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00:00:00 - Intro and Family

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay, I’ve got that set now we’re gonna set it right there Basil

BB: Okay

GS: And I’m gonna talk first

BB: Okay, I hope you do a lot of the talking

GS: No, you’ll do most of it. This is Georgia Smith with the Bristow Historical Society in Bristow, Oklahoma and this interview is part of the history societies ongoing oral history project. Today’s date is December the 13th, 2020 and I am sitting here with Basil Baker at his home in Bristow who is going to tell me a little bit about his history in the Bristow area. Okay Basil, let’s begin. What is your full name?

BB: Basil Baker

Keywords: Basil Baker; Bessie Baker; Bristow Historical Society; Bristow, Oklahoma; Bunny Baker; Cordie Overstreet; Dillard Baker; Dillard Roy; Georgia Smith; Gonda Inez Meek; John H. Baker; Merle Baker; Mill Chapel; Mills chapel; Oval Baker; Reeth Baker; Virgil Baker; Wayne Baker

Hyperlink: Cordie Baker
Hyperlink: John H. Baker
00:10:51 - Work (Hospital and Military)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Gonda Inez Meek (ph), okay. And you both got married in September, on September 13th, 1973?

BB: Yeah

GS: Good, and where did you get married?

BB: Las Vegas

GS: Were you living there at the time?

BB: No, we took a vacation, we were working at a hospital

GS: Oh

BB: And we took a vacation and went out there and got married

Keywords: 7th Cavalry; Albuquerque, N.M.; Gonda Inez Meek; Santa Fe, New Mexico

00:21:37 - Dust Bowl

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: That’s amazing, I’m gonna back you up just a little bit and ask you about the Dust Bowl. What are your memories of Oklahoma in the Dust Bowl?

BB: [Indecipherable]

GS: (Laughing)

BB: I don’t even [Indecipherable] think of it. To begin with, you couldn’t see anything

GS: Even here in Bristow?

BB: Yes, way out there where we lived on the farm just south of Bristow, it looked like a light bulb in the sky

GS: Wow

Keywords: Dust Bowl; Oklahoma Dust Bowl; Peanut Capital

00:28:31 - Military Service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Now you told me that you entered WWII in 1940?

BB: Mhm

GS: Was that before Pearl Harbor?

BB: Yeah

GS: What made you enter then?

BB: Well, I didn’t wanna be a farmer, dad wanted me to be a—well he wanted me, he’s getting old and he wanted me to take over my end of the farm, I didn’t want that. I didn’t wanna starve, if I did I wanted to starve doing what I wanted to do

Keywords: Fort Bliss, Texas; Fort Eustis, Virginia; Fort Riley; Fort Riley, Kansas; Fort Sheridan, Wyoming; Frankford, Germany; New Mexico National Guard; Pearl Harbor; Santa Fe, New Mexico; Topeka, Kansas; WWII

00:46:33 - School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BB: I taught school

GS: Oh you did?

BB: Yeah

GS: Tell me about that

BB: When I was, after I graduated, time I graduated in June, we used to get out of school in June, and I was 12 years old and then I was 13 the following November. So I went to—I enlisted, I enrolled in Bristow High school, the bus went by the house, I was proud of my new striped overalls and new shirt, but there was a group of guys at that farmer had no place in Bristow high school, and they drove me out, I quit—

Keywords: Bristow High School; VanOrsdol

00:50:07 - Economic Depression

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BB: The depression

GS: Yes

BB: Wasn’t fun either

GS: No it wasn’t

BB: I saw people, they never did complain, the guy with a wagon, the team would pull up with their commodities they called them

GS: Yes

Keywords: Economic Depression; Roosevelt Administration

00:53:39 - Church

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Did you go to church as a child?

BB: Pardon?

GS: Did you go to church as a child?

BB: Oh yes, the church I was with was right across the road from me

GS: What church was that?

BB: It was the Advent Christian

GS: Okay, okay, and—

BB: It’s like the one going south of Chestnut

Keywords: Advent Christian

00:55:49 - Doctors and Cars

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: What about doctors? Did you go to the doctors much when you were a child? Or your family?

BB: No, the doctor come to us.

GS: Okay, okay.

BB: Yeah the doctor by the name of Doctor King and he drove a touring car I think it was a dodge and he had a crate on the bumper of the car and he would take chickens, he would take hogs, he would take anything, he owned a farm. And he’d take anything that he could take back to that farm

GS: For payment?

BB: Yeah

GS: Yup

Keywords: Chevrolet Coop; Doctor King; Model T-Ford

00:57:48 - Market and Ways of Payment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Did you come into town much? Did you bring your goods for—to market?

BB: Saturday

GS: Okay, what was that like?

BB: Butter and egg day. Well that’s the only time you had any money.

GS: Okay

BB: Momma had customers that she sold butter to and eggs. And for all the eggs that was left, we took them to Safeway and they’d be able to take the eggs and pay you in what you wanted to buy

GS: Okay

Keywords: American National Bank; Mr. Floods; Mr. Stone; Safeway; Spirit Bank

01:05:22 - Works Protection Act (WPA)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: I won’t tire you out too much, but—Do you remember anything about the Works, Works Protection Act during the 40’s and—

BB: The WPA?

GS: Or the 30’s I guess it was, yeah the WPA, do you have any memories of that?

BB: Yeah, yeah. There was, there’s a funny thing that was attached to that too. They had lots of pick and shovel prize, I mean they did everything with pick and shovel

GS: Okay

BB: And then so many guys in the – had to register that lived in the community, and each one of them would get fifteen days’ work, then—

GS: Okay

Keywords: Eleanor Roosevelt; WPA; Works Protection Act

01:09:30 - How the World Has Changed

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay, we’re gonna wind down here. What would you consider to be the most important inventions during your life time?

BB: The most—

GS: The most important inventions that have been—happened in your lifetime

BB: Oh my goodness

GS: There have been so many, I know it’s hard to pick one.

BB: I think the one that has probably involved more people, served more people, and was a convention—was a convenience for them, was the airplane.

GS: The airplane

Keywords: Jessica Baker

01:20:16 - TV Appearance

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: And I appreciate it ever so much.

BB: Well that’s just like, I appreciate it being on TV

GS: Yes

BB: I never thought something like that would happen. And Jessica was the cause of it.

GS: Oh was she?

BB: Yeah she has a friend, this lady from—

GS: Amy Kaughman (ph)?

BB: Yeah, Amy.

GS: Uh-huh

Keywords: Amy Kaughman