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00:00:00 - First Car

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WH: We just give $300 for the T-Model.

WN: You gave $300 for your first car?

WH: Model-T, it didn’t run but on battery. It runs on mash. And you had to crank it.

WN: Well did you pay cash for the car or did you…

WH: I don’t remember. I don’t think so.

WN: You had to pay it out like we all…

WH: Yeah. You didn’t have to buy no tag or nothing.

Segment Synopsis: Winey's first car was a Model-T that cost $300 and ran on mash.

Keywords: Model-T; mash; wagon

Subjects: Model-T; first car

00:01:02 - Early Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Alright, can you tell me, did you ever take a summer vacation anywhere?

WH: No. We didn’t know nothin’ about no summer vacation. I don’t do that now.

WN: You just work all the time, don’t you?

WH: Yeah.

WN: Tell me, your children, tell me about your early children. When you had them did you have a doctor? When you had your children, did you have a doctor?

WH: Well, an Indian doctor.

WN: An Indian doctor.

Segment Synopsis: Winey talks about using an Indian doctor for her kids, her kids attending school, making squaw bread and their first refrigerator.

Keywords: Edison Elementary School; Indian Mission School; Indian doctor; Indian language; Indian school; refrigerator; squaw bread

Subjects: early life

00:06:01 - Church

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WH: And I know what preacher has pastured our church.

WN: Who was that?

WH: His name was Jasper Bale and the other one was Louie Dunson (ph).

WN: Oh, that’s such a wonderful bit of info…tell me anything else about that church that you can remember. Can you tell me how people came? Did they used to have more Indians coming or less? Tell me about your church.

WH: Oh, well (speaks Indian).

WN: Oh, that’s so lovely.

Segment Synopsis: Winey remembers attending church and the pastor being Jasper Bale.

Keywords: church life

Subjects: Indian prayers; Jasper Bale; church; pastor

00:07:33 - Stomp Dances

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Oh wonderful! What did you do for entertainment when you were about 15 or 16-years-old. What was it like being a teenager?

WH: For entertainment?

WN: Yeah, what did you all do?

WH: Go to Indian stomp dance.

WN: Well, come on in Wesley and join us.

WH: We’d go to Indian stomp dance.

WN: You went to the Indian stomp dance.

WH: Yeah and had a big dinner and everyone dance and…

Segment Synopsis: As a teenage, Winey enjoyed going to Indian stomp dances.

Keywords: Wesley Harjo; stomp dance

Subjects: stomp dance

00:08:06 - Marriage

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Well, what did you look for in a husband. What did your mother tell you to look for in a…how did she tell you to look for a husband?

WH: How did I do?

WN: Yeah, what did your momma say to you to get a husband?

WH: She said…she didn’t say. She didn’t want me to marry, but after I meet this man in church, you can go ahead and marry him if you want to.

WN: Well, how old were you?

WH: Well, see I married in 1911, and I was just 15-years-old.

WN: 15-years-old. Wesley, what do you think of that?

Segment Synopsis: Winey was married in 1911 at the age of 15.

Keywords: husband; marriage

Subjects: marriage

00:10:17 - Wesley's Childhood

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Wesley, what do you remember about being a little boy? What’s the favorite thing you remember about your mother when you were a little boy…and your daddy? Did you have any favorite toys or favorite thing that happened to you with you and your father?


WH: They’d go to church every day with us.

WN: Well, that’s something.

WH: But they got up into the teenage..

WN: And then things changed, didn’t it? Did you work in the fields with your father, Wesley?

WNH: Yeah [indecipherable].

Segment Synopsis: Wesley talks about working with his dad in the corn fields, having pneumonia, his best friend who was killed and attending school.

Keywords: Deep Fork River; Nuyaka Indian School; Tony Harris; arrowheads; bodock tree; bow and arrow; childhood; church; corn; medicine man; pneumonia; work

Subjects: Wesley's childhood

00:15:07 - Husband & Children

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: He didn’t have the patience, did he? How long has your husband been dead, Mrs. Harjo?

WH: Oh, how long is it, Wesley?

WNH: About 30 years.

WH: I think he died in 1960, along in there.

WN: Okay, did you have a special Indian ceremony for him?

WH: Huh uh.

WN: Just a regular church.

WH: Just at church.

WN: Just at the church. How many children do you have living now, Mrs. Harjo? Just Wesley?

WH: And two girls.

Segment Synopsis: Winey's husband passed away in 1960 and at the time of the interview she had one son and two girls still living.

Keywords: Indian benefits; Okemah; children; husband; pension

Subjects: children; husband

00:18:34 - Social Security

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WH: This year, I guess it must be about a year ago, they told me to get on that disabled social security.

WN: Uh huh.

WH: So, I signed up on that.

WN: Did you get it?

WH: I got $137.

WN: A month?

WH: A month. Could you live off of $137?

WN: No! Well, I’d have to change my way of living, I tell you. Is that what you live on?

WH: That’s all I get.

Segment Synopsis: Winey talks about not receiving any benefits after her husband's death.

Keywords: disability; pension; social security

Subjects: social security

00:19:01 - Wesley in the Service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WH: ‘Course Wesley draw soldier pension.

WN: Yeah.

WH: Cause he’d been to the army.

WN: Well, of course. But you earned every dime of that in the service. When did you go into the service, Wesley?

WNH: Nineteen-forty…I think it was forty-one.

WN: And did you have to…you served overseas?

WNH: Yeah.

WN: Where were you stationed?

WNH: In the navy.

Segment Synopsis: Wesley served in the Navy overseas.

Keywords: navy; pension; service

Subjects: Navy service

00:20:51 - Grandchildren

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Oh, that’s wonderful. That’s wonderful. How many children, grandchildren do you have?

WH: Oh, about nine.

WN: About nine? And how many great grandchildren?
WH: Ten, eleven.

WN: You all ever get together and have any…

WH: No. They won’t even come see me yet.

WN: They won’t? That’s terrible. Well, do they live far away?

WH: Well, one lives in, oh dear, not Chickasaw, but that other…Anadarko.

WN: Anadarko.

Segment Synopsis: Winey's words of wisdom to her grandchildren is to do right by other people and to go to church.

Keywords: Anadarko; Indian Church; Sunday School; advice; grandchildren

Subjects: advice; grandchildren

00:25:02 - Indian Songs & Stomp Dances

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: That’s right. And when were in that cemetery, nobody going to know the difference between anything. No, they really aren’t. I wish you’d sing some more for me in Indian.

WH: Sing some more?

WN: Uh huh. Or sing some more for me in Indian. Because I think that’s so wonderful. We’ve got a little bit left on our tape, and I want you to tell me some more in Indian.

WH: (Sings in Indian). I’ll say three times.

WN: Okay.

WH: (Sings in Indian).

Segment Synopsis: Winey sings a song in Indian and talks about the fun they had at stomp dances.

Keywords: Indian songs; stomp dances

Subjects: Indian songs; stomp dances

00:26:43 - Medicine

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WH: I know they used that red root.

WN: Red root? Can you think of anything else you used for medicine?

WH: Uh, let’s see. What did they call that? I can’t recall the name of that medicine. I know what it is in Creek, but…

WN: Well, say it in Creek. What was it?

WH: (Speaks Creek).

WN: Okay. What else did you use for medicine? Did you use…

WH: Oh, you could use this horsemint and uh…

Segment Synopsis: Winey talks about the different natural medicines they used to cure ailments such as toothaches.

Keywords: chewing gum; horsemint; red root; sassafras; toothache

00:29:38 - Indian Dance

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Well, I’m going to have to look at that tree and see if I can figure out what it is. Did you ever use feathers, you know, for…

WH: On the head?

WN: Uh huh. Never used feathers? You used ribbons on your…

WH: Yeah. You actually call that the ribbon dance.

WN: The ribbon dance. And the gar dance?

Segment Synopsis: Winey talks about the different Indian dances she would do.

Keywords: Indian dance; buffalo dance; gar dance; ribbon dance

Subjects: Indian dances