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00:00:00 - Blythe Family

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: This is a history affair with Mrs. Dewey

MM: Her name is--

RS: Well, I think you look like Gary Hall!

MM: --Ruth Stumpff. Go on, say Ruth Stumpff. This is Ruth Stumpff.

RS: Ruth Hailey Stumpff! (ph)

BM: Okay, this is an interview with Ruth Hailey Stumpff (ph) here in Cato, Missouri on the morning of the 20th—21st day of September 1989.

Segment Synopsis: Memories of the Blythe family

Keywords: Cato, Missouri; Ruth Stumpff; William Blythe; buggy; fence; horse back; wood fence

Subjects: Blythe; rail fence

00:03:27 - Boyfriends, marriage, and children

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: What about, did you flirt with the boys?

RS: And count—

BM: Did you flirt with the boys?

RS: We, we claimed ‘em!

BM: Oh, you claimed the boys!

Segment Synopsis: Memories of boyfriends and flirting

Keywords: Ozark Hills; Sam Blythe; boys; flirt

Subjects: Boyfriends; Ozark Hills

00:05:49 - Mary Jane Wilson

Play segment

Partial Transcript: MM: What about Aunt Sis (ph)?

RS: Oh yeah, I’m—Aunt Sis Wilson, she was a neighbor of ours and she was a tall, hands—tall, beautiful lady and in her elderly days she lived alone right about a mile and a half from us and she—the way I remember her best is when I would kick along to school when I was near the eighth grade, Sis would come along now, what was her other name? Sis, or?

Segment Synopsis: Memories of a neighbor, Mary Jane Wilson

Keywords: Absalom Stubblefield; Sis Wilson; cuff sleeves

Subjects: Sis Wilson