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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: BD: Here we go

BD: Red light is on

GS: Yup, and it’s running so here we go.

BD: Okay

GS: Alright, this is Georgia Smith with the Bristow Historical Society in Bristow, Oklahoma., and this interview is part of the historical societies ongoing oral history project. The day is June 3rd, 2021 and I am sitting here at the home of Bill and Beth Dalpoas, who are going to tell me a little bit about their history in the Bristow area. Now, I’ll start with you Beth; give me your full name and your date of birth.

BD: Wow. Elizabeth Ann Long Dalpoas. Birthday: March 19, 1939, in Hartshorne, Oklahoma.

GS: Okay thank you, and Bill what was your full name at birth and birth date, and place.

Keywords: Dick List; Elizabeth Ann Long Dalpoas; Hartshorne, Oklahoma; J.L. Bobson; J.L. Turner; McAlester, Oklahoma; William Raymond Dalpaos

00:03:05 - Local Businesses

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Well we’re glad you didn’t. So what job did you come to here?

BD: I was manager of a store. We opened in the old Safeway location, which is now Homestead.

GS: Okay that’s right, Safeway was there

BD: Right off the corner

GS: 8th in Main, uh-huh.

BD: And we opened the store and it was kinda [Indecipherable] store, we’d get big baskets of socks that were not even matched and we had to go through all of them and match them

GS: Oh wow

BD: It was nationwide department stores, wasn’t it?

Keywords: Ben Franklins; Cleo Pinson; Department Stores; Dollar General; Hi-Way Cafe; Homestead; Safeway Stores, Inc.; Travis Paten; Walmart; Wolverton Mountain

Hyperlink: Cleo Pinson
Hyperlink: Wolverton Mountain
00:10:43 - Organizations and Church Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Okay so when you moved here, did you get active in any of the organizations here in town?

BD: Yeah we—

GS: I’ll start with Bill, and then I’ll jump to you Beth

BD: We had started a JC Program

GS: Okay

BD: I was president of JC’s for two years. We had a hundred members

GS: Wow!

BD: But—

BD: Now that’s a certain age group, the JC’s are.

GS: Okay

Keywords: Ashley Vandever; Barbara Hutten; Danny Ashley; Dunaways Funeral Home; First Baptist Church; JC Program; Johnny Carmichael; Joule Dean Masterson; Linda Suther; Mary Hellen Holmes; Morris Hancock; Stacey James; Sue Tapana; Swimming Pool Project; Western Heritage

00:16:43 - Special Memories and Events

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Partial Transcript: GS: Okay so do you have any anecdotes about those years, or special memories of events that happened during that time?

BD: Well at one point in time I was a Welcome Wagon hostess for Bristow

GS: Very good!

BD: And the business professional women, we had a big committee of that— or group of that

GS: Yes

BD: And they got Jane Ann Jurough (ph), the reigning at that point in time, to come down.

GS: Yes

BD: And they— they had decorated the force field house with the big swing and all of that, and as the welcome wagon hostess, I got to go out to the [Indecipherable] house west of town

GS: Yes

Keywords: Ally Reynolds; Ashland, Oklahoma; Buddy; Corwins Dentistry; Danny Hanks; David Leflar; Dowell Matthews; Dr. Copiague; Fort Cob; Hartshorne, Oklahoma; Jane Ann Jurough; Johnny Darnell; Jones Foundation; Mr. Wells; Myrtle Alexander; Presbyterian; Robert Jones; Steve Holland; Thurmans Hotel; Welcome Wagon

00:31:50 - Entertainment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Yeah. Okay so you had a lot of the youth in your home

BD: Yes

GS: What else did you do for entertainment Bill?

BD: Well we went dancing a lot

GS: Oh where did you go dancing?

BD: Anywhere there was a dance

BD: Anywhere—When we first got married, we’d go to a dance every week

GS: Were there dances here in Bristow?

BD: No

BD: No, that was before we moved here, there was Italian place in McAlester that would have us come at—it wasn’t Pete’s place, it was [Indecipherable]

Keywords: Big George Joseph; Cara Jean Thompson; Dana Dalpoas; Danny Dalpoas; Jitterbug; Pete's Place; Roland Hotel; Saturday Night Fever; dance; dancing

00:34:44 - Work

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Partial Transcript: GS: Okay so Beth tell me about your time at Edison Elementary

BD: Well, when we moved out here in 1976, and we got all settled and everything, I didn’t have anything to do. Both of the children were in school, he was at work, and so I went to Doctor Carmichael and I said “I’m ready to go to work. Is there anything available” you know? Well there was two or three jobs available, and I said “put me where you want me” and he put me as kindergarten aid. So for two or three years, I had my own room, where home alone is now, and I had every kindergartener every day.

GS: Wow

BD: They would come to my room, ‘cus we only had half day kindergarten then

GS: Yes

BD: And so one room—one half of the room was for morning kindergarten, the decorations and stuff, and the other room was—half was afternoon. And that went on and I mean the decorations were what they did. I mean, we had a— Bill drew a great big tree and we put it and we decorated it for every holiday, they did paperwork. Plus, then I as given the attendance books for Edison Elementary to keep on top of that

GS: Okay

Keywords: Betty Lindsay; Brent; Doctor Carmichael; Joann Free; Judy Vise; Lomenick; Mr. Sanford; Olivia Neil; Rex Kearly; Scott; Warren Carmichael

00:42:03 - Influential Figures

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GS: Looking back at the decades again, who were some of the more influential people that you think have come through Bristow that have helped Bristow?

BD: Well number one Doctor Warren Carmichael (ph)

GS: Okay, he was the Superintendent for the schools

BD: When I was on the school board they hired him, and when he came to Bristow, Bristow’s schools were stagnant. We had old building, and that’s what we jumped on first. We started building buildings, and it just went in a different way after he came here. He got retirement for the maintenance people and all of—

BD: Support people

BD: Support people

GS: Yeah, yeah

BD: Which they appreciate it

GS: Which before they didn’t have?

BD: No

BD: He had a chain of command, you didn’t just—

GS: No you didn’t

Keywords: Bob Chatterton; Dick List; Doctor Warren Carmichael; Joann List; Tara Montgomery

00:47:28 - Military Service

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Partial Transcript: GS: That brings up a good, different direction to go in. Did any either of you or your children serve in the service?

BD: I did

GS: What branch?

BD: Army

GS: Army?

BD: 11 years

GS: Were you— was it during peace time or did you go overseas?

BD: I didn’t go overseas because I belonged to a division that was a training division

GS: Okay

BD: We trained troops to go over there

GS: And what years were you with the Army?

BD: Oh, I enlisted when I was in high school, 1956 until 64’ and I resigned, but the army kept me on 24-hour standby for three years

Keywords: 45th Division; Army; Okmulgee

00:49:57 - Biggest Societal Impact and COVID

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Partial Transcript: GS: Yes, it does. It definitely does. I usually ask people looking back over your lifetime, what do you consider the biggest, maybe not invention, but the invention or situation that changed things the most, or made the most impact on society or your life?

BD: Wow

GS: Yeah that’s a biggie

BD: When you live as long as we have, there’s been a lot

GS: Yes, there has

BD: Technology

GS: Definitely. I think technology is a lot like Pandora’s box

BD: Yes, yes

BD: I think we’ve had too much. I’m like the guy in the Tulsa paper today that complained about all the computers failing and everything, and he called 911, well their computer was down, he called the police and their computer was down, so he called the chief of police and asked him ‘have they outdated pencil and paper?’. But I think we’ve got too much communicating. When I was a kid growing up in Elementary school, if I got in trouble we didn’t have a home phone, but if I got in trouble before I came home that evening, my mother already knew about it.

BD: True, so true

Keywords: COVID; Elementary School; Social Distancing; Technology; Tulsa Paper; Vo-Tech