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00:00:00 - School Teachers

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Partial Transcript: BM: --recording everything you say.

MM: It is—oh just stop it just for a minute to, and get start- stop it just for a minute

BM: Alright, just—

pause in recording

ES: The first building was, uh, one mile south of the last building and a quarter mile east. Then the third building—the second building was, uh, a quarter of a mile west of the last building there. The last building was in the corner right here—

Segment Synopsis: Memories of teachers and school in the Pinehill Community

Keywords: Bob Lucas; Edith Whiteneck; Etta Logan; Mark Schockley; church; school; teachers

Subjects: school; teachers

00:02:41 - Oil, Fairs, and Church

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Partial Transcript: BM: Yeah. Now on the history situation, Elsa, is there anything in particular that you can think of that we ought to put down here in this history, that history on that thing? Like these, this oilfield stuff through here--something on that order there, is there any history on that that you can think of that we might ought to put in, in that.

ES: No, I think not. This oil development started in here in the early twenties. I’ve got eleven wells on my place here, and the first one was drilled in 1923. And there was a few up in the north of there, north of here toward Pinehill, but I don’t know how close.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion on oil wells, churches, and fairs

Keywords: Charles Thomas; Mr. Rufus; Pinehill; church; fairs; literaries; oil; statehood

Subjects: drilling; fairs; oil; school

00:05:53 - Land Development and a Hilarious Interruption

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Partial Transcript: BM: On developing this thing out this far in this country through here in 19--when you came back through here, who was some of the more prominent people that helped, was helping in on that at that time?

ES: On what?

BM: On helping get these roads and things built through here? In the community, helping get these roads built and—

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of land and road development and a hilarious interruption.

Keywords: Bruce; Indians; Molt Bruce; Perrymans; Pinehill; Stubblesfields; Velma Vann; roads

Subjects: development; roads