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00:00:00 - Introduction and Family History

Play segment

Partial Transcript: FC: (Indecipherable)
DB: Yes.
FC: Is it running?
DB: Yes, it’s running. This is Debbie Blansett with the Bristow Historical Society in Bristow, Oklahoma, and this interview is part of the Historical Society’s ongoing Oral History Project. The date is November 10, 2020, and I’m sitting here with Frank and Gloria Chapman at their—in their home, and they’re going to tell me a little bit about their history in the Bristow area. Now, if you’ll give me your full name.
FC: Frank Deuel Chapman.
GC: Gloria Ellen Mayhan Chapman.
DB: Alright, that’s all of us. We’re ready to begin. What was your name at birth?

Segment Synopsis: Introduction of interview and early history of Frank and Gloria Chapman

Keywords: Frank Deuel Chapman; Gloria Ellen Mayhan Chapman; Hugh Chapman; Thelma Chapman; World War I; covered wagon; embalmer

Subjects: Chapman Funeral Home; Frank Chapman; Gloria Chapman

00:04:23 - Moving to Bristow and early medical practice

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: Alright. Okay, so today you’re going to tell me a little bit about how you ended up in Bristow, and spent your time here.
FC: Okay. I graduated from medical school in 1961. Did a residency—an internship in Tulsa—Hillcrest. And then a residency in primary practice in Huey Long—P. Long Charity in Louisiana. We moved from there to Cleveland, Oklahoma and opened a practice there. And being a young man there and a citizen of the community, and was still looked down upon as, That little Frankie Chapman, I decided it was probably time to move somewhere else. Although eventually it would’ve probably worked out.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of moving to Bristow

Keywords: Dr. Norfleet; Hillcrest; Max Kemp; Rinda Farris; Sisler Hospital

Subjects: Bristow; Hillcrest; Max Kemp

00:08:36 - Colleagues and Co-Workers

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: Well now, when you came to Bristow on Eighth Street, did you take the office—
FC: Of the old doctor?
DB: Of Dr. Norfleet—
FC: Oh, Dr. Norfleet. Dr. Norfleet. And it was old. I mean really old.
GC: And they (indecipherable) a hospital
DB: And you kept his people?
FC: Kept his people, and--he had a nice practice. And a lot of nice people. And he--he had ‘em spoiled, though.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion and memories of co-workers

Keywords: Charmaine; Dr. Norfleet; Edna Mitchell; Jo Forester; June Keiser; Mrs. Korkames; Myra Jane Trigalet; Thea Runt; house calls

Subjects: coworkers; doctor; nurse; receptionist

00:11:31 - Hospital Fundraisers

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: So, at the—at the hospital, they—it had been built in the—
FC: Built in 1954, I think.
DB: And so it was still—
FC: It was—
DB: It needed to be updated—
FC: It needed to be updated—

Segment Synopsis: Fundraisers for medical equipment

Keywords: St. Francis; Tracy Kelly; fundraisers; hosptial; nurses

Subjects: fundraisers; hospitals

00:13:07 - Rexall Drug Store

Play segment

Partial Transcript: FC: --I had one other story: I—I went—well, I was in the bank, and then the Rexall Drug Store was right next door, and—(aside) what was her name?
GC: Myra?
FC: Huh? No.
DB: The Rexall.
FC: Oh, it was—

Segment Synopsis: Meeting Berta at Rexall Drug Store

Keywords: Bristow; Rexall Drug Store

Subjects: Rexall Drug Store

00:14:04 - Friendship with Max Kemp

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: And Max—you didn’t know Max before he came to see you in Cleveland?
FC: No. I’d never met him before.
DB: Did you continue to be friends after he came to see you in—
FC: Oh, yeah, we were real good friends. I went out and hunted on his place, and talked to him about guns and—you know.

Segment Synopsis: Friendship with Max Kemp

Keywords: Jennifer Kemp; Max Kemp

Subjects: Max Kemp

00:14:52 - Stories about Emory King

Play segment

Partial Transcript: FC: Anyway. That’s—that’s about the only good stories I’ve got, other than about Dr. King, you know. I don’t know whether I’ve told that or not, but. Emor--(chuckles) Emory King (ph) was quite a man. He was in his nine—
DB: Emory? (ph)
FC: Emory King. (ph)
DB: Emory. (ph)

Segment Synopsis: Stories about Emory King

Keywords: Emory King; anesthesia; ether; surgery; tonsils

Subjects: Emory King; surgery; tonsils

00:17:51 - Changes in Anesthesia

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: Well--and I found it interesting when you talked about the anesthetic. That it was a ether drop.
FC: Yeah, ether drip.
DB: A lot different than the anesthetic that we have now.
GC: He did.

Segment Synopsis: Changes in anesthesia

Keywords: St Francis; anesthesia; ether; surgery

Subjects: anesthesia; ether; sugery

00:19:12 - Retirement

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: And you were in practice from—
FC: Sixty-four to—
DB: Nineteen sixty-four—
FC: To July 1, 2000.
DB: And you just hung it all up then, in 2000?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Chapman eases into retirement

Keywords: Bristow; Cherokee; brain bleed; retirement

Subjects: retirement

00:21:40 - Church and community involvement

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: Well, that sounds like a pretty exciting career. You are active in the Methodist Church here in Bristow?
FC: Yes, ma’am.
DB: Sunday school teacher?
FC: No, no. I just kind of go and watch and—
GC: Yeah, he’s been going to each Sunday, he very seldom ever misses a time—

Segment Synopsis: Church and community involvement

Keywords: Bristow; church; football; wrestling

Subjects: church; community

00:22:49 - Discussion of children's events and family tree

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: And I know that you have been—I’ve seen you in the past at the high school for wrestling.
FC: Yeah! I have supported the wrestling team. I used to go to all the football games and all the wrestling but it seems that as I got older, they didn’t seem as important as they used to. They—then they were really important when the kids were parti—my children were participating.
DB: Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm.
GC: We—
FC: My daughter was a majorette in the—or, a drum major her senior year, and—
GC: And in the band.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of children's events and family tree

Keywords: Debbie Chapman; Hugh Chapman; band; fishing; football; hunting; music; wrestling

Subjects: community; family; sports

00:25:33 - Updates on grown children

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: And what do they do? Your daughter is a physician.
FC: Yeah. Frankie was a mechanic. That was my oldest son. And Benny was a highway patrolman. And Matt is an Edward Jones financial counselor.
DB: Okay. Okay. Are they close? Do they live close?
FC: Well, Frankie lives in Morgan City, Louisiana. Debbie lives in Owasso—or that’s Collinsville, now. But just part time. They live there part-time and they live in Belize the other half of the time.

Segment Synopsis: Updates on grown children

Keywords: Benny Chapman; Debbie; Frankie Chapman; Matt Chapman; Physician

Subjects: Family

00:28:07 - Story of the name "Petula" and the birth of Matthew

Play segment

Partial Transcript: GC: Do you remember when they had a singer named Petula?
DB: Clark?
GC: I think it was—
FC: Yeah. Yeah, it was from England.
GC: Well, he wanted a girl the last time. Wanted to name her Petula.
FC: That was just—

Segment Synopsis: Story of the name "Petula"

Keywords: Matthew; Petula; baby; names

Subjects: Petula

00:30:42 - Conclusion and Poem by Deborah

Play segment

Partial Transcript: DB: I just think it’s really neat that—that just the distance you’ve come. And the people that helped get you there—that Max Kemp came, and Tracy was willing to help you out, and the time you spent, and the connections you made, and the families you helped. I just love hearing the stories.
And we had a little bit of a glitch at the beginning of this interview. We did the entire interview, and the recorder wasn’t on. So Dr. Chapman and Gloria allowed me to re-do the interview immediately. Some of the artifacts that I’m going to attach to this are a--a medal that he received as a fifty-year college of medicine—

Segment Synopsis: Conclusion and Poem by Deborah

Keywords: Deborah Chapman; Dr. Chapman; Gloria Chapman; Max Kemp

Subjects: Conclusion; Dr. Chapman; Gloria Chapman; Max Kemp; poem