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00:00:00 - Life in Pinehill

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: What year, Lester, wait a minute, let me back up a minute. This is a tape of Lester Jones and his wife in their home living room, 10/18/76, time 7:30. Lester, what, what year was it that you was in the Pinehill community?

LJ: Nineteen-and-twenty-five.

BM: Did you ever go to school here?

LJ: No.

Segment Synopsis: Life in Pinehill and the cattle operation

Keywords: Indian land; Lester Jones; Molton Bruce; Pinehill; cattle

Subjects: Pinehill; cattle

00:02:00 - Blackberry Thicket

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MM: What about the blackberry thicket?

BM: What about that blackberry thicket that you—

LJ: That blackberry—

BM: --started telling me about a while ago.

Segment Synopsis: Memories of picking blackberries

Keywords: blackberry

Subjects: blackberry

00:03:04 - People of Pinehill

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LJ: Yeah. I remember Walt Bolin (ph).

BM: Up in the north.

LJ: He lived on the north side of Polecat going straight north to Pinehill school. And his mule kicked him! And he had a scar of this mule’s foot on his-a lot of, some people called him “Mule Tracks.”

BM: Do you remember a Frank Bruce?

Segment Synopsis: The people of Pinehill and Indian allotments

Keywords: Allotment of land; Arthur Roberts; Bob Lucas; Curtis Scott; Elsa Self; Frank Bruce; Indians; Pinehill School; Polecat; Smith Bruce; Sunrise; Walt Bolin; cemetery; oats; slaves; steam thrasher; two room school; wagon; wheat

Subjects: Allotment of land; Pinehill

00:06:11 - Moving to Pinehill and more Pinehill classmates

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BJ: Now didn’t you go to school at Pinehill?

LJ: No, no.

BJ: I thought you went to school there! Just lived there?

Segment Synopsis: Remembering more people in the Pinehill Community

Keywords: Ed Abraham; Florence Stanley; Pickett Prairie; Pinehill; Posey Place; Theodore Abraham; Velma Carson

Subjects: Classmates; Pinehill School