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00:00:00 - Introduction and Family History

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: This is Georgia Smith with the Bristow Historical society in Bristow, Oklahoma. And this interview is part of the Historical Societies ongoing oral history project. Today is June 30th, 2021 and I’m sitting here with Gerald Henshaw and his friend Jim hurt, who I’ve just interviewed. And he’s going to tell me a little bit about his history in Bristow and Jim might chime in if he has any memories as we go along. So Gerald could you give me your full name?

GH: Gerald Guy Henshaw

GS: Okay, and Jim could you give me your full name again?

JH: Jimmy Allen Hurt

GS: Thank you. Okay Gerald what was your name at birth?

GH: Gerald Guy Henshaw

Keywords: Bonita Childress; Bristow Historical Society; Farmer; Franklin A. Henshaw; Franklin S. Henshaw; Georgia Smith; Gerald Henshaw; Helen Henshaw; Irene Rush; Jim Hurt; Norma Hallman; Oil Worker

00:05:34 - Early Childhood

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay, tell me about what life was like at home when you were growing up?

GH: At home, let’s see, I had my brothers- let’s see, two of my brothers was living there and of course we was in fights all the time, they was fightin’ me all the time.

GS: Yeah

GH: And then, course the girls- I was the king [indecipherable] of the girls. You know, I keep charge of them and, and so we kinda just- we’s kinda really on our own basically cause dad worked nights, and we were kinda. Then well and I’ll tell ya about another story about we had lighting [Indecipherable] house we lived in. First all, we had corduroy lights.

GS: Okay

GH: Had [indecipherable] by the corduroy lights and then we got a- when dad come in put gas lights in, we had gas line go across the property

Keywords: 1950; Midwest City; Oklahoma Tire and Supply; Rory Rogers; Tommy Earl Henshaw

00:12:37 - School Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Oh goodness, where did you first attend school Gerald?

GH: Where?

GS: Uh-huh

GS: First grade I was in Edison, and then they decided well [Indecipherable] anyone come in a ride the bus had to go over to Washington.

GS: Okay

GH: So we went over to Washington and stayed there, so I guess, what, sixth grade maybe?

GS: Yes

GH: And then came back to the middle school

Keywords: Bristow High School; Edison; FFA; Fusco; List Motors; Mr. Pow; Mrs. List; School; Washington; Wendell List; grade school; jalopy; junior high

Hyperlink: Wendell List
Hyperlink: Mignon List
00:19:15 - Church Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Yeah. Okay and now I know that Jim went to a church as a child, did you go to church as a child?

GH: My mother I understand was really a stout Christian, and she’d took us to church every day. Dad didn’t go, but, but then I was baptized at the first Baptist church here in Bristow.

GS: Okay, do you remember who your pastor was?

GH: Day

GS: Day?

JH: Vernon Day (ph)

GH: Vernon day, yeah. Yeah he was the pastor and I really remember going home and telling dad that I’d got baptized that day, and I’ll tell ya a little story about him too, he was [Indecipherable] because I was, I still remember today, of course we always would. But Whenever my mother passed away, we had these do gooders that’d come in from

Keywords: Church; First Baptist Church; Vernon Day

00:21:42 - Entertainment and Medical/Dental Care

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Can you tell me anything about the entertainment that we had in Bristow?

GH: Entertainment, oh yeah we had three, two- two shows

GS: Okay

GH: [Indecipherable]

GS: Okay

GH: And one drive in theater out at the—

GS: Pirate drive in

GH: Pirate drive in, take my little 39’ ford and fold out seat. The back of it was welded, the trunk was welded shut, it had this seat to get into— you had to raise the seat to get in the back of— you had to pile in the back of there, and close the seat down. Drive to the window

Keywords: Amphitheater; Carnivals; Creek County Fair; Crest Toothpaste; Dental School; Doctor; Doctor King; Drive-in theater; Entertainment; Oklahoma City; Parades; Peggy Durham; Pirate Drive-In; Rodeos; Silver Plunge; Skating Rink; polio

Hyperlink: Pirate Drive-In
00:28:42 - Jobs, Businesses, and Education

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

GH: Old

GS: Amen

GH: Now I’m old. [Indecipherable] I guess I wanted to be a cowboy

GS: A cowboy?

GH: [Inaudible] I always wanted to be [Inaudible] and stuff

GS: Right

GH: Silver [Inaudible]

GS: Very romanticized image of the cowboy

GH: Right

GS: What was your first job other than farm?

Keywords: Allstate; American Lines; Bristow Community Bank; Contract Administration; Contract Administrator; DLA; Hamburger King; Hi-Cafe; J&J Cafe; JR Childress; John Sukabody; Locker Plant; Moon Shop; OSU Okmulgee; OSUIT; Oklahoma Tires Supply; Okmulgee, Ok; Palace Drug; Social Degree; State Farm; cowboy; mechanic

00:37:04 - Military Service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Yes, yup, yeah you never can predict them a lot of times. So what branch of the service were you in?

GH: I was in the air force

GS: In the air force? And what was your— what were your duties there?

GH: My duties in the air force I’ll tell ya that story. I went in and [Indecipherable] and I were friend, we lived out in [Indecipherable] county. Anyway, we went in, the recruiter says “Okay you boys can stay together. While you were in the service, we decided that you boys are really good”. Well we went- we worked together one night in base; we went into basic training, got through with that. 8th Air force police force, 8th Air force police. We got wiped out in ol’ Korea. So this whole platoon went into the air police except one. It was [Indecipherable]. Him and ol’ [Indecipherable].

GS: Wouldn’t you know

Keywords: Air Force; Altus; Canine School; Korea; Korean War

00:40:47 - Bootleggers and Prohibition

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Yup, Did I miss something Jim?

JH: Yeah, the bootleggers

GS: Oh the bootleggers! We mentioned them but we didn’t go any further! Tell me about the bootleggers, one of ya.

GH: Well the bootleggers-

GS: Well you talked about buying the white lightening and then feeling guilty about spending the buck on it

GH: Yeah, well it wasn’t my dollar, it was my dad’s dollar.

GS: Yeah

JH: No Frank Junie (ph) lived down the road from me, and everybody knew he was a bootlegger, and his daughter married a bootlegger whose name was Smith who lived across from J&J Café upstairs. But anyway, Frank had a boat with a cover over it and he’d go to Missouri and pick it up and come back so— otherwise you drove one of these big cars and loaded it down the back end the highway patrol would stop you and then take all your merchandise

Keywords: Bootleggers; Frank Junie; J&J Cafe; Jonny Baker; Prohibition; Texco Cafe; White Lightening; liquor

00:42:10 - Wheat Harvest and Adult Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GH: I forgot to tell you about wheat harvest

GS: Tell me about that wheat harvest

GH: Wheat harvest, yeah we went to wheat harvest up in Kansas

GS: Yes

GH: And I drove the truck up there

GS: Uh-huh

GH: To wheat harvest. [Indecipherable] International truck

GS: Yes

GH: Stick, shift gears

GS: Uh-huh

Keywords: Wheat; Wheat Harvest

00:45:36 - Closing Thoughts and Hamburger King

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Well yes I would too. That just wasn’t right at all! I’m gonna ask you the same question I asked Jim. As you see it now, what are some of the biggest problems that face our nation and how do you think they could be solved?

GH: Biggest problem that I can [Indecipherable] is selfishness

GS: Yeah

GH: People who haven’t had to work, are not working, they think the big government is gonna take care of them for the rest of their lives. Talking about giving them free college, and free this free that, which I think is wrong and way to turn that around is to give a persona a hand up instead of a hand out.

GS: Give them an incentive

GH: Give them something [Indecipherable] teach them out to fish and all that stuff

GS: Exactly

Keywords: Bob Wills; Bristow Historical Society;; Donald Crawford; Golden Eagle Cafe; Hamburger King; J&J Cafe; Jonny Lee Wills; Kellyville; Lucian Tiger; Luke Fry; Route 66