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00:00:00 - Family

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Seventh - afternoon of June 7, 1977. We're talking to

Charles Lionel Klock

Charles Lionel Klock, and he's gong to tell us about his family. Lionel, what war you mother and dad's name?

Segment Synopsis: Charles Lionel Klock describes his family

Keywords: Beaumont; Morgan City (La.); Texas City; brother; family; father; mother; sister; sisters

Subjects: Klock family

00:02:01 - Pinehill school

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Did all of you children go to Pinehill school?

No, just the three oldest - Daphine and myself and Vernon. I think that was the only ones that really went to the Pinehill school.

How many years did you go?

About two, I believe, because

Segment Synopsis: Lionel Klock describes going to Pinehill school.

Keywords: Annie over; Mr. Thomas; Pinehill; school

Subjects: Pinehill school; jumping gates; riding a horse to school; spankings

00:06:36 - Chicken roasts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Did you ever hear about - did you ever hear about those chicken roasts? Would you like to hear, would you like to hear a story -

No, Daphine - Daphine, now I think Daphine -

Would you like to hear the story about them?

Yeah, I'd like to hear that.

Segment Synopsis: Interviewer Mary McCarty relates a story from Lloyd Bruce about stealing chickens and roasting them in a clay shell.

Keywords: Lloyd Bruce; Lloyd, Bruce; chicken roasts

Subjects: bake in clay; chicken roasts

00:07:57 - Opossum hunting and school spanking and fight with Bob

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well, you missed the fun years out there, then.

Well, maybe so. But I had plenty of fun. Going out to - going out in the -

Do you remember the Christma -

- you know, Dad' d take us out hunting at night. We'd go out and hunt opossum or it jsut so happened that many a times we'd - we'd run over with a old hound, we had an old hound that went out ahead of us.

Keywords: hound dog; opossum; skunk

Subjects: Striped skunk; hound dog; opossum; skunk

00:08:57 - School fight and fight with Bob

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You start talking about that fight, you said there was about eighteen of you:

Oh, yeah, well -

You told me while ago there was about eighteen of you got a whipping. How many of them was in school that year, if eighteen of you got a whipping?

I don't know, I would say it was at least half of the school got it, but the fight really - I don't know exactly what Bobby's part of it is ---

Segment Synopsis: Lionel Klock and Bob McCarty reminisce about a fight and the switching they got from the school teacher.

Keywords: girl whipping; school fight; whipping

Subjects: school fight

00:13:05 - Moonshine and a stomp dance

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Hey, Bobby, did you ever get up in the country there, especially up behind old Ellis Heads' house? You ever go up in there? You ever see those pigs laying up there in that mud -


- get so drunk on that sour, sour mash that tehm poor sows couldn't get up?

Segment Synopsis: Lionel Klock and Bob McCarty reminisce about a moonshiner and an Indian stomp dance.

Keywords: moonshine; pigs; sour mash; stomp dance; war party; white lightening

Subjects: Indian stomp dance; deputy sheriff; moonshine; white lightening

00:19:06 - Bobby can fight and Lena can dance

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What were some of the kids' names that went to school with you?

Well, I really don't remember a whole lot of 'em. Naturally, Bob Imhousen, then Lena Hooky

She must have been a pretty little girl. You keep talking about her.

Keywords: classmates; dancing

Subjects: dances; two-step