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00:00:00 - Elwood Bigpond Family Plot

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: (tape recording fumbling sounds) Now we’ll start all over again. This is an interview with Anderson Bigpond and Elwood Bigpond on the family cemeteries that they know about as well as any other cemeteries that they might know about here in Creek County. Okay, Mr. Bigpond was telling about where your father was buried. That is over about two miles east and about a quarter to a half a mile north of the Mills Chapel schoolhouse. Is that right?

EB: Ehh, let’s see—

BM: Right there by Little Deep Fork Creek—on the south side of Little Deep Fork Creek but it’d be on the east side of that road. [refers to map]

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the location of the Elwood Bigpond Family Plot

Keywords: Anderson Bigpond; Bigpond Family Cemetery; Clinton Cemetery; Dub Bolin; Elwood Bigpond; Elwood Bigpond Family Plot; Elwood Family Plot; Little Deep Fork Creek; Mills Chapel Schoolhouse; family burial plot

Subjects: cemeteries; family

00:04:03 - Kellyville Area Cemeteries

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AB: Now, how about the one north of you, where grandma lived, on the east there? Several graves in [indecipherable]?

EB: Two babies there. Two babies there but that’s—that’s been sold, too.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of cemeteries located near Kellyville, Oklahoma

Keywords: Amos Felix; Indian Nations Council; Kellyville; Kenny Felix; Little Bucktrot; Pat Barnett; Winnie Cahwey

Subjects: Kellyville; cemeteries

00:06:54 - Geneaology Society of Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Well alright, I’ll probably—when we get this done, they’re talking about they want me to take Okfuskee and also Okmulgee County and do the same thing with a bunch in there.

UM: Yeah. There’s also one in Seminole County.

BM: Yeah? We have found eighty-five here in the Creek County area.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the how and why they began the project of locating the cemeteries.

Keywords: Bigpond Family Cemetery; Cawhey Cemetery; Depew; Gene Connolly; Geneaology Society of Bristow; Ofuskee County; Okmulgee County; Seminole County

Subjects: Creek County; Genealogy Society of Bristow; cemetery

00:09:33 - Barnett Family Cemetery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AB: Now, Jack Tiger—what was, don’t they have a—

EB: Jack Tiger’s buried south of Depew kind of off in the woods there somewhere. It’s an old cemetery right in there.

BM: South of Depew?

EB: Yeah.

BM: Okay, how far south?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the location of the Barnett Family Cemetery

Keywords: Barnett Cemetery; Barnett Family Cemetery; Jack Tiger; Jake Barnett; Lodie Barnett; Lodie Tiger; Patsy Barnett; Patti Tiger; William Barnett

Subjects: Barnett Family Cemetery

00:13:38 - Poor Farm Cemetery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AB: Now I’ve got one here I’d like to ask you about.

BM: Alright.

AB: Since I, I usually save all these all the time. Okay. Now— [papers rustling]

BM: Robert Biggs!

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the Poor Farm Cemetery near Bristow

Keywords: Barney Harjo; Bristow; Bristow Cemetery; Bristow City Cemetery; Deep Rock Camp; Oakcrest; Oakcrest Memorial Park; Poor Farm Cemetery; Robert Biggs; pauper's cemetery

Subjects: Poor Farm Cemetery

00:15:26 - Magnolia Cemetery Lease

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: All them little crosses there. Now just up about 200, two- or three-hundred yards right west of that on the south side of the road, in them trees, there is another cemetery.

EB: I’ve been by there but I wouldn’t know.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of Magnolia Cemetery and an old lease agreement

Keywords: Bristow; Harjo; Magnolia Cemetery; Oakcrest Memorial; Ron Schumaker; Roy Dunaway

Subjects: Magnolia Cemetery; lease

00:19:10 - Oak Hill and Bristow Cemetery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Wait a min-- Oak Hill. Okay now, we’ve got—I don’t know whether you knew it—know it or not, now that would be out there at this new—that’d be out the new cemetery. Now there in Bristow they’ve got another cemetery that was the original Bristow cemetery. I didn’t know whether you knew that or not.

AB: No.

BM: Now they, they’ve got another one, you go out east of Bristow on sixteen --

AB: Yeah.

BM: And you start down the hill there to cross Sand Creek?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the Oak Hill and the original Bristow Cemetery

Keywords: Arthur Foster; Bristow Cemetery; Foster Cemetery; Oak Hill; Sand Creek

Subjects: Bristow Cemetery; Oak Hill

00:22:21 - Pinehill Cemetery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AB: What did, did, oh—Pinehill. Did they have a cemetery?

BM: Yep. Sure did.

EB: Yeah, they cut one.

BM: They built one a way up here. And Sally Pinehill, she’s buried way south of the old, the original. The one—the original cemetery, it’s right up on the bank of Polecat. Remember where Pinehill schoolhouse used to be?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of Pinehill Cemetery

Keywords: Cemetery; Pinehill; Pinehill Schoolhouse; Polecat; Sally Pinehill

Subjects: Pinehill Cemetery

00:23:46 - Watashe Cemetery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: They buried her back south of there about a quarter to a half a mile up on the side of the hill on her allotment up there. And you got the old Artie (ph) Skeeters (ph)--Artie Mosquito, do you remember him? Then you’ve got the old Artie (ph) Mosquito cemetery back over there on Mosquito Creek. pause Okay, now then, there’s another question that been a’rubbin’ me: I was called late yesterday evening about a cemetery. You go to Kellyville, go west out of Kellyville, to the first road that goes north. And that road goes all the way through to 33 Highway up there, and you come out up there at Bluebell. When you turn north up there—it’s just about a mile north, just before you cross the turnpike up there. On the west side of the road there’s supposed to be a cemetery sitting in there behind—according to this party that called me—there’s supposed to be a cemetery in there. There’s five or six graves in it. Do you know any of this?

EB: You get more information on that if you just talk to Joe Watashe right in there, he--

BM: Okay. Alright. Well now see, Watashe’s got on up the road, on up the road, then, to the next mile section.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the Watashe Cemetery

Keywords: Artie Mosquito; Bluebell; Joe Watashe; Kelly; Kellyville; Watashe Cemetery

Subjects: Watashe Cemetery

00:27:24 - Harry Cemetery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EB: The only one I know was buried in there in the cemetery’d be Ed Harry.

AB: Oh! You got—have you got the Harry Cemetery?

BM: Alright, would that be it?

AB: You go up here to the three mile—

BM: Three miles?

AB: Let’s see, let’s see—be two miles out of town back off in this Deep Fork ridge.

BM: Yeah.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the Harry Cemetery

Keywords: Deep Fork Ridge; Eddie Harry; Harry Cemetery

Subjects: Harry Cemetery

00:31:42 - Haydeville and Knight Cemeteries

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: --but you have any idea what that cemetery would be?

EB: No, I don’t. (rooster crows)

BM: That would be this one right here. [refers to map]

EB: Is it pretty close to the railroad?

BM: Yeah, it would be north of the railroad.

Segment Synopsis: Brief discussion of the locations of the Haydenville and Knight cemeteries

Keywords: Haydenville; Jim Bigpond; Knight; Tuskegee School

Subjects: Haydenville Cemetery; Knight Cemetery

00:34:54 - Bear Cemetery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: AB: Now where’s the Bear cemetery out there?

BM: Bear?

AB: Yeah.

BM: Okay, I’ll tell you in a minute. [refers to map]

EB: I saw them over here.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of Bear Cemetery

Keywords: Bear Cemetery; Juedeman; Roley Bear; Tuskegee

Subjects: Bear Cemetery

00:36:53 - Clarence and Teddy Brown

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Anything else you can think of?

AB: Now, Clarence—Clarence Brown, they have a cemetery there.

BM: Okay, now we’ve got, we’ve got a Brown. Another Brown. We’ve got a Brown here somewhere. [refers to map] Yeah, Teddy Brown. Old man Brown and we’ve got a Teddy Brown. Now, this is where names are a gift to me: seventy-three and seventy-six. Seventy-three and seventy-six. That’d be right in here. [refers to map] Seventy-three—(pause) and I don’t—we’ve got Brown there but that’s not right. Brown or Long over there south, Cawhey’s (ph) in there, there’s another one here.

Segment Synopsis: Brief discussion of Clarence and Teddy Brown

Keywords: Clarence Brown; Gypsy; Teddy Brown

Subjects: Clarence Brown; Teddy Brown

00:38:58 - Madison Bucktrot and the Lane Cemetery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Okay, then, seventy-seven, it’s back over here right west of Iron Post. That’s the old Mason Bucktrot.

AB: Madison Bucktrot.

BM: Madison Bucktrot. And is that right?

EB: They got, they got their own cemetery.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the Bucktrot family cemetery and the Lane Cemetery

Keywords: Cling; Edna; Madison Bucktrot; The Lane Cemetery; Tuskegee

Subjects: Madison Bucktrot

00:41:29 - McNac Cemetery and Harlinsville Cemetery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BM: Now, eighty-three, now let’s see, where’s eighty-three at. [refers to map] Now eighty-three, now we’ll come back in here, that’s the Clinton cemetery, out east of town out here. Eighty-four, then, is the family cemetery. Eighty-five, then, is yours.

EB: Mmm-hmm.

BM: Eighty-six is Knight.

EB: Wally (ph) Knight?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the McNac Cemetery and Harlinsville Cemetery

Keywords: Amos McNac; Harlinsville Cemetery; McNac Cemetery; Wally Knight

Subjects: Harlinsville Cemetery; McNac Cemetery