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00:00:00 - Making the move to Pinehil

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: --here with John Rossander and Iva Rossander in their home, 10/22/1976 time 20 minutes ‘til four.

pause in tape

BM: John, what year did your mother and dad come into this community?

JR: Nineteen-nine.

BM: What was their names?

JR: Zeke and Sarah Rossander.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of moving to the Pinehill community

Keywords: Iva Rossander; John Rossander; Pinehill; Sarah Rossander; Zeke Rossander

Subjects: Pinehill; Rossander

00:01:31 - Pinehill School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: How many of them went to the Pinehill School?

JR: Well, every one of them except—no, let’s see, there’s four: Rubilee (ph)—I mean Maudie (ph), Rubilee (ph), Alice (ph) and Evelyn (ph) didn’t go. They died when they were young.

BM: Whenever your folks came to this part of the country, where did they migrate in here?

JR: Right from north of Drumright.

Segment Synopsis: Going to school at Pinehill and first teacher

Keywords: Edith Whiteneck; Pinehill; Pinehill School; teacher

Subjects: Pinehill

00:03:03 - Oil and Cotton

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: What did you family do for a liv—what did you or your parents do for a living whenever they came to this part of the—

JR: (laughs) Farmed. Cotton.

BM: They had a cotton farm.

JR: Yep.

Segment Synopsis: Family's cotton farm and the first oil well in the Pinehill area

Keywords: Elsa Self; Hennesson Ware; Iva Ware; Owen Ware; cotton; drilling; farm; oil; wells

Subjects: Farming cotton; Oil wells

00:05:46 - Members of Pinehill Community

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: What year did you and Iva get married?

JR: In ’26.

BM: Well, we better back up a little bit. You said a while ago that you remember Jake Roberts (ph).

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of where Pinehill community members lived

Keywords: Jake Roberts; L.J. Florence; Pinehill; Smith Bruce; Vann; log house

Subjects: Pinehill; log house

00:08:25 - First Pinehill School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MM: Where was the first school he went to?

BM: Where was the first school that you went to, John?

JR: Victory Chapel.

BM: You went to Victory Chapel first, then—

Segment Synopsis: Location of the first Pinehill school

Keywords: Abner Bruce; Leo Pinehill; Mosquito place; Pinehill; Pinehill school; Victory Chapel

Subjects: Pinehill school

00:09:38 - Location of Pinehill School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MM: Did you check and see if it’s running? (pause) There weren’t but one.

BM: There’s been talk that there was one schoolhouse here, possibly two. Now do you know anything about that?

JR: Well now, that don’t seem right to me. But there wasn’t but one. And it was right in the corner, in the northeast corner of Mosquito Creek. That’s where it sat. I can show you the rock, I think, where it sit. It wasn’t in the corner on Pinehill, this was close to the road where it turns down—

Segment Synopsis: Discussion on the location of the Pinehill school

Keywords: Abner Bruce; Mosquito Place; Murta Mosquito; Pinehill; school; schoolhouse

Subjects: Pinehill school

00:12:28 - Second Pinehill School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JR: Because they built the new schoolhouse over here, then.

BM: They built a new schoolhouse up on the hill.

JR: On the Grandpa Bly’s (ph) place.

BM: On the Grandpa Bly (ph) place.

JR: Yeah, other word to it was, I guess it was Phoebe Bruce’s. No?

Segment Synopsis: Location of the second Pinehill school

Keywords: Bly; Phoebe Cairnly; Pinehill; Pinehill School

Subjects: Pinehill School

00:13:22 - Activities at the school house

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: What all, what all activities was the school used for?

JR: Well, when I went to school?

BM: Yeah, when you went to school there, from the time that you remember the school starting—

JR: It was just baseball and—

Segment Synopsis: The many activities that took place at the Pinehill schoolhouse

Keywords: Christmas Programs; Pinehill; Sunday School; baseball; church; fairs; literary; pie supper; polling precinct; school

Subjects: Pinehill; activities; school; schoolhouse

00:15:06 - Mark Saxon

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Who done the fighting?

JR: Who?

BM: That you remember?

JR: (laughs) Uh, Mark Saxon (ph) and oh, I can’t think of that other guy’s name. That was the first fight I ever seen.

Segment Synopsis: Seeing Mark Saxon get in a fight and his family history

Keywords: Arthur Barnes; Bill Baker; Ellen; Gertrude; Mark Saxon; Pinehill; Skeeter Creek; Smith Bruce; fights

Subjects: Mark Saxon; Pinehill

00:18:08 - Rabbits for dinner

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JR: Well, now, on this same place I can’t think of them people that lived there. After that, a while after that, they had two girls and one boy and they was great big old husky girls and what their names was now I can’t think of it. I used to tease Homer about one of them girls. In 19—I don’t know what. They killed rabbits and it was a baaaad winter.

Segment Synopsis: Hunting rabbits during a bad winter

Keywords: Rabbits; hunt; winter

Subjects: hunting rabbits

00:19:51 - John and Iva marry

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: What year did you and Iva, what year was you and Iva married?

JR: In ’26.

BM: 1926.

JR: Third day of February.

Segment Synopsis: The date of John and Iva Rossander's marriage

Keywords: 1926; Iva Rossander; John Rossander; marriage

Subjects: Marriage

00:20:24 - Poem from the Literary

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: --you said while ago that you [inaudible] (tape garbled) --or you know a poem that—literary--

IR: --remember it—[inaudible]. (tape garbled)

BM: Well, let’s have it!

Segment Synopsis: Iva recites the poem from the literary

Keywords: literary; poem

Subjects: literary

00:21:53 - Working Days

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MM: You want to ask him about the [indecipherable]?

BM: You, John, what all work have you done since you and Iva were, had been married?

JR: Well, I mostly farmed, but we went to New Mexico in ’36. I worked for a rancher out there and I worked seven days a week from sun ‘til sun for two dollars a day. And I kept wantin’ them to give me a day off, ‘cause it was just driving me crazy.

Segment Synopsis: Memories of working and various jobs

Keywords: Culverson Saw Mill; Edward Hunt Sheep Company; biscuits; drop herds; farm; lamb; mutton; sheep; sidelined; work

Subjects: farming; sheep; work

00:25:30 - Jake Roberts Place

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: What about the Jake Roberts place, you said something about the Jake Roberts place, the Jake Roberts lease or place? Earlier?

JR: Well, Jake Roberts, they, they used to when we first came here, they had all the good horses. Good horses. They was workin’ negroes. Colored folks. Really working. And there was Jake, he was old as I am, and then there was Johnny Roberts (ph) and Walk Roberts (ph), and—Walk lives over here this side of the 66 yet. Arthur, that’s Arthur.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of Jake Roberts and slaves

Keywords: Indian Slaves; Indian Territory; Jake Roberts; Johnny Roberts; Rubin Moore; Walk Roberts; allotted; freedman; horses; slavery; white slaves

Subjects: Indian Territory; Jake Roberts; slaves