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00:00:00 - Introduction of Ralph "Brick" Kirchner

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EM: We’ll have to be real quiet on this now.

(Pause in recording)

EM: [inaudible] He has attained the ripe of age of ninety-one. His father made the run in to Oklahoma territory in…1889?

BK: Ninety-three.

EM: Ninety-three, back here when the state [inaudible].

BK: That’s correct.

EM: Brick attended the Oklahoma A&M College, for those of you who are not familiar with that, it’s now Oklahoma State University. Brick is also the dean of the Bristow District Rotary Government, having served since 1931 and 1932. There are many more facts about Brick Kirchner that I’d like to bring out is that Brick Kirchner is—or was, at one time—in the newspaper publishing business. Brick Kirchner owned half interest in a newspaper in Ada, Oklahoma. Having seen the error of his ways, he took his money out of the newpaper—

Segment Synopsis: Guest speaker Ralph "Brick" Kirchner is introduced by Ed Mackenson

Keywords: Brick; Bristow Rotary Club; Congress; Oklahoma A&M College; Ralph R. "Brick" Kirchner

Subjects: Introduction of Ralph "Brick" Kirchner

00:02:23 - Ralph Kirchner Early Years

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BK: [inaudible] No, I don’t care. Am I speaking into this? Okay. Mr. Steward, thank you very kindly for that very nice and very liberal education, and I’m happy that my [indecipherable] section is here, too.


BK: And the [indecipherable] section’s been here for a long time. I thought, too, it was kind of odd, Doc Yourman got the program for Don Kitchens, and Don Kitchens couldn’t be here, so Ed McMillan—I mean, Ed Mackenson introduced me for Don Kitchens. Now that beats around the bush a little bit.


Segment Synopsis: Ralph "Brick" Kirchner speaks about his early years in college and in the military.

Keywords: Army; Ed Mackenson; Gulf Oil Production; Gypsy Oil Company; J.D.Ward; Oklahoma A&M

Subjects: Ralph Kirchner Early Years

00:06:12 - Ralph "Brick" Kirchner sells real estate

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BK: Now that’s something, too! And I went to Perry. That’s my old hometown. And Perry is—was about eighteen, twenty miles—about twenty miles, I guess—southeast of Garber, and Garber was really booming then. Plenty of production around there, but Garber was really booming of that fine, high-grade oil. And my dad was in the real estate business and he would buy royalties. So he and two other gentlemen that I knew bought royalty under the Wolf (ph) farm about two miles south of Garber. And my dad had told me, and so had Mr. Mauser (ph) that they would like to sell their interest if they could get $15,000 for it. So I thought that I’d use that as a starter and I went to Enid and I managed to sell that royalty—represented that I owned its individual interest and could deliver it for $22,500. And that’s quite a bit of profit. So I had to buy it first, so when I came home that evening I went to my banker, Mr. John Hanson (ph), the Bank of Commerce, and explained the deal to him and I said, I’d like to borrow the money from you to buy this. He said, Alright, I’ll do it. I’ll tell you how I’ll do it: I’ll do it for half of the profit.


Segment Synopsis: Ralph "Brick" Kirchner talks about buying and selling royalties in Oklahoma.

Keywords: Enid; Garber; Mr Hanson; Perry; royalty

Subjects: Ralph "Brick" Kirchner sells real estate

00:08:57 - Ralph "Brick" Kirchner goes into the oil business

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So I was acquainted with Jim Sloane (ph). Jim was the tool pusher for the Roxanna Oil Company. And a tool pusher—that means he had charge of all their drilling tools, and hiring the men and so forth and operate the rigs. And so Jim and I decided to go into partnership and buy a string of tools, which we did. And Jim was fortunate enough to get his assistant pusher—to get his assistant pusher appointed to fill his position at the Roxanna. Here’s the deal: that enabled us to borrow from [indecipherable], this assistant, any tools that we didn’t have! So that made a nice deal for me, too.

Segment Synopsis: Brick begins a partnership and starts Kirchner & Sloan, Inc.

Keywords: Billings Petroleum Company; Jim Sloane; Kirchner & Sloan, Inc; Roxanna Oil Company; Yukon; doodlebug; oil; tools

Subjects: Ralph "Brick" Kirchner goes into the oil business

00:12:39 - Getty Oil Company Contract

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Partial Transcript: But by that time, it was necessary that we got our rig moved because we had a contract with the Getty Oil Company. The Getty Oil Company was owned by J. Paul Getty. This location was on a main (ph) six miles east of Billings. J. Paul owned the Getty Oil Company. His father, Colonel Getty, was the big dog Getty in the oil business at that time. He owned the Minnehoma Oil Company and had mass production in the Garber field. We drove this well for Mr. Getty and we had our bunkhouse there, and it was the cook shack also. Some of the crew stayed in the house and we cooked our meals there. And our meals was either hot dogs or hotcakes. Hotcakes for breakfast and hot dogs at the other two meals.

Segment Synopsis: Ralph "Brick" Kirchner drills for Getty Oil Company

Keywords: Bank of Commerce; Getty Oil Company; Hoover sand; J. Paul Getty; Kirchner & Sloane, Inc.; Minnehoma Oil Company; Mr. Hanson; Santa Fe Station; drilling; oil

Subjects: Getty Oil Company Contract

00:16:45 - Ralph "Brick" Kirchner drills for J.D. Means

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BK: Well, I have a lot written down here.


BK: Our next well, after Mr. Getty’s well, was for J.D. Means, and it was by the northeast offset to Mr. Getty’s. And while we were drilling that well for Mr. Means, Marland Oil Company was drilling in the northeast corner of the section and we were in the southeast corner of that same section. We made a small well for Mr. Means, but Mr. Getty—I mean, Mr. Marland, on his location up there, got a nice well and that was the discovery well for the great Oklahoma Three Sands pool. And incidentally the north offset to that, my dad had some royalty that he purchased under that, too, that offset—that well was dry. The east offset and for a mile and a half or two miles north and south, and a mile and a half wide, was the Garber field, and it was a dandy. [There are a] few wells producing there today.

Segment Synopsis: Ralph "Brick" Kirchner drills for J.D. Means and discusses life in the oilfield

Keywords: Bristow; Caufield Oil Company; Garber field; J.D. Means; John Phillips; Krumme; Marland Oil Company; Oklahoma Three Sands Pool; Phillips Petroleum Company; Red Fork; boarding house; bunkhouse; oil scouts; rig

Subjects: Ralph "Brick" Kirchner drills for J.D. Means

00:23:28 - Drilling in Slick, Oklahoma

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well, we got started at Slick. We were on fuel number one, and after we got a little below a hundred feet we went through the line and left the tools in the hole. We had about three feet of line—the line broke about three feet up above the tools. And those drilling lines, as most of you know, have six strands. They’re six to nineteen line, they’re called. There’s six—there’s three big strands and nineteen little strands in there. Well, we had the casing rolled down to get over the tools to pick ‘em out but I couldn’t get over it on account of that size of wire there. And we ran a light down the hole to see what condition it was, because you could look down there and see it with a light in there. And it was frazzled out, and I said, If that wire was cut off at the top of that socket, we could fish those tools out. And one of the men volunteered to go down and I thought, That’s a foolish trip. And we had [indecipherable] it’d break our company for sure. So I went down myself. And I put a felt hat on and filled it with waste up there because you could hear chunks go down there and hit the water around those tools and go ka-PLUNK and you didn’t know whether it was a big chunk or a little chunk or whether it was a rock or a piece of shale. Nevertheless, I went down and it wasn’t dangerous. However, we were drilling an 18” hole and right on top of the ground was cable tools you stomp, you know, and put a little water in the hole and stomp down there and bail out what you’ve mixed, that’s the way they drill with cable tools.

Segment Synopsis: Ralph "Brick" Kirchner discusses drilling near Slick, Oklahoma and for Caufield Oil Company on the Sewell Farm

Keywords: Barney Sewell; Caufield Oil Company; Dutcher; Sewell; Sewell Farm; Slick; control head; drilling; eight-mile corner; explosion; oil; shell

Subjects: Drilling in Slick, Oklahoma and for Caufield Oil Company

00:31:12 - Ralph "Brick" Kirchner discusses Jim Sloane

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BK: --he said, No sir, mister, [indecipherable], said, We done closed the rolls.


BK: [Indecipherable.] –my partner in Kirchner & Sloane, Inc. was Jim Sloane (ph). Jim wanted to continue drilling on a contract basis. I wanted production. So we dissolved partnership and dissolved the corporation and I got—and divided up the tools. We had two strings at that time. And I got a lease on the Henry Fisher farm south of here, and many of you are familiar with the Fishers and some of ‘em buy their eggs there, I imagine. But we drilled a well on it, I sold some interest in it for to raise a little money to drill it with and I sold Art Stone (ph) on the interest on those. And Art was out there the day we were to hit the sands. And I was in to fifteen-ten (ph) and it was looking good, and I sold Art Stone a ninety-sixth (ph) interest for $3,000 on the derrick floor there just by a shake of the hands—and that’s the way many, many deals were closed, just by a shake of the hands. And it wasn’t an hour until we’d hit—until we hit the sand. And when she started smoking gas we started out of the hole, but the oil beat the tools out of the hole. And did we feel good! And so we had the tanks up anticipating a well, and we had the tanks up so we got out of the hole and tools and closed that control head and turned it into the tanks and it was flowing into the tanks. And we went home that night, nice little fortune between the [indecipherable] bungalow. I figured, I think we’re rich. What in the world could we do now for our poor relatives?

Segment Synopsis: Ralph "Brick" Kirchner discusses Jim Sloane and how they dissolved the partnership

Keywords: Art Stone; Jim Sloane; Kirchner & Sloane, Inc

Subjects: Ralph "Brick" Kirchner discusses Jim Sloane

00:34:23 - Gotham Oil Company

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BK: Let’s see. The next one—I moved from there over to [indecipherable] 15-10 for the Gotham Oil Company. The Gotham Oil Company was out of Washington, D.C. And M.M. Wyville (ph) was the major holder in the Gotham Oil Company. And M.M. Wyville (ph) was secretary to William Jennings Bryan when Bryan secretary of war under Woodrow Wilson, to give you a little line-up on that. We drove that well for, for Gotham and when she started smoking gas—we had the control head on—we turned it into the pit, turned the well into the pit in case it wouldn’t flow. And Mr. Wyville (ph) and I went to Bristow to order out the tanks. We did, we ordered out a full tank and two 250s. Tanks then were all folded tanks, they weren’t welded like they are today. But when we got the tanks set—the well’d flowed twice into the pits when we got back. When we got the tanks set we picked up 450 barrels of good oil out of the pits. And [indecipherable] wanted to drill the well six inches, and we tried to hit the string on six inches—six inches above the clamps—and clipped it to the clamps, and it didn’t change the motion at all. And when it drilled off, it came out of that hole. That well made 450 barrels. That was sixty-one years ago now, today. Sixty-one years ago and that well is still producing between seven and eight barrels in the Meisner sand.

Segment Synopsis: Drilling for the Gotham Oil Company and discussion of Claude Freeland

Keywords: Albert Kelly; Claude Freeman; Corporation Commission; George Fargo; Gotham Oil Comapany; Levan; M.M. Wyville; Poor Farm; Prairie Oil and Gas; William Jennings Bryan; Woodrow Wilson; gauger

Subjects: Claude Freeland; Drilling for the Gotham Oil Company; Prairie Oil and Gas

00:39:50 - Bristow is a Boom Town

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BK: Bristow was a—Bristow was a real boom town and my time’s about gone, but I wanted to tell you some of the things that aren’t here now that I saw here. We had three refineries here. A Bristow Refining Company out here on the Kelly farm here right at the north edge of town. Wilcox Refinery across the railroad track east of it. And then the Sun Company Oil Refinery up on the hill—one of the old [indecipherable] refineries. We have no refineries here now.

We used to have the Republic Supply Company here—that’s an oilfield supply company. Across the street was the Oil Well Supply Company. Then after that was the National Supply Company. A couple of blocks north and a half east was the—

Segment Synopsis: Bristow was a "real boom town" with many refineries and oil businesses.

Keywords: American Tool Machine Company; Bristow; Bristow Pipe and Machine Company; Bristow Refining Company; Chester; Cushing; Ed Abraham; National Supply Company; Oil Well Supply Company; Producer Supply Company; Republic Supply Company; Sun Company Oil Refinery; Wilcox Refinery; refineries

Subjects: Discussion of Bristow as a boom town