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00:00:00 - Introduction and First Days In America

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EC: Mrs.—

TS: Mrs. Deeb Slyman .

EC: Mrs. Deeb Slyman.

NS: And do you read Arabic? I—

EC: (Chuckling) No, I can’t read Arabic. What is this? June 21, 1979. Okay, I was going to ask, now—your husband came about 1900, is that right?

AS: Yeah, that’s right.

EC: And, so you just said his brother came first?

TS: His brother came before him.

EC: And his brother was?

TS: Ellis .

EC: Ellis Slyman. Right.

Keywords: Arabic; Bristow; Buisness; Grocery Store; Main Street; Massachsetts

Subjects: Arrival In America; Arrival In Bristow; Mr Slyman's Grocery Store

00:05:34 - Arrival In Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EC: When did you come to Bristow?

AS: Nineteen twenty-four.

EC: Nineteen twenty-four.

AS: Yes.

EC: You came from Lebanon?

AS: Yeah, Lebanon, yes.

EC: Uh-huh (in agreement).

AS: (Inaudible.) citizen and the law changed. So they told him, the consul—the American consul told him (inaudible). He never asked him why. And the consul, he says he know why. So, we come and we slept in Paris for—for four months. So—

EC: What do you remember about your first days in Bristow? Anything—can you remember the first time you saw Bristow?

AS: Yes. First time I saw Bristow, yes. On my way to Bristow from (indecipherable), we make the (indecipherable) and the train. And we came and Frank Mike and Alice Coby (ph) and Alice’s landlady. They meet us in the, in the train. At the depot.

Segment Synopsis: The Slyman's arrival in Bristow and Annie's struggle getting in

Keywords: Alice Coby; Bristow; France; Frank Mike; Lebanon; Paris; Train Depot

Subjects: Annie Slyman stuck in Paris; Arrival In Bristow

00:07:49 - Lebanese Families In Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EC: What was the name of your village in—

AS: Hmm?

EC: What was the name of the village in Lebanon?

NS: Why, his village was Bdadoun. B-D-A-D-O-U-N. That’s where he came from, Mr. Slyman. She came from Juneau. J-U-N-E-A-U.

EC: Now, am I correct that most of—if not all the Lebanese families here—came from those two villages?

AS: (Inaudible in background.)

NS: Well, let’s see, the old timers?

AS: (Inaudible in background.)

EC: Mmm-hmm.

NS: I see. No, that’s the old-timers. Where did—where did Joe Abraham come from, Annie? What part of Lebanon?

AS: Bdadoun.

Segment Synopsis: The Slyman's talk about other Lebanese families in Bristow and the surrounding areas

Keywords: Bdadoun; Creek County; Drumright; Eliases; Farhouds; Fogaley; Frank Forey; Horany; Howayek; Juneau; Khazin; Labanon; League of Americanized Syrians; Marjayoun; Marquettes; Naifeh; Oilton; Oklahoma City; Paul Gillismon; Sam Beshara; Shama; Shamrock; Tulsa; Wabisaaiour

Subjects: Lebanese Families

00:17:39 - Experiences In Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EC: (Laughter) Most of the Lebanese were and are Catholic. Is that correct?

(Everyone talking at once)

TS: Greek Orthodox.

NS: Greek Orthodox.

EC: Or well yeah, Greek Orthodox, but here they would tend to be Catholic.

NS: Well, there’s more Greek Orthodox—

EC: Oh really!

NS: I don’t know why. They built a huge Greek Orthodox church in Oklahoma City and they just built one here.

EC: Oh, I see.

NS: Uh but um— I was gonna say if you can make contact with Homsey. H-O-M-S— H-O-M?

Segment Synopsis: The Sylman's experiences and stories from growing up and living in Bristow

Keywords: Americanized; Anti-Catholic; Anti-foreign; Catholic; Greek Orthodox; Madellia Hamra; Oil Boom; Rainbow Nursing Home; Uphus Abraham

Subjects: Experiences in Bristow; Religion

00:24:34 - Growing Up and Raising Children in Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: EC: When did you come to Bristow?

NS: In thirty— 1933. (Laughter)

EC: 1933.

NS: Uh-huh.

EC: The depression was going on then.

NS: Oh yeah, I raised six kids (indecipherable) the depression. They know it, I didn’t hurt em’— it didn’t hurt em’ a bit.

EC: What—

NS: My husband was—

EC: Yeah—

NS: a— he was a butcher in a grocery store and working with (Indecipherable)

TS: (Inaudible)

Segment Synopsis: Growing Up and Raising Children in Bristow

Keywords: Airplane; Bristow; Depew; Fourth of July; Great Depression; Grocery Store; League of Americanized Syrians

Subjects: Growing Up in Bristow; Holidays in Bristow; Raising Children In Bristow

GPS: Nellie Slyman's Home
Map Coordinates: 35.834122, -96.394409