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00:00:00 - Spelling Bees and School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: CV: Which was the most dangerous—water or fire.

BM: Yeah.

CV: You know, fire killed [inaudible].

MM: Well I can’t think of what [inaudible]

Segment Synopsis: Memories of spelling bees and school in the Pinehill community

Keywords: Charlie Dressler; Ellis Head; Floyd Wilson; Howard Baker; Mosquiter Creek; Virgil; schoolhouse; singing; spelling bees

Subjects: School; Spelling Bees

00:03:55 - Teachers and getting into trouble

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Uhh, what about those spankings? (tape interference)

CV: Well, in the evenings, y’know, we’d all walk home together on the road ‘til we’d get to Mosquito creek, or sometimes I would go on with a bunch up to the next corner, on the south up there where we lived.

BM: Where the other school that—where the first schoolhouse was.

CV: Yeah. And--well not hardly that far. And momma, she kept tellin’ me not to do it, to come on home. And one evening I—told me not to do that no more. Next evening I did, I went up there and I got a whoopin’ when I got home. (laughs)

Segment Synopsis: Memories of getting into trouble as kids and the first teachers of Pinehill

Keywords: Edith Whiteneck; Ethel Logan; school; teacher

Subjects: school; teachers

00:06:29 - Death of Alvin Hicks

Play segment

Partial Transcript: CV: Yeah, I think that’s the way it was because I know, uh, we didn’t live down there too long ‘til we moved up here on this [indecipherable] and, uh, he was teachin’ school—

BM: He was teaching school when—

CV: Well when my brother got killed. Alvin.

BM: When Alvin got killed, well, he was the teacher there then. That was Alvin Hicks. Okay, then After Alvin Hicks there was who.

Segment Synopsis: Carrie Vann speaks on the death of her brother Alvin Hicks.

Keywords: Alvin Hicks; stalk cutter; teacher

Subjects: Alvin Hicks; teacher

00:08:53 - Families in Pinehill

Play segment

Partial Transcript: CV: And you haven’t talked to any of the Vanns, or—

BM: No, uh, you’re the first, uh, we just got this thing today, got ahold of--

CV: I guess I better let [indecipherable] let them talk.

BM: Well you tell what you can and on that part, I’ll come back to that, and, uh—it was after you and Virgil--

Segment Synopsis: A discussion on the families living in the Pinehill community

Keywords: Abner Bruce; Annie Pinehill; Iva Ware; Jay Crawford; John Wilson; Milk; Naomi Ballard; Owen Ware; Perrymans; Phoebe; Sally Pinehill; Sister Mary; Smith Bruce; W.O. Baker; buggies; revival; sapulpa; train

Subjects: Pinehill Families

00:15:08 - Fairs

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Tell us about this fair situation.

VV: Well, I don’t—

MM: Uh, Alex—you might start with Alex—

VV: Well, really, I don’t know, I think Alex Myers was one of the judges, wasn’t he? Of the milk cows?

CV: I don’t remember.

VV: Oh yeah, I’m sure he was, uh, you can have these old timers like John or somebody can tell you more about that, but I can’t, ‘cause they—I was just a kid, you know, ‘bout seven years old.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of fairs in Pinehill

Keywords: Alex Myers; Deep Fork; Judges; Pinehill; church; fair

Subjects: Fairs

00:16:50 - Bruce Family and Playing in the Creek

Play segment

Partial Transcript: VV: And old Smith Bruce, I heard him talk, you know, he, he might’ve, uh, raised some big ones. All I know, I know he raised a lot of cane down there, I shipped cane for him myself.

MM: Now, honey, you don’t put the ashes in her vases--

CV: No, here, right here, that’s what it’s for—

VV: Now I just don’t remember anything about the watermelon.

CV: Well, you wasn’t born then, when what I’m talkin’ bout—

Segment Synopsis: Memories of playing in the creek

Keywords: Smith Bruce; chicken house; creek

Subjects: creek; rooster