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00:00:00 - Introduction and Family

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: This is Georgia Smith with the Bristow Historical Society—stop. Now that we have the cell phones turned off, we’ll try it again. This is Georgia Smith with the Bristow Historical Society in Bristow, Oklahoma, and I am here with Edgar Spencer of Bristow. We’re at the depot, he’s going to tell me a little bit about his history in the Bristow area. Let me check my volume on this first, make sure we’ve got it turned up good. Yeah I think so, I think we’re good, yeah we’re good. Okay, what was your name at birth?

ES: Edgar McDonald Spencer

GS: And where were you born?

ES: Slick, Oklahoma

GS: Were you born in a home or a hospital?

ES: Home

GS: In a home? Did the doctor come there or was it a midwife?

ES: I’m sure it was Dr. King

Keywords: Billy Chadmoore; Bristow Historical Society; Bristow, Oklahoma; Dr. King; Edgar McDonald Spencer; Edgar Spencer; Fanny Robinson; Fanny and Lou Robinson; Georgia Smith; Hi-Way Cafe; Johnny Spencer; Laurie Puckett; Lenon Spencer; Liberty Glass; Lory Puckett; Lou Robinson; Michael Spencer; Nancy Thurman; Slick, Oklahoma

Hyperlink: Nancy Thurman
00:03:05 - Growing Up

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay thank you. Okay tell me what your life was like at home when you were growing up when you were small.

ES: [Indecipherable] home, had three brothers, we got along well, did well.

GS: No fights?

ES: Oh sure

GS: What kind of house did you grow up in? Was it a wood frame, a brick, what?

ES: Wood frame

GS: Wood frame, and was it in town or out in the country?

ES: In Bristow

GS: In Bristow, okay. Now you said you were born in Slick, when did they move to Bristow?

ES: Well I don’t know

Keywords: Franklin Spencer; Hi-Way Cafe; Liberty Glass; M&P Grocery; Pulms

00:08:22 - School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay, where did you first attend school?

ES: Bristow, Washington school

GS: At Washington Elementary? Who was your teacher?

ES: What was her name? Mrs. Frump (ph) was one of them, that’s about the only one I miss [Indecipherable]

GS: Okay, I had Mrs. Frump in second grade

ES: Did you?

GS: Mhm

ES: Mrs. Spear (ph)

GS: Yes, uh-huh

ES: Mr. Zero (ph)

Keywords: Bristow Quarterback Club; Mr. Zero; Mrs. Frump; Mrs. Spear; Washington Elementary

00:09:55 - Church

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay, did your family go to church when you were a child?

ES: Yes

GS: Which church did they attend?

ES: Bristow Gospel Tabernacle

GS: Okay, is the same building now standing?

ES: Mhm

GS: Describe what your Sunday services were like

ES: Typical prayer station, then a sermon. And [Indecipherable]

GS: Did they have Sunday school—

ES: Yes

GS: --before, mhm. Do you remember any of the songs they sang?

ES: Just the old hymns

Keywords: Bristow Gospel Tabernacle

00:11:38 - Medical Care

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: What was medical care like when you were a child? You mentioned Dr. King delivered you, can you remember going to the doctor when you were small?

ES: Just for immunizations

GS: Yeah, yeah. Did you have a family doctor?

ES: Yes

GS: Dr. King?

ES: Dr. King

GS: Did he make house calls?

ES: Yes, he did

Keywords: Dr. King

00:12:34 - Businesses and Events

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay we’re gonna turn around to Bristow now. What are your recollections of Bristow from when you were a kid?

ES: My recollections?

GS: Uh-huh

ES: It was a small town

GS: Anything in particular you remember like the buildings or the people or the business?

ES: Oh the parks and the people and the church, schools.

GS: Any building in particular stand out to you

ES: No

Keywords: Drive In; Globe Store; Hi-Way Cafe; M&P Grocery; Prince; Shamus Dry Goods; Walmer; Woolworth

00:15:17 - Jobs

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? You had no—yeah. Nothing, huh? Okay what was your first job?

ES: Working in service station

GS: Which one was it?

ES: Henshaw

GS: Henshaws? Where was that located?

ES: It’s about fourth and main

GS: Fourth and main, okay. Where—

ES: Down where the old ice plant used to be, you remember that thing?

GS: Oh, okay, yeah.

ES: [Indecipherable] it was right in there.

Keywords: Department of Public Safety; Henshaws; Korea; Missouri; Oklahoma; Policeman; Service Station; Texas; city councilman; military

00:18:01 - Marriage

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay, when and where did you meet Nancy?

ES: When did I meet?

GS: Uh-huh, when and where?

ES: Well I don’t know

GS: You just always knew her maybe?

ES: Yeah just probably, we got together.

GS: What were your first impressions of Nancy? What made you fall in love with Nancy?

ES: Personality

Keywords: Liberty Glass; Nancy Spencer; Nancy Thurman

00:19:10 - Transportation and Travelers

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Did you ever travel to Tulsa or Oklahoma City when you were younger in your early life?

ES: A little

GS: Did you ever take the train from the depot here?

ES: No

GS: No, do you have any memories of the depot?

ES: I can remember the trains; it was a [Indecipherable]

GS: Does your family always have a car, or was there a first car that made you this—

ES: No we always had a car

GS: Yeah

ES: My dad always had a car

Keywords: Candy Creations; Hamburger King; Harby House; Hi-Way Cafe; J&J Cafe; Oklahoma City; Thurman Motel; Tulsa; route 66

00:21:10 - Segregation

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay. Okay, we’re gonna switch gears a little bit here and we’re gonna go to racism. Was Bristow a segregated town when you were growing up?

ES: Early part, yes. I think I was probably a junior in High School when the first black went to High School in Bristow

GS: Okay, do you remember the names of any of the black families in town during your childhood?

ES: Not really

GS: Were you allowed to socialize with the black kids?

ES: Oh yeah, yeah.

GS: And so you were a junior when segregation ended and they integrated into the schools. Did you ever swim at the Bristow City pool?

ES: Yes

GS: Were black children admitted then?

ES: I don’t believe so

Keywords: Bristow City Pool; Cloud; Jerry Riley; Riley; Segregation

Hyperlink: Jerry Riley
00:23:36 - Oil Boom

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay, was your family involved in any of the early oil well boom that was in Bristow?

ES: No

GS: Do you have any memories of the boom? The oil boom here?

ES: Just vaguely

GS: What kind of memories?

ES: All the people coming in, fill their [Indecipherable] go out and work on the rigs, stuff like that.

GS: Okay

ES: Bristow [Indecipherable] the oil boom back then

00:24:32 - Amphitheater and the City Lake

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay, let’s move on to the 40’s. You were young, do you remember any of the things that went on in the city lake with the WPA doing the work projects out there, Eleanor Roosevelt coming, you have any memories?

ES: [Indecipherable]

GS: Of any of that? Do you remember as a kid people using the amphitheater much?

ES: Mhm

GS: What did they use it for?

ES: Concerts, stuff like that. Revivals

GS: Did they have high school graduations there?

ES: I can’t remember, I don’t believe they did, but [Indecipherable]

Keywords: Eleanor Roosevelt

00:25:43 - Politics

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Was your family politically involved?

ES: No

GS: Okay, did you ever have any family members run for office?

ES: No, just me

GS: Just you, that’s right just you! And how long were you city councilman Edgar?

ES: Six years I believe

GS: Okay, what years was that, do you remember?

ES: No not really

GS: Okay, it was fairly recent though, wasn’t it?

ES: Yeah

Keywords: city councilman

00:26:25 - Closing Thoughts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay, what would you consider to be the biggest most—well let me rephrase, what would you consider to be the most important invention during your lifetime?

ES: Most important invention? Probably medical

GS: All the medical discoveries that they’ve made?

ES: All the medical, yeah.

GS: And how is the world different now than when you were a child?

ES: It’s altogether different, it’s—

GS: It’s not the same at all, is it Edgar?

ES: Not the same, people are not involved with helping each other, helping the city, [Indecipherable]

Keywords: COVID; OSU