Quince Brown, Bristow's WWII Fighter Ace

Bristow Historical Society, Inc.
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00:00:42 - George Krumme's Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: My name is George Krumme and I was a Bristow boy, Quince Brown1 was a slightly older Bristow boy, who became an ace fighter pilot in World War II before he was shot down and killed over in Germany 3 months after D Day. When I learned that his nephew, Rusty Brown, had a video showing clips of Quince’s fighter group, I thought it appropriate that a shortened video be made from it for those of us who have an interest in the history of World War II with a particular emphasis on Quince’s outstanding record. So, here it is!

Keywords: Ace Fighter Pilot; Bristow; George Krumme; Germany; Quince Brown; World War II

00:04:27 - 78th Fighter Group. P-47 Era 1943-1944

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Partial Transcript: This is Bob Ebee speaking on this January day in 1987 the 16-millimeter film on this videotape was shot in 1943 and 1944 at the Duxford airbase located 10 miles South of Cambridge, England. The 78th fighter group arrived in England in November of 1942 and flew their first combat mission from Duxford on April 13, 1943 (Pause in recording) This is Col. Armond(ph.) Peterson, the first group commander of the 78th. He served from May 1942 until his loss on a combat mission July 1st, 1943. Lt. Harry Dayhuff was the first 82nd squadron commanding officer who served until August of 1943.

Keywords: 1943; 1944; 1987; 364th Squadron; 78th Fighter Group; 82nd squadron; 83rd Squadron; Bob Ebee; Bombers; Cambridge England; Col. Armond Peterson; Col. Jim Stone; Combat mission; Duxford Air Base; Jake Oberhansley; Lt. Harry Dayhuff; Major McBay; Mission briefing

00:05:00 - Lt. Maddle U.S Combat Film No. 141

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is the first of about 15 minutes of selected 78th group combat film. Note that the title gives the pilot's name, the squadron, the date and the target. Note also the English gives the day first and the month second thus 30 dash 7 means July 30th. You note the pieces of the German plane flying by.

Keywords: 78th Fighter Group; Combat Formation; German Plane

00:05:37 - Lt. Pompetti U.S Combat Film No. 150

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This isn’t very clear, but those big object in the background are our b-17 bombers. The mission of July 30th, 1943 held the record for first in the 78th combat history. It was the first belly tank mission and extended the p-47 range to permit crossing the border of Germany for the first time.

Keywords: 1943; B-17 Bombers; Belly Tank; Germany; P-47

00:06:14 - Maj. Roberts U.S Combat Film No.191

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Partial Transcript: Major Gene Roberts shot down 3 German planes to become the first U.S pilot to get a triple air victory on one mission. Charlie Linden(ph.) shot down his fourth and fifth planes to become the first U.S ace in the European theater

Keywords: Charlie Linden; European Theater; German Plane; Maj, Gene Roberts; Triple Air Victory; U.S Ace; U.S Pilot

00:07:02 - Capt. Price U.S Combat Film No. 192

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Partial Transcript: Jack Price had a total of five air victories. We lost our second group commander on this July 30th mission, when Lt. Col. Melvin McNickle was shot down on his first mission and became a prisoner of war. Flak in the lower left.

Keywords: Capt. Jack Price; Flak; Lt. Col. Melvin McNickle; Prisoner of War

00:07:48 - Lt. Brown U.S Combat Film No. 194 and 425

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Partial Transcript: The final first on July 7th -er July 30th, 1943 is shown here when Quine Brown dropped down to the deck on his return from escorting the bombers (Pause in recording) to become the first us fighter pilot to shoot up a ground target in a European theater.

Keywords: Bombers; European Theater; Ground Targets; Quince Brown; U.S Fighter Pilot

00:08:11 - Maj. Roberts U.S Combat Film No. 550

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Partial Transcript: Lt. Col. Gene Roberts CO of the 84th had the third-highest number of air victories for the 78th group with a total of nine

Keywords: 78th Fighter Group; 84th Fighter Group; Air Victories; Lt. Col. Gene Roberts

00:09:03 - F/O Pompetti U.S Combat Film No. 421

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Pete Pompetti was another leader in air victories with six. He was shot down in early 1944 and was a prisoner of war. Good hits. It’s too bad the exposure isn’t better. Unfortunately, a lot of the combat film I have was not originals and some clarity is always lost in making copies and then more clarity is lost in converting 16 millimeter to video.

Keywords: 1944; Air Victories; Fighter Pilot; Pete Pompetti; Prisoner of War

00:09:38 - Lt. C.R Clark Combat Film No. 164

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is a little better being able to see the clouds, and this is-this is one of the more clear of the series.

Keywords: 78th Fighter Group; 82 Squadron; Fighter Pilot

00:10:15 - Lt. J.J Hockery U.S Combat Film No. 165

Play segment

Partial Transcript: John Hockery was the fifth leader in air victories with seven. This is another fairly clear exposure compared to many of them. He’s getting good hits there’s pieces of the German plane flying by. (Pause in recording) This film was used to convert-confirm victories for the pilot.

Keywords: Air Victories; German Plane; John Hockery

00:10:30 - 1st LT. Q.L Brown U.S Combat Film No. 310

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Quince Brown was the leading ace of the 78th with 13 victories before he was lost on a strafing run. (Pause in recording) There’s are good hits for being at greater than 300-yard range. Again you can see the B-7 bomber in their combat formation in the background.

Keywords: 78th Fighter Group; Ace; B-7 Bomber; Fighter Pilot; Strafing Run

00:10:55 - LT. Col. H.J Dayhuff U.S Combat Film No. 245

Play segment

Partial Transcript: There’s are good hits for being at greater than 300-yard range

Keywords: 78th Fighter Group; Fighter Pilot; Harry Dayhuff

00:11:36 - Lt. M.S Martinez U.S Combat Film No. 249

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Again you can see the B-7 bomber in their combat formation in the background. Very good hits for that range.

Keywords: B-7 Bomber; Combat formation

00:12:09 - Lt. G.M Turley U.S Combat Film No. 879

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Hell that German pilot has put his wheels down perhaps to slow down so the American pilot will overrun him. Grant Turley had six air victories before not returning from a combat mission. He’s going to get proof positive of a victory as you see the German pilot beel(ph.) out in a moment.

Keywords: American Pilot; Combat Mission; German Pilot; Grant Turley

00:12:24 - Lt. P.H. Hazelett U.S Combat Film No. 2062

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Ground strafing was very exciting but much more hazardous than aerial combat the higher loss ratio resulted from intense ground fire.

Keywords: 78th Fighter Group; Ground Strafing; Lt. Hazelett; World War II

00:12:44 - Capt. W.L Boone U.S Combat Film No. 2054

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Direct hits from ground fire was not too common for fighter planes at high altitudes.

Keywords: 78th Fighter Group; Fighter Pilots; Ground Fire; World War II

00:13:22 - Lt. B.M Watkins U.S Combat Film No. 2055

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Partial Transcript: The 78th group set the record for the European Theater when they destroyed 135 planes on the ground on their mission of April 16th, 1945. The 78th flew a total of 450 combat missions from April 13th, 1943 to April 25th, 1945.

Keywords: 1945; 78th Fighter Group; Combat Mission; European Theater

00:13:57 - LT. J.J Hockery U.S Combat Film No. 2150

Play segment

Partial Transcript: The group destroyed three hundred thirty-eight and a half German planes in the air and three hundred fifty-eight and a half on the ground for a total of six hundred ninety-seven German planes destroyed for a loss of 167 P-47s and P-51’s. This is a ratio of four German planes lost for one U.S plane lost. A P-47 cost $104,260 in 1943 and today a modern jet fighter cost several million dollars in comparison.

Keywords: 1943; 78th Fighter Group; German Planes; Jet Fighter; P-47; U.S Plane

00:16:09 - Capt. N.D Munson U.S Combat Film No. 2298

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Partial Transcript: The 78th group flew P-38’s in 1942 while in the States and while training for combat in England. Priorities in North Africa in late 1942 resulted in all our P-38’s and all but fifteen or sixteen pilots being transferred to North Africa. We received P-47s in early Jan of 1943 and flew them for two years when they were replaced by P-51s in early 1945. The 78th was the only group to fly all three of the first-line air force fighter planes.

Keywords: 78th Fighter Group; Doug Munson; England; First-Line Air Force Fighter Planes; Ground Strafing; Ground Targets; Locomotive; North Africa; P-38's; P-47's; P-51's

00:16:37 - Lt. J.W Wilkinson U.S Combat Film No. 2293

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Jim Wilkins was credited with shooting down 7 and a half German planes before being lost 2 days before D-Day on a strafing run in England. When the steam comes out of the locomotives like that you know you’ve destroyed a lot of the boiler tubes.

Keywords: D-Day; England; German Planes; Jim Wilkinson; Locomotive; Strafing Run

00:17:17 - Capt. W.W May U.S Combat Film No. 2287

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Partial Transcript: I edited out -uh -uh seemed like quite a 20 or 30 seconds Willy Mays chasing this plane for what seems like long enough to run out of ammunition, but in a few seconds, you will see one of the most spectacular shots of a German plane being shot down as he shoots the left-wing of here in a few moments.

Keywords: 78th Fighter Group; German Plane; Willy Mays; World War II

00:18:45 - Lt. Juchheim U.S Combat Film No. 3687

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Alex Juchhiem was our second leading ace with 11 air victories. An interesting statics is four of our top seven aces were lost. A total of 11 of the 78th pilots became aces while flying with our group. They had a total of 79 and a half air victories of or 23% of the 338 and ½ air victories for the group. I think the pilot is going to beel out of this one in a moment.

Keywords: 78th Fighter Group; Ace; Air Victories; World War II

00:19:04 - Lt. P.H. Hazelett U.S Combat Film No. 3687

Play segment

Keywords: 78th Fighter Group; U.S Pilot; World War II

00:25:14 - Maj. Bob Ebee

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Here I am. You can see I’m a major now, so it's sometime in mid-1944 and I must be out of pipe Tabaco, as the only time I smoke cigarettes is when my supply of mixture 79 was en route from the states. This is the first of my 3 P-47s, named for my daughter Vivian Gaile(ph.). Gaile was 2 months old when I left her and (indecipherable) in California and took a troop train to Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, and the Queen Elizabeth troopship to Scotland. This plane was shot down on a mission with another pilot flying it in February of 1944.

Keywords: 1944; 50 Caliber Gun; Barges; California; Camp Kilmer; Cockpit; Combat; Crew Chief; D-Day; Dive-Bombing Mission; Dolly Parton; France; German Truck; Ground Fire; Ground Personnel; Locomotive; ME-109; Major; Marshaling Yard; May West; New Jersey; Queen Elizabeth Troopship; Scotland; Sgt. John Harris; Skip Bombing; Spitfire Pilots; Strafing Mission; Supply Train; Yanks

00:30:00 - Quince Brown and The Bristow Connection

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is George Krumme again, we’ve come to the end of the commentary by Bob Ebee, but for those of us interested on Quine Brown and the Bristow connection here are some additional comments. Quince was born in 1917, he graduated from Bristow High school and attended Bristow Junior College and Oklahoma A & M college briefly, before earning his air-core wings at Kelly Field on April 25th, 1941, 7 months before the beginning of World War II. He severed as a flight instructor at Randolph, Kelly, and Majors airfields in Texas and taught a year at the Enid army flying school.

Keywords: "Gott Strafe England"; 78th Fighter Group; A&M College; Air Cadets; Air Medal; Air-Core Wings; Aircraft; Anti-Aircraft Fire; Bristow; Bristow High School; Bristow Junior College; Combat Duty; Dale Mayberry Flying School; Distinguished Flying Cross with Four Oak Leaf Clusters; Duxford Air Base; Enid, Oklahoma; Florida; French Croix de Gurre; Full Military Honors; George Krumme; German Airfield; Germany; Kelly Field; Leading Ace; London, England; Machine; Majors Airfield; Oak Leaf Clusters; Oklahoma Aviation and Space Hall of Fame; Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame; Prisoner of War List; Quince Brown; Quince L. Brown Parkway; Randolph Airfield; Republic P-47 Thunderbolt; S.S Representative; Silver Star; Strafing Fighter; Texas; Vance Airbase; War Bond Drive; World War I; World War II

GPS: Quince L. Brown - VFW War Memorial - Bristow, OK
Map Coordinates: N 35° 49.731 W 096° 24.321