16:05
And why did you why did you quit school? If you don't mind me asking you just didn't like it?

LoNetta White 16:10
Didn't want to go. I got married during the summer between my junior and senior year.

Regan Siler 16:15

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta married the summer between her junior and senior years. She decided to quit school. Later in life she heard an interview with Waylon Jennings. He talked about quitting school and then later taking classes and getting his GED. That inspired LoNetta to do the same and so she received her GED at the age of 50.

Keywords: Biology; Harold Jason White; School; Waylon Jennings; GED

Subjects: GED

00:19:15 - Living on the Lease

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LoNetta White 19:15
Um, no, because on the lease, the men, and I don't know how they did this, were in different grades of where they worked and different things like that. And, like I say, I don't know how they judged all that, but could have been by age, because the older ones lived closer to the front of the of the leasse than the younger ones did, and we had, you know, three or four houses in a row, and then there might not be one for maybe five acres on up.

Regan Siler 19:57
So, I guess so let's clarify that, because I don't even know that I've heard of such a thing. So at that time, they would have, like, an oil lease. So you would work for a company and that, and the workers would actually live on the lease?

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta lived on the oil lease for about 6 years. Paul Tibbens ran and owned the lease. LoNetta and her family lived there while her father worked for the oil company.

Keywords: Paul Tibbens; Oil Lease

Subjects: Oil Lease

00:21:47 - Moving to Red Bank Road

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LoNetta White 21:47
Outside of Bristow, out on Red Bank Road, which my dad bought a little farm out there and

Regan Siler 21:53
And you said, Red Bank Road?

LoNetta White 21:56

Regan Siler 21:57

LoNetta White 21:58
And we lived there, well, I got married between my junior and senior year, so then I left and moved to town, so they lived out there three or four years after that.

Segment Synopsis: After living on the oil lease, LoNetta and her family moved to Red Bank Road. Her father had purchased a littler farm out there. LoNetta and her sister shared a room. During the heat of summer, LoNetta would sometimes make a bed outside to sleep on at night.

Keywords: Red Bank Road; farm; Bristow (Okla.)

Subjects: Red Bank Road; moving

00:23:22 - Mealtimes

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 23:22
Exactly! I can't sleep if it's hot. Um, I think we're, we're probably pretty spoiled now. Um, okay, well, let's talk about meal times in your family and what that was like. Did you guys eat together as a family every night?

LoNetta White 23:35
Oh, yes.

Regan Siler 23:36
Okay, and so, did your mom do all the preparing...did you have any role in the preparing or cleaning up?

LoNetta White 23:44
Oh yeah, Shirley and I did the dishes.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta and her family ate dinner together every night. LoNetta remembers her mother being an amazing cook. LoNetta and her sister were in charge of cleanup. She remembers being very young and standing on a chair to do the dishes.

Keywords: James Allen White; John Buster Dowdy; Ollie Belle Williams Dowdy; Shirley Jean Dowdy; Teresa Lynn White Alred; Mealtimes

Subjects: Mealtimes

00:26:14 - School Fair

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 26:14
That's, that's awesome. Um, so thinking about thinking back to town life and growing up, do you remember having any favorite, like Bristow community activities, for instance, say, like maybe Western Heritage Day, day camps, county fairs, things like that. Do you remember participating in any of those things and what was your favorite?

LoNetta White 26:39
Yes, when I was still at Iron Post, we used to always make stuff and take to the fair there at school, you know? And we always enjoyed that. And I've still got some of the old ribbons that

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta made things to take to the fair at the Iron Post school. The first thing she remembers making was a head scarf. LoNetta also made tea towels and enjoyed embroidery.

Keywords: County Fairs; Iron Post School; Western Heritage Day

Subjects: School Fair

00:28:07 - Businesses Around Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 28:07
Yeah, okay. Do you happen to remember the biggest or most popular businesses around town? Maybe, like growing up and through your early married life, like what businesses stick out to you?

LoNetta White 28:07

LoNetta White 28:24
Kemps, Penneys, there used to be a Sears and Anthony's.

Regan Siler 28:32
Bristow used to be happening at one time.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta talks about some of the businesses that used to be in Bristow. She remembers JCPenney's, Sears and Anthony's. When her kids were small, they would come to their shop (Mistletoe Express) after school. LoNetta says Jimmy would shop at Anthony's and charge stuff in between pay day. Her son, Eddie charged a bicycle at Western Auto and would pay on it every time he got paid.

Keywords: Anthony's; Edgar Angel White; JCPenney's; James Allen White; Mistletoe Express; Sears; Western Auto; Kemp's

Subjects: Businesses

00:30:02 - Restaurants

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 30:02
I know, I know. Did you have a favorite place to eat, or did you primarily eat at home?

LoNetta White 30:10
Usually at home.

Regan Siler 30:11
But if you did get to go out, do you remember like a restaurant in town that you really liked eating at?

LoNetta White 30:17
Lyons Cafe.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta primarily ate meals at home. When she did eat out, she really enjoyed Lyons Cafe. It was located on Main beside where Town Square is now. She also enjoyed Harvey House, which was located where the Dollar Store is currently. Another favorite restaurant was The Highway Cafe. It was located on the corner of 9th.

Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Dollar Store; Harvey House; Main Street; Restaurants; The Highway Cafe; Town Square; Lyons Cafe

Subjects: Restaurants

00:31:38 - Teenage Fun

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 31:38
Okay, all right. And did you have a favorite hangout as a teenager? Where did you hang out when you were a teenager?

LoNetta White 31:49
On a horse.

Regan Siler 31:52
Good for you. So you liked to ride a lot, I guess?

LoNetta White 31:57

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta enjoyed dragging Main and riding horses as a teenager. She recalls riding every chance she got with her friend, Margaret Styles. One time she said they rode to Depew and did not even think to take anything to eat or drink on the way.

Keywords: Depew (Okla.); Main; Margaret Styles; Horses

Subjects: Fun

00:34:00 - Clothing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 34:00
Um, where did you shop for clothes? And how often did you get new clothes?

LoNetta White 34:06
Not very often. And what we had, we usually made. We would buy the material.

Regan Siler 34:14
And so, did you make your clothes? Or did your mom make your clothes?

LoNetta White 34:18
Well, of course, the smaller I was, Mom made them, and the older I got, I made them, and Shirley did too.

Regan Siler 34:26
Wow. Okay,

LoNetta White 34:27
So they cut her down to just my brother, and wasn't hard to get him an old t shirt.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta did not get new clothes very often. When she was younger her mother made her clothes. The older she got she made her own clothes.

Keywords: Ollie Belle Williams Dowdy; Roy Dean Dowdy; Shirley Jean Dowdy; Clothing

Subjects: Clothing

00:34:33 - Family Car

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 34:33
Right, right. Um, so do you happen to remember your first family car.

LoNetta White 34:45
Family car. You mean

Regan Siler 34:46
Like that you had when you were young, like it whenever you were a kid, like, what was your first family's car? Do you remember?

LoNetta White 34:59
About the only one I remember, like when we lived down on the lease, was a Jeep.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta does not remember much about the automobiles in her childhood. She does recall her family owning a Jeep when they lived on the lease.

Keywords: Jeep automobile; Oil Lease; Automobiles

Subjects: Car

00:35:06 - Vacations

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 35:06
A Jeep, okay, all right. Did you ever get to go on vacations?

LoNetta White 35:14
Well, once a year, probably vacation for the whole lease probably at the same time, we used to go to one of the lakes. And I'm talking about like mostly the whole lease went.

Regan Siler 35:32
So when you say one of the lakes, do you mean one of the lakes around here?

LoNetta White 35:36
Yeah, we went to Greenleaf and Ten Killer. Okay, color places like that, you know. And Paul paid for all of that and took his boats and different things. And everybody partied for two or three days there. So that was more or less vacation.

Regan Siler 35:57
Got a little R&R that way?

LoNetta White 35:59
Yes, we did.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta remembers her family vacationing at the lake once a year. They would go to a nearby lake like Greenleaf or Ten Killer for a few days. Most of the people that lived on the lease would go together. Paul Tibbens paid and would bring his boat.

Keywords: Greenleaf Lake; Jeep automobile; Paul Tibbens; Tenkiller lake; Vacations

Subjects: Vacations

00:36:02 - Driving

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 36:02
Do you remember who taught you how to drive?

LoNetta White 36:05
I guess my dad.

Regan Siler 36:09
Your dad. And do you remember what your first car was?

LoNetta White 36:14
I didn't have one. I drove his old pickup sometime. And then after I got married, Harold had a Pontiac, and I drove it some but as far as me having a car, I never did.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta says her father probably taught her how to drive. She did not have her own car but would sometimes drive her father's old pickup. Her friend, Margaret had a station wagon that they rode around in often. Later, after marriage her husband had a Pontiac that LoNetta sometimes drove.

Keywords: Harold Jason White; John Buster Dowdy; Margaret Styles; Pontiac; Station wagons; Automobile

Subjects: Driving

00:36:50 - Entertainment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 36:50
So what sort of entertainment did you enjoy growing up? Did you get to watch TV? And if so, did you have a favorite program?

LoNetta White 36:59
Hmm? Uh, yeah, we watched TV some, but the main thing that we would look forward to was on Saturday morning, even though we had tons of laundry to do, which was on an old Maytag, you know, and especially in the winter, because you had the windows shut and stuff, and you couldn't hear any any radio or anything outside. But we would want to listen to the Lone Ranger and all of that good stuff they used to have.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta said she did watch television some growing up but that she mainly enjoyed listening to the radio shows. She loved the Lone Ranger and the Creaking Door. LoNetta also really enjoyed music, especially country.

Keywords: Creaking Door; Lone Ranger (Radio program); Maytag Company; Music; Television; Entertainment

Subjects: Entertainment

00:38:25 - Pivotal Historical Moments

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 38:25
Okay, I'm glad we have that clarification. Do you recall witnessing any pivotal events in history that you watched on TV?

LoNetta White 38:40
Oh, yeah, of course, Kennedy being assassinated. Even part of the conventions that they have every year or every election year. There were some of them that were really good, really good.

Regan Siler 39:00
So how did you so do you remember about how old you are, you were, when Kennedy was assassinated?

LoNetta White 39:06
Well, that would be in 1963 so

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta remembers when Kennedy was assassinated. She was in her twenties with three children. Her and husband owned the TV shop at the time and were glued to the screen the rest of the day.

Keywords: Assassination; Harold Jason White; History; Television; John F. Kennedy

Subjects: Historical Moments

00:40:03 - Medical Care

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 40:03
Yes, yes, yes, yeah, yeah. Okay. So what was medical care like for you growing up? Did you have a family doctor, or did you mainly try to take care of things at home? I know, apparently, we had a recipe for cough syrup.

Jimmy White 40:23

LoNetta White 40:24
That was at home.

Regan Siler 40:25
Yeah. But did you, did you have medical care? Did you have a family doctor, or did you mainly try to take care of stuff at

LoNetta White 40:32
Most of it, you took care of at home.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta and her family took care of most of their medical needs at home. They even had a recipe for cough syrup. LoNetta burned her hand at the age of one on their wood burning stove. Her parents treated her burn with unguentine. LoNetta also recalls cutting her leg pretty badly when she was about 10 or 12. She did receive stitches for this injury by their family doctor, Dr. Hollis.

Keywords: Antibiotics; Chicken pox; John Buster Dowdy; Joseph E. Hollis; Measles; Mumps; Shirley Jean Dowdy; Vaccines; doctor; unguentine; Medical care

Subjects: Medical care

00:45:36 - Horseback Accident

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LoNetta White 45:36
And then, let's see, in the 70s, let's see, I had a horseback accident in when I was a senior in high school. Margaret, and I were riding to double on double and and the horse slipped on pavement and fell, and that put us both in the hospital. And they put me in the room, or brought Mrs. Corey (ph), which was the dean of girls atthe time.

Jimmy White 46:15
You broke your leg.

LoNetta White 46:16
Yeah, broke my leg. Margaret broke hers. And they brought Mrs. Corey (ph) in and put in the room with me, because Margaret got to go home a couple of days before I did.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta had a horseback accident in the 70's when she was a senior in high school. She was riding with her friend, Margaret and the horse slipped and they both broke their legs. She ended up in a hospital room with Mrs. Corey (the dean of the girls at the time.) Dresses were required to be worn by girls at the school. Because of her broken leg, LoNetta wore blue jeans with a zipper in them to zip and unzip over the cast.

Keywords: Hospital; Margaret Styles; Mrs. Corey; School; Accident

Subjects: Accident

00:47:15 - Church

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 47:15
Okay, well, so did you happen to attend church growing up?

LoNetta White 47:22
Yes, we did.

Regan Siler 47:23
Okay. And if so, where did you attend?

LoNetta White 47:26
Christian Church.

Regan Siler 47:27
Christian Church. And so, where would that building still around?

LoNetta White 47:32
Yes, sixth and Elm

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta attended the Christian Church growing up. It was located at Sixth and Elm. After marrying Harold, she started attending the Church of God with him.

Keywords: Bristow (Okla.); Church of God; Harold Jason White; Presbyterian Church; Christian Church

Subjects: Church

00:48:41 - Holidays

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 48:41
Okay. So thinking back to holidays when you were young and with your family, did your family celebrate holidays in a big way? Like, can you remember what Christmas was like, or any other holidays that you really enjoyed?

LoNetta White 49:01
Yeah, lots of people.

Regan Siler 49:03
Lots of people. Lots of family?

LoNetta White 49:06

Regan Siler 49:06
Okay. And where did you usually celebrate Christmas?

LoNetta White 49:09
In most cases, at our house.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta and her family celebrated Christmas with lots of food and family. LoNetta and her sister, Shirley typically received a new doll. One-year LoNetta received hair clips as a gift. They were blue birds. Not long after, her family had company. A little girl really liked the hair clips and LoNetta's mother gave them to her. LoNetta was heartbroken.

Keywords: Christmas; Fourth of July; Halloween; Thanksgiving; Holidays

Subjects: Holidays

00:51:22 - Deep Fork

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LoNetta White 51:22
We spent a lot of time on Deep Fork.

Regan Siler 51:24
On Deep Fork?

LoNetta White 51:24

Regan Siler 51:25
Oh gosh. Okay.

LoNetta White 51:26

Regan Siler 51:27
So you probably have some Deep Fork stories, don't you?

LoNetta White 51:30
Yeah. And they would, of course, we'd spend the night.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta spent a lot of time in her childhood at Deep Fork. She enjoyed fishing there. LoNetta said in the summertime they would go without shoes because they could not afford to ruin their one pair and buy more.

Keywords: Fishing; Three Bridges; Deep Fork (Okla.)

Subjects: Deep Fork (Okla.)

00:53:02 - Wanting to Join the Navy

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 53:02
Like I said, I'll reiterate, I don't know how anybody survived. Okay, well as a child, do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? Did you have any like, oh, I want to be a particular something or other when you grew up?

LoNetta White 53:18
Not really. After oh, I don't know, later years, after I'd been going to Bristow Schools, I had another friend. Her name was Margaret, also.

Regan Siler 53:32
So, you had two Margarets?

LoNetta White 53:34
Margaret [undecipherable].

Regan Siler 53:35
Oh, my goodness.

LoNetta White 53:36
One was a Sipler and one, which was Theodore Abraham's stepdaughter.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta and one of her friends dreamed of joining the Navy one day. LoNetta got married but her friend did end up joining. LoNetta's daughter, Teresa joined the Navy when she was old enough. LoNetta said her daughter took her place.

Keywords: Margaret Stiles Garrison; Navy; Red Bank Road; Teresa Lynn White Alred; Bristow School

Subjects: Navy

00:54:21 - Jobs

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 54:21
That's interesting. Well, let's talk about some of the different jobs you had during your life. I know when we had talked on the phone before, maybe specifically, like your businesses that you had here in town. I think you said you started at the garment factory. So start from there and tell me, tell me what all you've done.

LoNetta White 54:43
Okay, I went to work at the well, if I start the very first one, I'd have to go to seventh grade, because I worked at the cafeteria at Washington back in the seventh grade.

Regan Siler 54:58
Wow, okay.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta's first job was at the cafeteria at Washington Elementary. She was in the seventh grade. Then she went to work at the garment factory when she was around 18 years old.

Keywords: Cafeteria; James Allen White; Washington Elementary; Garment Factory

Subjects: Jobs

00:57:25 - Businesses

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LoNetta White 57:25
Yeah. And then we Harold put in the radio and TV shop and

Regan Siler 57:34
And that was called White's, right?

Jimmy White 57:36
White's Radio & TV.

Regan Siler 57:39

Jimmy White 57:39
Repair, yeah.

LoNetta White 57:40
And then when we moved to the down on Seventh Street, we rented from Mr. Slyman. And then later on, we were able to buy the building just two doors up, and so we bought it, and we were still just right there on Seventh Street, and we're across the street from, well, it's Dr Cantrell now.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta and her husband opened a radio and TV shop called White's Radio & TV Repair. It was located on Seventh Street. They had the shop for 25 years. They also ran a business called the Mistletoe Express. It was a distribution company that helped deliver packages. It was open for 22 years. LoNetta and her husband also helped with the buses coming through Bristow.

Keywords: Avon; Dr. Cantrell; George Burkle; Greyhound buses; Mistletoe Express; Oklahoma City (Okla.); Seventh Street; Slyman; Tulsa (Okla.); UPS; White's Radio & TV Repair

Subjects: Businesses

01:03:30 - Husband, Harold Jason White

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 1:03:35
Oh, that's good. Okay. Well, let's, let's talk about your spouse, when and where did you first meet your spouse?

LoNetta White 1:03:43
Okay, I met him April. I was in the hospital from the horse accident.

Regan Siler 1:03:53
The broken leg?

LoNetta White 1:03:53
Yeah, and he had caught his hand in the printing press. He worked at the Bristow News. He had been putting paper on, and the guy reached up and turned on the press, and it caught his hand in there. And so he would, that's what he was in there for. And then we ended up getting married in August.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta met her husband when she was in the hospital from the horse accident. He had gotten his hand stuck in the printing press while working at the Bristow News. They played checkers together in the hospital. He passed away in 1992.

Keywords: Harold Jason White; Hospital; Bristow News

Subjects: Husband

01:04:55 - Engagement and Wedding

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 1:04:55
Oh gosh! Do you, so, did you get engaged? Did you have an engagement period, or did you just decide you were getting married and got married?

LoNetta White 1:04:55
Yeah, because he was in the room with a boy that we went to school with, which he, supposedly, had pneumonia, but he spent a lot of time out in the hall, you know. And he and Margaret Ann got put to bed for racing in wheelchairs down the hall.

LoNetta White 1:05:29
No, there was, yeah, we got engaged. And, you know, they used to put your picture in the paper and, and, well, they just plastered stuff everywhere, like that, you know? And yeah.

Regan Siler 1:05:45
So, you had your engagement period, and then ,so, and you got married at the Presbyterian Church.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta and Harold had their picture in the newspaper announcing their engagement. LoNetta helped take care of a lady in Sapulpa to make money to buy a wedding dress. She also helped some family with their chickens to earn money. LoNetta and Harold's wedding took place at the Presbyterian Church.

Keywords: Harold Jason White; Presbyterian Church; Sapulpa (Okla.); Margaret Stiles Garrison

Subjects: Wedding; Engagement

01:07:32 - Early Years of Marriage

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 1:07:32
Oh, my goodness. Um, so what were your early years of marriage like? I mean, obviously, you were young. Um, what did was it a financial struggle? Was it, I mean, was it, tell me about it. What was it like?

LoNetta White 1:07:48
Well, kind of was because Harold had just got out of the Navy, and he went back to work at the news office. And, of course, I quit school. That's why I probably went to work. And, you know, everything was just tight, but we were young and happy and didn't make any difference, so

Regan Siler 1:08:13
It didn't matter to you, did it?

LoNetta White 1:08:15

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta and Harold had financial struggles in their early married years. LoNetta said they were young and happy though, so it didn't make a difference. Harold had just returned from the Navy and was working at the news office. LoNetta had quit school and was working.

Keywords: Harold Jason White; Navy; Marriage

Subjects: Marriage

01:08:15 - Children

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 1:08:15
Yeah. So how many children do you have?

LoNetta White 1:08:19

Regan Siler 1:08:20
Okay, can you tell me their full names and their dates of birth? If you know them.

LoNetta White 1:08:25
James Allen White, which is Jimmy here.

Regan Siler 1:08:28

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta and Harold had three children. Their names are James Allen White, Teresa Lynn White Alred and Edgar Angel White. Edgar passed away in a car accident in 1987.

Keywords: Edgar Angel White; James Allen White; Teresa Lynn White Alred; Children

Subjects: Children

01:09:41 - Early Years of Parenting

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LoNetta White 1:09:41
Other than Eddie was accident prone. He kept us pretty busy.

Jimmy White 1:09:51
We stayed with Grandma a lot when we were small and they were working at the shop.

Regan Siler 1:09:56
Trying to work?

Jimmy White 1:09:57
Right, yeah.

Regan Siler 1:09:57
Because they had all these businesses they were trying to run.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta's children stayed with their grandma a lot in the summer. The children spent time with Harold and LoNetta before and after school at their shop. LoNetta says her son, Eddie was very accident prone and kept them busy.

Keywords: Adam Titus; Edgar Angel White

Subjects: Parenting

01:12:03 - Grandchildren

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 1:12:03
Right. Do you have any grandchildren?

LoNetta White 1:12:07

Regan Siler 1:12:07
How many grandchildren do you have?

LoNetta White 1:12:09
I have three.

Regan Siler 1:12:10
Three. Do you want to tell me their names?

LoNetta White 1:12:12

Jimmy White 1:12:12
Well, four.

LoNetta White 1:12:13
Yeah, one passed away. Yeah. Okay, yeah. Kenneth Alred.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta has three grandchildren and one more that passed away. She also has eleven great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild.

Keywords: Brandon Dale White; Daniel Alred; Florida; Justin Alred; Kenneth Alred; air force; Grandchildren

Subjects: Grandchildren

01:13:39 - Important Invention

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 1:13:39
Oh, my goodness, okay. I'm going to ask you a little bit of a hard question. This one might make you think a little bit. What would you consider to be the most important invention during your lifetime?

LoNetta White 1:13:59
Hmm. I don't know, unless it's the way electronics have gone that, you know, being involved with all of that when it was coming up the first time around. And some of the things that I see now, I think, you know, how did they do that.

Regan Siler 1:14:22
Right, right.

LoNetta White 1:14:23
So, it's not biology, I'd say electronics.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta believes electronics has been the most important invention in her lifetime.

Keywords: Biology; Electronics; Invention

Subjects: Invention

01:14:26 - How the World is Different

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 1:14:26
Electronics, okay. How do you feel the world is different than when you were a child?

LoNetta White 1:14:34
Well, we were a village raising kids back then. If you did something wrong, you got a whippin' for it. And you didn't do it again. And nowadays, you know kids, I don't know, some of them are, are just not looked after.

Regan Siler 1:14:53
Or maybe they lacking discipline?

LoNetta White 1:14:56
Yeah, lacking discipline or missing love somewhere along the way.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta talks about how children nowadays are lacking discipline. She also feels some are missing love. She says back in her day it was a village raising the children.

Keywords: Discipline; World

Subjects: World

01:15:01 - Nation's Biggest Problem

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 1:15:01
Yeah, okay. What do you feel our nation's biggest problem is currently?

LoNetta White 1:15:08
Ooh! One president quitting and the Vice President taking over, and then the election that's coming up, and the FBI agent quit this morning, and

Regan Siler 1:15:25
I feel like we're living in some pivotal times right now.

Jimmy White 1:15:29
Yeah, we are. It's scary.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta talks about some of the pivotal times we are living in currently. Her son says it is scary. LoNetta mentions the president quitting and the vice-president taking over and the election that is coming up.

Keywords: Election; FBI; Vice-President; President

Subjects: Nation

01:15:30 - Historic Events

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 1:15:30
Which I think is good to document, too, just because who the heck knows what's gonna happen in the next four months! Quite a cluster. How have any historic events affected you? For instance, like the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, maybe COVID, natural disasters? Have there been anything like that that's personally affected your life?

LoNetta White 1:15:56
Yeah, I think so. Back I wrote a poem back then, which I did bring to show you that, you know, you just, you just don't know what's going to happen. And I think everybody should stop and take a second look at all that. And we don't want that in our country. We don't want to be scared like a lot of them are.

Regan Siler 1:16:31
And so what inspired your poem?

LoNetta White 1:16:36
Oh, just the guys coming back from overseas.

Regan Siler 1:16:44
Okay, well, I would love to get a copy of it if you're if you're okay with that.

LoNetta White 1:16:51
Yeah, you bet.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta wrote a poem about the soldiers coming back from overseas. She says we don't know what is going to happen in our country, but we don't want to be scared like they were.

Keywords: Covid; Poem; Oklahoma City Bombing

Subjects: Historic events

01:16:52 - Wisdom

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Regan Siler 1:16:52
Okay, um, is there anything else that you would like to tell us, or any wisdom that you would like to share for future generations?

LoNetta White 1:17:03
Oh, my.

Regan Siler 1:17:05
This is your chance to leave your mark.

LoNetta White 1:17:08
I think I've marked everything around town.

Regan Siler 1:17:14
No, I mean any, any, any wisdom that you can think of that would be good for future generations to take to heart.

LoNetta White 1:17:28
Main thing, I think would be one thing, is that I feel like that a lot of them live way beyond their means. One of these days that's all going to catch up with them, and when it does, then there's going to be lots of problems, you know, home, work or anywhere. And if they would take the time to look at what they say or do, there's enough mistakes made, accidentally, rather than planning them. And just be kind to each other.

Segment Synopsis: LoNetta feels like people nowadays live beyond their means. She feels it will catch up to them one day. She feels like materialism is a problem and we need to get back to the basics.

Keywords: Family; Materialism; Wisdom

Subjects: Wisdom