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00:00:00 - Team Wagon Hauling

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: This is Wanda Newton. Bill and I are at the home of Howard Fugate on south Poplar and…
BN: Poplar and Pueblo.
WN: Yeah. Poplar and Pueblo. Mr. Fugate is 89 years young.
HF: Right.
WN: And he's just given us a tour of his neat garden that he has planted. And I've looked at his great workshop that's all very neat.
BN: This is May the 24th.
WN: Yeah, this is May the 24th 1993, he is sharing some pictures of his family and of his horses and he's told us some tales and he was starting to tell me about a contractor who used to have mules here down where the housing development is. So he's gonna tell us about that contractor that didn't treat his mules very nice.
HF: I had a hundred mules.

Segment Synopsis: Howard tells about hauling pipe in the oil fields with team wagon.

Keywords: mud hog; mules; wagon

Subjects: team wagon hauling

00:02:08 - Early Oil Field Days

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Oh, too scary. Well, tell me about the early oil field days.
HF: The early ones.
WN: Yeah. Uhhuh.
HF: Well, the early days when we first started, we come in into Bristow here, well, we moved the boiler off of a flat car, down by Slick, the first heavy step we ever hauled. And dad made it for old man Richardson, had a sawmill down there, old JS Richardson, just right out this side of Slick . And dad reinforced that bridge out there, Sand Creek Bridge to haul that boiler across. And we hauled that down.

Segment Synopsis: Howard remembers having team wagons and hauling boilers, among other items, in the oil field.

Keywords: John Roberts; John Shelton Richardson; Sand Creek Bridge; Slick; boiler; oil field

Subjects: oil field days

00:07:37 - John Bishop

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Well, one time I was talking to John Bishop and he said he was over there making money off of Tom Slick and all of 'em selling them groceries.
HF: Yeah he, well, that he had that store there with the mules was right there by him, see..
WN: Oh yeah.
BN: John did. Yeah.
WN: Well, I asked him one time about the depression, how the depression affected him, and was he poor? And he said, no, I never was poor.
BN: He said, I worked and made money.
WN: He said, I always made money off of somebody else.

Segment Synopsis: Howard and Wanda discuss John Bishop and how he was always working to make money, even during the Depression.

Keywords: John Bishop; The Depression; Tom Slick

Subjects: John Bishop

00:08:53 - Early Life in Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: 25 years. I mean, where did you live in Bristow before you, when you first came?
HF: Oh. I was born right out here, east of Bristow.
WN: Yeah, I know.
HF: And I worked in the oil field about all my life and I never lived in Bristow very much, see.
WN: You just lived east of town then.
HF: Lived and on the, I lived right over here when our baby, she'll be this fall, she'll be 60 years old and she was born about, about three miles east of here on a lease, see. Hazel (Lorene Fugate Smith) and Virginia, you know, both of them.

Segment Synopsis: Howard talks about being born in Bristow but always living outside of Bristow in the country east of town.

Keywords: Hazel Lorene Fugate Smith; early life

Subjects: early life

00:09:39 - Businesses on Main Street

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Do you rem, do you remember anything about the Main Street or any special people or stores down on Main Street? Do you remember when the Conger Opera House burned or? Do you remember an opera house down on Main Street?
BN: It's on east sixth street.
WN: Or a livery stable? I've been trying to find the names of some livery stables that were here. Do you remember the names of any liv, livery?
HF: One of 'em was the Star.
WN: One of 'em was the Star.
HF: Star.
BN: And where was it? Do you remember?
HF: Huh? It was on Fourth Street right off of right there, out where the Oklahoma, I mean the Goodyear Tire is now.

Segment Synopsis: Howard remembers the Star Livery Stable, board sidewalks and dirt streets.

Keywords: Conger Opera House; Star Livery Stable; dirt streets; livery stables

Subjects: main street businesses

00:11:26 - School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Sack of candy. Well then where did you go to school? Did you go to school? Did you go?
HF: Did they have any school back then. I graduated out here at the Lovett School house.
WN: Oh shoot.
BN: Is that where you got your brick out of?
WN: Is that where you got your brick?
BN: No, I mean our brick.
WN: Our brick from the Lovett School.
BN: The [indecipherable] get that out of the Lovett School?

Segment Synopsis: Howard remembers attending school at the Lovett School House.

Keywords: Lovett School; OF Kane

Subjects: School

00:12:28 - Wagons for Work

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HF: [Indecipherable] when Slick was first started. It was on a farm out there and I had traded a horse and saddle for a pair of old mules, old mules, and a steel wheel wagon. And we had a dump, dump bed on the wagon. And you didn't raise it up like you do these trucks. You, it was built out of 2x4s. And you'd sharpen each end see it just so you get a hold of it and you put the end gate in when you get to the location, you just pull the end gate up out each end and start pulling that 2x4 outta one side and you could, that gravel would just run.
WN: And just run right on.
HF: And I went down there, my uncle was down there he had a contract moving blocks out of and coal cars and hauling to build houses down there.

Segment Synopsis: Howard recalls purchasing a steel wheel wagon with a dump bed and some mules to use for work.

Keywords: Mabel Mary Fugate; Sam Gaskins; Slick; mules; steel wheel wagon

Subjects: using wagons for work

00:14:16 - Bristow Factories

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Do you remember a brick factory being in Bristow? Do you remember any brick factory ever being in Bristow? You remember a glass plant?
HF: Yeah.
WN: You remember the glass plant?
HF: Yeah.
WN: Where was it exactly? Do you remember?
HF: I think it, I thought it was over there pretty close to where [indecipherable] on East Fifth.
WN: Oh, where the [indecipherable].
HF: I think it was.

Segment Synopsis: Howard remembers the glass plant, various cotton gins, and peanut plants in Bristow.

Keywords: John Bishop; Newby; brick factory; cotton gins; glass plant; peanut plant

Subjects: Bristow factories

00:16:35 - Drugstores

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HF: See we, we still live down there by Slick. We raised cotton and corn, some corn. [Inaudible] Who's them drugstores [indecipherable]? Actually, let's see. See if I can see. [Inaudible]
WN: Is there a Humes Drugstore one that, was there a Humes Drugstore or a Duncan?
HF: I wouldn't see.
WN: Cahill was, how about Cahill?
BN: Well, Cahill been up here in this middle block, middle of this block.
WN: I don't know when Cahill came, but he was one of our town characters, wasn't he?
BN: We can put this under our magnifying glass.
WN: Yeah, maybe.
BN: See a little bit more.

Segment Synopsis: Howard remember various drugstores in Bristow.

Keywords: Cahill Drugstore; Duncan Drugstore; Humes Drugstore

Subjects: drugstores

00:17:16 - City Park Picnics

Play segment

Partial Transcript: WN: Yeah we'll take it and see. Well, is there anything that you remember, particularly in your life as you were growing up or anything about coming to Bristow for any celebrations, like I read in the paper where they had big celebrations in the park and had big picnics.
HF: At where?
WN: At? Out in the Park.
BN: City Park.
HF: You know where it was?
WN: No. Where was it?
HF: It was right north of 12th Street.
BN: Out there at Sand Pipe Hill.
HF: Where that standpipe is.
WN: Oh.
BN: That was the park then.

Segment Synopsis: Howard recalls enjoying picnics at the city park which was located on 12th Street on Standpipe Hill.

Keywords: Fourth of July; S & M Drugstore; Standpipe Hill; Winey Harjo; city park; picnics

Subjects: city park picnics

00:20:59 - Country Living

Play segment

Partial Transcript: HF: Yeah. And they was raised in town. We was raised in the country. I never lived in town when I was growing up. We'd go down there, come in there and a bunch of them and old these other city boys would take us down out that creek and we'd climb up them long willow trees and bend them over and load 'em down and they'd keep, I know, keep a edge in this little fell to get up on my head, see, and then they, the old big boys would jump off. Tree would be way over here, see, and the water was way over there.
WN: Oh man. [Indecipherable] It's a wonder you lived to tell the tale.
HF: It was, it was fun, it was rough, see. Momma'd, get after us and she'd [indecipherable] every boy [indecipherable].

Segment Synopsis: Howard remembers always being raised in the country playing in the creeks, raising cattle and farming.

Keywords: Jesse Allen; Lucy Johnson; Oklahoma Territory; Slick; Wyatt School

Subjects: country life