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00:00:00 - Abner Bruce family history

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: This is a personal interview with Abner Bruce and his wife sitting in their living room.

MM: We want to put the date on so other people can—

BM: October 3, 1976. Alright, Abner, to your best knowledge, do you know of some of the first people that settled in this part? Or when did your folks come into this part of the country?

AB: Bob, I can’t tell you any—[indecipherable] they came into Oklahoma, but I don’t know for sure what time they went in to this right here.

Segment Synopsis: Abner Bruce discusses his family

Keywords: Abner Bruce; Alpha Bruce; Coleman Bruce; Cora Belle Bruce Carson; Frank Bruce; J. Smith Bruce; James Bruce; Moten Bruce; Roy Bruce; Theodocia Bruce

Subjects: Abner Bruce; family members

Hyperlink: Family Records
00:02:46 - Quail, Crops, and Cattle

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Alright, whenever they first come in to this part of the country, Abner, what source of income did they have? I already know these questions, I want you to answer them yourself.

AB: Well, the main thing my dad used to talk about was the market and hunting quail. They came in here and paid to ride a horse to Mannford or somewhere and come home. That was when they shipped these quails to Kansas City. And I don’t know whether that—of course, I know they farmed, but I don’t know, that’s the thing that stuck out.

BM: Do you remember what, did you ever hear him say what crops that they planted? At that time?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of selling and shipping quail and cattle

Keywords: cattle; corn; crops; open range; quail; stockade fence; trains

Subjects: selling cattle; selling quail; shipping cattle; shipping quail

00:05:37 - First Oil Well

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Now then, number four question: Do you remember hearing say, Abner, or—when was the first cotton planted in this part of the country or community? Do you remember hearing say—

AB: I don’t.

BM: Okay, now here’s a ques—here’s a question that I was told that you would probably be the only one in the country that could answer this question. When was the first oil well drilled in this community?

AB: I can’t tell you that one, but I—in this area right here, why I would think—

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the first oil well drilled in the Bristow area

Keywords: 1922; Elsa Self; Mike Hartman; drilling; oil well

Subjects: First Oil Well in Bristow

00:08:17 - School and Township Fairs

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Okay. Okay, now then, we’ll come on down here to number six, which would be the school situation—the school. Now, Leo gave us a lot of this information on the schools.

AB: Leo would know a lot more about it.

BM: When was the first school built? Now, Leo said that he remembered the first school being built in 1903. And his first teacher was a teacher by the name of Nell Watson.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the school house and township fairs

Keywords: Nell Watson; church meeting; community meeting; election; school; teacher; township fair

Subjects: school; township fair

00:11:15 - Development of Heyburn Lake

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: What year did the government come in go to buy up all that land? (pause) Can I tell?

AB: [Indecipherable] I think it was about ’49, ’48 or ’49.

BM: To your knowledge, Abner, whenever the government come in and went to buy this land up, to your knowledge how many families was affected by it?

AB: I couldn’t tell you. I don’t have a recollection of the [indecipherable].

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the development of Heyburn Lake

Keywords: Heyburn Lake; government; lake

Subjects: Heyburn Lake

00:13:26 - School Teachers at Pinehill

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Who was your first teacher? Would that be any chance Mr. Bob Lucas? Or was that Mr. Taylor?

MM: He said, “Not really.”

AB: Before that.

BM: Well it must’ve been—well, now, just a minute.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of teachers and classmates at Pinehill school

Keywords: Bob Lucas; Mark Shockley; Minnie Mayes; Nancy Curtis; pinehill school; teacher

Subjects: Pinehill School; classmates; school

00:14:47 - Watermelons and Chicken Roasts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MM: Oh, just a minute! Who raised the best watermelons? When you was a young who—who, who got some good, who raised the best watermelons?

AB: I always thought Joe Fobbs (ph) did.

MM: Who? That’s the one you stole the most of?

AB: Huh?

MM: Is that who you stole the most of them from?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of watermelon stealing and chicken roasts

Keywords: Greer; Joe Fobbs; W.O. Baker; chicken; watermelon

Subjects: chicken; watermelon

00:15:52 - School Teachers

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Well, I—who was your first teacher, Eunice (ph).

UW2: Oh, I started school down at [indecipherable], so I didn’t come here until I was ten years old.

BM: Alright, what was your first teacher’s name?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of teachers at Pinehill School

Keywords: Bob Lucas; Charlie Thomas; Mark Schockley; Pinehill School; school; teachers

Subjects: Pinehill School; teachers

00:16:30 - Oil Companies in Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AB: [Indecipherable] started out the Prairie and then Sinclair and then [indecipherable].

BM: Sinclair and what other—which other—what others was in here on that, Abner?

AB: Prairie, Prairie Oil Company.

BM: Prairie Oil Company.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the oil companies in the Bristow area

Keywords: Conoco; Mid-Continent; Prairie Oil Company; Shell; Sinclair; Sun Oil Company; Sundocks; drilling; oil

Subjects: drilling; oil; oil companies