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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: Alright let’s give this a try, I’ve got to read this. This is Debbie Blansett with the Bristow Historical Society in Bristow, Oklahoma and this interview is part of the historical societies ongoing oral history project. The date is March 31st, 2021 and I am here with Leola Roebuck in her home and, say your name.

KR: Kenneth

DB: Kenneth Roebuck, her son. And—

MR: Michelle Roebuck

Keywords: Bristow Historical Society; Bristow, Oklahoma; Debbie Blansett; Kenneth Roebuck; Leola Roebuck; Michelle Roebuck

00:00:45 - Moving to Bristow

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: Okay, does she remember—do you remember when you came to Bristow?

KR: What year did you come to Bristow mom?

LR: What?

KR: What year did you move to Bristow?

DB: Do you remember?

KR: You know, from Boley. From Arkansas, you moved to Oklahoma from Arkansas, what year did you move to Bristow?

LR: [Indecipherable]

KR: You don’t remember what year?

Keywords: Boley, Oklahoma

00:02:15 - Farm

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KR: Did you work outside the house?

LR: [Indecipherable]

KR: [Indecipherable]

DB: Oh did you have a big garden?

LR: Yeah, I made a big garden

DB: Did you grow tomatoes?

LR: Tomatoes, yeah anything you could plant in a garden

DB: Anything you could plant, you’d put in your garden

LR: Uh-huh

DB: And you just—did you make your own bread?

LR: Did I make my own what?

00:04:10 - Babysitting

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KR: And then when we moved here, you sued to babysit kids while we were in school, other kids.

DB: You took care of other babies when your kids went to school?

LR: Uh-huh

DB: Uh-huh, for a long time?

LR: Mhm

DB: What did they call you?

KR: What did the kids call you?

LR: What?

KR: What did the kids call you? The kids you kept when—

DB: When you were babysitting, what did they call you? Did they call you Miss Leola? Did they call you grandma?

00:05:57 - Family

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: And Melvin is your grandson? Melvin? He wanted us to come talk to you.

KR: Melvin, Melvin. Melvin.

LR: Who?

KR: Melvin, Melvin wanted her to do this interview. Melvin, Mary Allen’s boy the daughter’s boy.

LR: Oh

DB: He said “You have to talk to my grandma”. You sure have a pretty hair thing on

KR: [Indecipherable]

LR: [Indecipherable]

KR: Huh?

LR: [Indecipherable]

KR: Yeah your brother do stay with you

Keywords: Mary Allen; Melvin

00:08:09 - Church

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: Did you go to church?

LR: Yeah I go to church

DB: What church do you go to?

LR: I go to Duffys Chapel

KR: Duffy Chapel

DB: I do know Duffys Chapel

LR: My church

DB: That’s your church?

LR: Uh-huh

Keywords: Duffys Chapel; Myrtle Alexander; Reverend Parker

00:09:48 - Food

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: I know they could make peach cobbler; they were known for their peach cobbler. Can you make peach cobbler? Do you like peach cobbler?

KR: Do you like peach cobbler momma?

LR: Huh?

KR: Do you like peach cobbler?

LR: Yeah

DB: Oh yeah

KR: Her specialty is peach dumplings

DB: Oh, peach dumplings

KR: With the cinnamon in them

DB: mm, It’s probably been a while since she’s got to make some.

KR: Mhm, tell them about your homemade cake and the homemade ice and that white icing with that sweet milk, sugar, and butter, and vanilla flavouring. You remember that?

Keywords: Boley, Oklahoma; Oklaha

00:13:22 - Moving

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KR: You gonna tell her about Oklaha, what y’all used to do in Oklaha?

LR: [Indecipherable]

KR: Huh?

LR: [Indecipherable]

KR: Oklaha, the town

LR: Oh yeah, down in Oklaha, we stayed all around that little place

DB: She what?

MR: She stayed all around that little place

DB: Oh alright

KR: Oklaha, Boley City, all of it

DB: Right [Indecipherable]

LR: Muskogee

Keywords: Aunt Bea; Boley City; Muskogee; Oklaha; Uncle Buddy

00:15:52 - Sewing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: What did you like to do in Bristow? Did you go to the grocery store in Bristow?

LR: Yeah, [Indecipherable]

DB: Made quilts

LR: Curtains

DB: Curtains

LR: Childrens clothes

KR: Childrens clothes

DB: Childrens clothes. So you had a sewing machine?

KR: She done it by hand

LR: I did it by hand

DB: You did it by hand?

KR: Everything by hand

DB: You didn’t have a sewing machine?

00:18:26 - Lye Soap

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KR: Tell her--hey, tell Mrs. Blansett how you used to make the lye soap

LR: What?

KR: Tell Mrs. Blansett—

DB: How you made soap

KR: Soap

LR: [Indecipherable]

KR: The soap, the lye soap. You know the soap

LR: Yeah

KR: Tell her how you used to make that

Keywords: lye soap

00:20:29 - School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KR: Tell her about you used to have to walk five miles to school, tell her about your school day.

LR: More than five minutes [Indecipherable]

KR: More than five—I know

DB: More what?

KR: More than five minutes, I know. You told me you used to walk about five miles in the snow and stuff. Tell them about how y’all used to go to school while—

DB: Did you have to walk to school? Did you walk to school?

LR: [Indecipherable]

DB: And no bus?

LR: Momma couldn't keep me out of the field

KR: Huh?

LR: Momma couldn’t keep me out of the field

00:24:06 - Conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: Alright, well miss Leola I’m so glad you talked to me today, I’m glad Kenneth and Michelle were here to help me understand

KR: She said—

LR: What?

KR: She said thank you

DB: Thank you

LR: [Indecipherable]

KR: She said thank you

LR: [Indecipherable]

KR: No she isn’t talking about [Indecipherable], she’s talking about she wants to thank you for letting her have her interview with you, talking with you today