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00:00:00 - Camping on the creek

Play segment

Partial Transcript: FB: --and of course he helped the baby up and put out the fire, and they said they sold every hog and every [indecipherable] they had and every hog and everything they had. You know, they camped on the creek there for a few days. I don’t know how long, now. But they killed every living thing they had. He kept one horse that he traveled a little on. He took it out to the middle of the cornfield and tied it up. Corn was big and tall, you know, old horse was [inaudible] and they didn’t tie their hogs.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of camping near a creek in Missouri

Keywords: Cato; Missouri; camping; creek; hogs

Subjects: Camping; creek

00:01:08 - Finding a Cemetery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Now then, how, how did you find the cemetery?

MM: What was you doing—

FB: Oh—

BM: What was you doing?

Segment Synopsis: Memories of finding a cemetery

Keywords: Blythe; Georgie; Mary; cemetery

Subjects: cemetery

00:02:30 - A Broken Hip

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: This is Floyd telling as much as he can remember on how Aunt Sis or Mary Jane got her hip broke.

FB: Well, the Johns (ph) were on their way to the reunion and she somehow or another, Aunt Sis broke her hip. And they brought her back to the house and left her and went on to the reunion. And that’s about all I can say on that.

Segment Synopsis: Floyd telling of a broken hip

Keywords: hip; reunion

Subjects: broken hip