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00:00:00 - Introduction and Spot Announcements

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Partial Transcript: EC: Okay, spot announcement for the week of August the 5th; This is Ed Cadenhead, history professor at the University of Tulsa, and I am in Bristow this summer under a grant from the Oklahoma Humanities Committee and the National Endowment for the Humanities, collecting information on the history of Bristow. If you have information, photographs, or scrapbooks, please call or come by the chamber of commerce office.

Keywords: Chamber of Commerce; Ed Cadenhead; Oklahoma Humanities Committee; Spot Announcement; Western Heritage Days

00:01:10 - Early Radio in Bristow

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Partial Transcript: EC: Article on radio. One of the editions to Bristows history, that is mentioned by most people, is the radio station KFRU. Unfortunately, there are some different memories of the fact; while some believe it was the first radio station in Oklahoma, a few even remember it as the first radio station in the nation. It was not even the first in Bristow; often forgotten as the fact that Merit Delano (ph) and others had a station on main street in the Joe Matton (ph) building. This station was

Keywords: Bill McGinnis; Catfish Band; Cowboy String Band; Delano Radio and Electric Company; Jimmy Wilson; Joe Matton; KCOU; KFRU; KVOO; Merit Delano; Roland Hotel

00:02:47 - Bristow Oil Boom

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Partial Transcript: EC: Article on oil boom. Virtually every resident in Bristow is aware of the oil boom that the city once witnessed. Most of the stories are predictable, for anyone who has seen or heard about a boom town. Some details and information, however, are harder to get. Exactly when the boom hit Bristow is hard to say, since the activity in Cushing and Slick affected Bristow. But the years in 1915-1923 would probably cover the main period.

Keywords: 1915-1923; Brick Kirshner; Chamber of Commerce; Lucy West; Oil Boom; Wallis Winshield

00:05:50 - Bristow Schools Beginning

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Partial Transcript: EC: Article on Bristow’s Schools. One continuing story in Bristow’s history is the pride and interest shown in the local schools. The story apparently started in 1898, when Mrs. Lucy West was contacted, and $400 was raised to build a school; yet, the Tulsa World reported the 1898 that school started in Bristow with J. H. A. Dumas (ph), his wife, and Mrs. C. B. Colburn (ph), his teachers. There’s hope that some accurate information about the connection between Dumas and West at this early date can be found.

Keywords: Aiyana Green; Aiyana Greenhopper; Alice Rue Williams; Ashley Ohlerly; Bristow Schools; C. B. Colburn; Charles Hutton; Ethan Mills; Ford Hardware; Gordon Castleberry; Gray Powers; J. H. A. Dumas; Jonathan West; Lahore Motel; Lloyd P. Loseur; Lucy West; Maude Vann; Mrs. Stickler; Orable Heinekins; P. A. Spice; Ralph Corey; Russel Banks; Stella Hanktons; Tulsa World; W. W. Green; Waldo Stickle

00:08:43 - County Seat Location Fight

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Partial Transcript: EC: Article on county seat fight. Well, one of the earliest and perhaps most important political contests in which Bristow was involved related to the location of the county seat. Beginning before statehood and then issued for many years, Sapulpa and Bristow contended for the advantage of being the county seat. Bristow lost the first fight in 1902, and Sapulpa was made a court town of the western judicial district of Indian territory, and Bristow was able to get only an occasional commissioners court.

Keywords: Bristow; C. B. Rockwood; County seat fight; George McMillan; Guthrie; Indian Appropriation Act of 1906; J. A. Boyed; J. H. M. Cobb; Keifer; L. B. Jackson; Lawrence Davis; Momen Cruet; Sapulpa; Shafer county; T. L. Ingram; Tulsa; W. W. Banks; William A. Murray; county seat

00:12:48 - Chief Crazy Snake Rebellion

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Partial Transcript: EC: Article on Crazy Snake. One of the most often mentioned with little remembered events in early Bristow history is the Crazy Snake Rebellion. As late as 1901, there were still some creek Indians who disliked the events of civilization, and refused to accept the allotments of land by the Daws commission.

Keywords: Chief Crazy Snake; Crazy Snake; Crazy Snake Rebellion; Creek; Creek Indians; Daws Commission; General Harjo; Jesse Allen; Thomas Tiger; Yuchi Indian

00:14:59 - Bristow's General History

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Partial Transcript: EC: General Article on Bristow’s History. All too often, students at any level of history think of the subject matter as only a collection of names and dates. That’s often true, I’ve discovered, with people in Bristow, who say they really do not remember much that is important. While it is true that names and dates are a necessary part of history, stories of unimportant incidents provide the flesh for the otherwise bare bones.

Keywords: Bristow History; Leo Bennett

00:17:46 - Founding of Bristow

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Partial Transcript: EC: Article on earliest Bristow. You might think the easiest thing about writing a history of Bristow would be finding out when and by who is was founded, this is just not so. One source reports that Bristow started as a trading post in 1897, with actual buildings begun in 1898. An article in the chronicles of Oklahoman refers to the founding of Bristow in April 25, 1898, while the Daily Oklahoman says Bristow was founded on January 16,1899. According to the Tulsa World, it was officially a town in 1902.

Keywords: Bristow Chamber of Commerce; Charles L. Wood; Charles O. Crane; J. C. W. Bland; John Egan; Tulsa World; Two Bob Saloon

00:20:30 - Church History

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Partial Transcript: EC: Bristow Church History. Though many residents in Bristow have shown pride in their churches, there is a shortage of accurate information about them. One type of written history the Catholic church has been acquired, along with short written histories of several of the other churches. Apparently, the Methodists were the first to hold services in Bristow, at the home of A. R. Bokle (ph).

Keywords: A. R. Bokle; B. T. Benskid; Baptists; Bristow Church History; Canterbury; Catholic Church; Christian Science Society; Church of Christ; F. A. Roberts; Masonic Temple; Methodists; Presbyterian; Reverend Gregory; S. H. Johnson; S. L. Grigsby

00:24:20 - Conclusion and Repeat Spot Announcement

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Partial Transcript: EC: Repeat of a spot announcement to be used during the week of August 5th; This is Ed Cadenhead, history professor at the University of Tulsa. I am in Bristow this summer under a grant from the Oklahoma Humanities Committee and the National Endowment for the Humanities, collecting information on the history of Bristow.

Keywords: Ed Cadenhead; Oklahoma Humanities Committee; Spot announcement; Western Heritage Days