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00:00:00 - Cotton Gins in Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: October 13, 1976, 10:45.

pause in tape

BM: To your knowledge, when was the first gin built in this part of the county?

TK: Bob, I don’t know about the first gin, but I do know of my father, Albert Kelly, and W.O. Baker were partners, and their gin was established in Bristow right down by the railroad track where the old ice plant, and the Farmer’s Custom Gin started in 1913. And they were gin and cotton, they had all set up—gin and cotton in the fall of 1913. And they—some very interesting stories about how they, getting that equipment in from the old Loomis Gin people, into Bristow and getting it set up. And I’m sure they wouldn’t have started the gin unless there was a substantial amount of cotton in the area to support a gin facility. So if I were estimating, I would say that cotton came into the Bristow community in the nineteen-nines and nineteen-ten and –eleven, around in there. That’s the best of my—you know, that’s to, about as good a target date as I would, could get.

Segment Synopsis: Cotton gins in Bristow

Keywords: Albert Kelly; Bud Long; Farmer's Custom Gin; Joe Abraham; Loomis Gin; Mills Friarson; W.O. Baker; cotton; cotton gin

Subjects: cotton gin

00:02:28 - Banking and Oil Drilling

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: What year did your father go into the banking business?

TK: 1932.

BM: 1932?

TK: Back during the lean days of the banking world. He was invited in to the American National Bank stock ownership because of desperate need at that time to shore up their capital positions, because banks were having a very difficult time in those days.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the early bank in Bristow as well as agriculture and oil

Keywords: American National Bank; Community State Bank; FDIC; Fath; First State Bank; Frisco; agriculture; banking; banks; oil; rail; stock

Subjects: agriculture; banking; oil drilling